Saturday 9 August 2008

Memoirs of a car

This is for my people’s who just lost her car
Her best car her white car … bla bla bla
Put your hand way up high
We will never say bye
Mamas, daddies, brothers, sisters, friends and cousins,
This is for my people who recently sold her car
Lift your head to the sky
Cause we will never say bye

'Bye bye by maTaHaRi Curry"

I dedicated this song to my old car. Thank you for serving me loyally without making me to have to experience the dead engine and fuel drinking nightmare.. except for those time your dead air-cond that really make me hot.. 
I went to PUSPAKOM.. time orang tu inspect.. I keep berdoa dalam hati moga2 lulus la keta aku ni.. he he.. Lulus!
At last….