Monday 28 February 2011

9 pm and I am alone. Where is everyone in this house eh?!

Ribut kot tadi. Biasa kalau angin kuat pun, just tutup pintu bilik aku je tapi tadi angin tak kasik aku tutup pintu lak! Bukan angin direct plak tu. Osmate aku tak tutup tingkap bilik dia, so angin tu cuma ble lalu bawah pintu. Imagine sikit punya kuat la.. Tu pun nasib ada pintu as obstacle. Tak tahu la apa jadi dalam bilik osmate aku dek angin tu.

Hai ni hari balut buku sedunia. Lebih 20 buku gak aku balut tadi. Tu pun masih ada banyak lagi yang tak berbalut. Salah MPH la ni jual buku2 yang menggoda aku suh beli..esp buku belajar bahasa. Try pegi dekat MPH midvalley, kat portion buku bahasa cina. Aku rasa dari banyak2 buku kat rak tu, ader beberapa buah je yang aku tak der. Elok la.. Pasni aku bule buka mini MPH!

Sunday 27 February 2011

Sunny Sunday.. Lapaq la. My diet day-2 plan was ruined by instant noodles yesterday, and nasi lemak ayam rendang the day before. Warghhh!

I am so excited for SuJu concert. Last Friday I told my lil bro about the event. After giving me lecture on how clever I was when comes to wasting money, he said just call him if I need a lift after concert. Good brother worry big sister could't find a way home eh! Hahaha. Later big sister will introduce her lil sister ok ;p

Saturday 26 February 2011

Languages-learning as a hobby, so this is all I do on my day of rest =) Learning Korean is so-ooo hard, especially when involving sound changes. Just like reading Al-Quran when you need to change the way you pronounce the words due to alphabet like م MIM meet the NUN and KAF that it becomes MIN'g.. they have it too in certain cases like when T meet the M alphabet in moT Meok kko (can't eat) , the T will become N that change the sentence to moN Meok kko.

Besides, they also have this polite (honorific) and plain kind of speech. In Bahasa Melayu, we change the noun AKU  as for speaking with friend to SAYA to show respect to someone older or for formality. In Korean, they kinda change the whole words instead of just changing the way they speak of them self. They also use different words for conveying the tense, statement, question and command. As for Mandarin, the hardest part is just the tone and remembering the writing.. yet not as tough as Korean.. waaaaaa

Friday 25 February 2011

Hari ni MPH berjaya lagi membuatkan aku ilang 50 hengget untuk membeli sebuah buku! Waaaaaaa.. Jahatttt!!! Hari yang bosan dan aku kurang suka hari ni. Kenapa? Biarlah rahsia. I am also kinda trying to figure out my own feelings.. Suka ka tak suka nih!

Thursday 24 February 2011

Terbaca tentang ANDARTU atau dikenali juga sebagai ANDALUSIA. Tidak dinafikan ia sememangnya perkataan singkat yang sangat ditakuti oleh anak-anak gadis. Bila merujuk kepada anak dara yang masih belum berkhawin walaupun usia sudah agak lanjut seperti aku, masyarakat pasti tidak lari dari mengatakan ah! Mungkin dia tak laku kot, ala.. Sebab dia tak lawa, sebab dia gemok, siapa suruh dia terlalu memilih dan bermacam- macam lagi yang boleh dikatakan hampir semuanya menyalahkan si gadis tadi. Sekiranya si gadis tadi memang tidak pernah bercadang mahu berkhawin, maka layaklah salah jatuh ke atas dirinya namun sekiranya dia mahu tetapi tidak bertemu pasangan yang sesuai, wajarkah dia disalahkan? Apakah dia tidak punya hak memilih? Berkhawin semata- mata takut akan mulut masyarakat adalah sesuatu yang sangat pathetic. Apa yang pasti, cabaran menjadi seorang wanita akan semakin bertambah dalam dunia yang semakin dipenuhi dengan golongan jantan berbanding lelaki ni. Ditambah pula dengan kewujudan lelaki patah yang semakin hari semakin bertambah bilangannya.

Wednesday 23 February 2011

Mari belajar bahasa Sabah

Huruf A dan U dihujung perkataan -> disebut A'/ uU' ; dibunyikan seperti ada hamzah, kecuali SAYA/ KA
Huruf K -> disebut menghampiri sebutan Q tapi lebih lembut

Suka -> sukA'
Kitaorang -> Kamiurang
Korang -> Kamurang
Saya -> Sayaa ; Sebutan baku yang disebut dengan lebih lembut.
Tidak, tak -> inda', nda'
KE (pertanyaan) -> KA ; Dah makan KE? -> sudah makan KA?
Kau -> Ka-uU'
Hendak/ Nak -> ma-uU', maW
Buat -> bikin/ buat
Beri -> kasi/ bagi
Lah -> la
Cakap/ kata -> cakap/ kata/ bilang

Pengunaan BAH :
Kebiasaan diguna pada awal atau penghujung ayat sebagai emphasizer.
-> Bah! Bukan salah saya.
-> Mari la bah!

Boleh digunakan pada pertengahan ayat sebagai emphasizer semasa mengajak seseorang
-> Marila bah kita pigi! sebagai ganti kepada Marila kita pigi bah!

Digunakan beberapa kali pada satu ayat.
-> Bah! Pigi la bah ambil!

Tidak boleh digunakan pada penghujung ayat apabila bertanyakan soalan.
-> SALAH : Kau sudah makan ka bah?!
-> BETUL : Kau sudah makan?/ Sudah kau makan/ Makan sudah kau?

Tuesday 22 February 2011

Kalau ditanya.. Warna apa yang paling aku suka.. Sure aku akan jawab Itam! Ijau! Pinky! Whitey! Redy! Oranje! Gray! Pepel! Cekelat! Teal! Kunin! Tapi never BIRU!

Aku pun tak paham kenapa aku anti sangat kaler ni. Tapi hakikat sebenar.. Bilik aku nun dipenuhi dengan kaler biru. Now, baju-baju biru ni mula memenuhi lemari pakaian aku pula. Pasal bilik aku jadik kaler biru tu gara-gara aku tersalah beli lemari. Start dari tu, aku kena match sumer benda jadik kaler biru. Kes baju ni plak, gara-gara Super Junior! Hahahah.

Mak aku bawak pegi kedai baju tadi.. Aku pon apa lagi.. Sebok la memilih baju biru yang menjadi theme elf SuJu. Tapinya aku tak tahu apakah rupanya Sapphire Blue yang menjadik warna kebangsaan peminat depa ni. Last2 aku hangkut 3 skali! Hahahah. Pas beli baru la sebok nak tanya mr google macamana ghopernya biru sapphire nih. Nasib la ader salah satu baju tu sangkut! Yeaaa..

Monday 21 February 2011

Tiga hari ni aku dijadualkan mengikuti rawatan. Aku sakit? Entah! Dorang ni kata aku sakit, aku kata aku tak sakit! Hahahah.

Empat hari la aku jadi anak tunggal mom and dad. Well, seronok juga tapi bosan sikit sebab tak der saper aku nak buli suh masak and buatkan aku air. Hehehe.. Bukan buli, manja-manja ;p. My sis yang paling kecik tu now duduk asrama.

Sunday 20 February 2011

I got the ticket for Super Junior SS3 concert next month!!!

HeeHee my love.. Wait for me. MiMin and kyuKyu.. Also WonWon, HaeHae and Ah Hyuk.. Wait for me too. Eventhough I did not manage to get the best ticket and could only see them from distance after paying the price of good seat, I dont really mind. This is once in a life time experience for me, especially when there were rumours about the boy spliting.

I have never been to any concert before, never once in my life. I never thought one day I would want to do something stupid like paying for a concert! (used to think that way before, and yes, I still think that way now ;p) So, next month will be my 1st time and I am so excited to be there. After 30 years baby! 1001 things you must do before you die, you know that list, dont u? And this is one of mine. Hahaha.. This will be my first and last i guess ;)

Besides concert by my favorite aritst, attending a theathre performance, ochestra, opera, soprano concert and football game were also listed on that 1001 things I must do before I die list of mine. Soon my dear! I am going to make all my wishes come true upon hitting 30. live long! Banzai!

Saturday 19 February 2011

6.30 i woke up for Suboh prayer.. Yet to decide whether to go to Sungei Wang for SuJu SS3 ticket...tried hard to bring myself to sleep again and managed to take an hour nap. Soon after, I decided that I should just joint the ELF queue today considering no matter how convenience-not it is, I still have to leave my house at 12 pm.

I arrived an hour earlier before the counter open. Oh! My god. It would not be wrong if i said a thousand of peoples came! They were already there before me and there were also so many queuing at the back.  Here..

I line up, played push yet gave up five minutes after the counter opened ;)  If it were not for my evening flight.. I might fight till the end. Hahaha. I think the organizer kinda being ridiculous for selling the ticket at the-sixth-super-cramp-floor. Since I left earlier, I kinda missed to see whether the shops there were able to operate at normal hour due to peoples queuing infront of their shop and leave no spaces to pass through, except for those who already mastered the pushing's skill.

Fans kept pushing each other and some hysterically screamed "STOP PUSHING"  like people care la! Although RELA was there, for me, they did not function at all. I saw old aunts and uncles, childrens.. But of course girls dominated the queue, yet, the emotionl one were the guys. So not cool!
And, officially, for someone who hates to be around peoples.. I think I am kinda crazy for making myself doing what I did today!

Friday 18 February 2011

I am currently watching American Idol audition and get swayed away by an amazing performance by one of th contestant. What a talent!

Thursday 17 February 2011

Ling ding dong!

Ling ding dong! Ling ding dong!
Di giding digiding ding ding
Ling ding dong! Ling ding dong!
Di giding digiding ding ding....

This song by Shinee been ringing in my head for these past few days. Now I knew why my friend kinda fell in like with the song. It kinda grow on you! Like listening to Super Junior Sorry-Sorry & Bonamana, and Shinee Lucifier. When I first heard those songs, I kinda hated it but they kinda grew on me.

Wednesday 16 February 2011

I used to wonder what is there about TVXQ or DBSK that people praised them so much even after their break-up. Then only I realized they really live up to expectation after hearing only one song! Doshite kimi o suki ni natte shimattandaro.. Such a nice song. I admit their vocal were amazing. Translated in english as "why did i fall in love with you".. the melody was so beautiful and the girl on the mv soo kawaiii.. That is all i care about.. Hahaha.

And.. There is Neyo, my all time favorite with his song "one in a million".. So beautiful! Everytime I listened to Neyo, Sarah McLachlan and Jay Chou.. My heart is touched! Although I am also a fan of other artists but those three were in a class of their own as if they came from a different star ;p wow!!! I sounded like oooo-verrr!

Monday 14 February 2011

Hari ni aku menggoda ZA. Bukanlah menggoda dia dengan tergedik-gedik.. Hahah.. Tapi aku menggoda dia dengan menyuroh dia tengok mv gadis-gadis Korea yang cumil. MrB pon jadik mangsa aku jugak.. Wahahaha

And today, for the 3rd days berturut- turut muka aku ni muncol kat area Buki Bintang tuh. Tadi aku sempat buat tour dekat kelas bahasa jipun ibu. Both of us ni shared the same passion for foreign languages. She learned Japanese while I took Mandarin, yet I always laughed at her for not being able to speak Brunei when she is one. It is known that most Sabahan knew and understand Bahasa Brunei, including me but perhaps not ibu.. Hahahaah.

Tadi aku dapat Valentine's wish dari unknown number. Oitt! Aku tak sambut Valentines laa. Pulak tu, who needs 14 February while I have 365 days to show my love. Apa daaaa!!

Sunday 13 February 2011

Tengah minum petang dekat VIVO.. I am glad I tried their Oreo cheese cake and cappuccino charm. I wanted to try their meal tapi perut ni masih kenyang lagi.

Their website

As said yesterday.. Hari ni pon hari outing. Memandangakan tuesday ni cuti, so, ok lah. Next week pon aku cuti panjang.. Yehuuuuu!!

Saturday 12 February 2011

I was out all day and felt like I didnt wanna go home at all.. Hahaha. There were times that I just want to hide fom the sun and peoples but, not today!

I am so tired yet I still have this thought of wanting to spend my day outside. Where to aa tomorrow?

Friday 11 February 2011

Apa aku buat hari ni? Merapu & kacau orang! Hari yang kelam kabut sebenarnya..tapi aku buat boddo sajje.

Aku study hard hari ni. Bersungguh-sunggoh aku membuka buku yang telah membuatkan poket ku nipis semlam. Sambil-sambil tu aku dengar cara nak pronounce kat google translate, sambil-sambil gak ikut komputer tu pronounce. Sah sure orang ingat aku dah gila bercakap sorang-sorang. Ahahah...

Now dah start berkenalan dengan bahasa korea ni, punyalah sengsara nak sebut. Bebelit lidah makcik! Kalo mandarin, belajar guna buku is easier than listening to orang bercakap..kantonese pula sebaliknya while Korea, dua-dua pon susah! Kalo bab tulisan plak, korea punya lebey senang. Woaahhh!! Kenapalah aku menyusahkan diri tuk minat belajar bahasa orang padahal B.M aku pon alang-alang jek. Nak buat macamana.. Kan aku ni berpenyakit, suferring form a 4-dimensional persoalities! Daa

Thursday 10 February 2011

Hari ni MPH berjaya lagi mengopak duit aku. Arghhhhh!!! Smalam habis 25 hengget.. Hari ni seratus. Semua gara-gara buku!! Aku rasa baru lagi aku beli buku dua tiga minggu lepas. Kenapakah aku mudah sunggoh digoda oleh buku- buku nih. Tensih tul. Handbag sale pon aku tak heran, kasut ngan baju pandang sebla mata je. Tapi buku!!! Jangan bagi aku stat citer pasal dvd!

Beli buku yeklah hobi aku, bukannya baca buku oke! Aku beli dan ble konfem la memang aku tak baca pun buku tu. Beli dvd pon hobi aku jugak.. Ada lagi yang bekurun aku tak tengok2 sampai la ni. Bila la aku nak insaf ni..

Wednesday 9 February 2011

First, I want to share my thought about the cutest boy in the world. FT Island Lee Hong Ki deserved it. As a boy, or a girl.. He is the cutest! Especially his eyes.. Bu I hated when he coloured his hair blonde.

2nd, I dont know how to spill this but I think there is a person who matters to me, lately. I am always looking to meet that person and happy when the person is around. Whoopsss!

Tuesday 8 February 2011

Bila semua orang ada dekat ofis.. Aku suka! Suka sebab ada bebudak yang boleh aku kacau kalau boring. Since aku sorang jek pompuan, sure la aku paksa dorang layan aku kan.. Hahah..

Harga tiket tuk konset suju dah keluar! 480.. Waaaaa.. Mahalll! Tapi bila mengenangkan 480 untuk tengok 10 orang, ok la. Kira 50 hengget sorang.. Tuk heechul mahal sket pon tak pe. Tapi problem dia now ni, the day tiket start jual.. Aku balik kampong lak.. Aishhhh! Tapi aku memang nak pegi jugak konsert tu. Tak pernah2 ni aku p konsert.. So, ni aku nak pernahkan diri la ni =)

Tahun ni tahun aku enjoy. Kalo la orang bedah otak aku, sure menyesal sebab tak de apa2 penemuan since otak aku definetely memang kosong, NULL, ZERO! Hahahaha.. Tak der portion stress, unhappy or yang seangkatan. Overflow hormon gembira je yang ada. Tahun ni aku ble banyak kali balik kampong, ble p korea.. Hampir lagi beli tiket p australia ;p Projek dah ongoing.. Induksi dah lulus.. Tinggal tunggu nak confirm and tukar skim. Then pastu da bule start fikir beli umah and op kos p melancong banyak2. What's not to happy about yarr!

Sunday 6 February 2011

Woah! Over excited sampai susah nak tidur. Apa yang aku excited sangant? Entah la.. Haha

Tetiba aku terfikir, kalo la aku ni celebriti. Gara2 adik IU la ni. Wahahaha.. Bukan celeb kat mesia la tapi. Berangann! Pegang mike sikit pun gagar, ada hati nak jadi celebriti. Dengki dengan sungmin SuJu, dia kater hobi dia belajar main alat-alat muzik. Mamat tu reti main banyak gak alat muzik. Aku apa alat muzik pon tak pandai. Reti la main keyboard, piano, blow accordian, xylophone, bonang, gitar, flute.. Dengar yo yo oh cam banyak kan tapi retinya tu setakat surface jek pon. Cam keyboard, as long aku reti nyanyi lagu tu.. Easily aku boleh main part right hands tapi part left hand, merangkak! Bila lagu susah sket, aku mulala g mudahkan code g C. Dan ketahun yang aku tak pandai baca code muzik.. Wahahah. Aku paling pandai main flute type jek.

Masalah aku, aku malas! Tak de kesungguhan nak belajar. Same goes tu langauages. Blajar languages adalah one of my favorite selain musical instruments tapi aku tak gak terror2 sebab malas. Waaaaaaaaa. Tapi aku rasalah, being an engineer ni totally a wrong profession for me. Aku patut amik aliran art dulu2. Aku seswai jadik language translator, dancer or musician ;p maw itamm muka my dad dengar kenyataan ni. Hahaha. Peace dad!

Saturday 5 February 2011

Tengah layan Korean 25th Golden Disk Award bertemankan bunyi mercun kat luar tu. Da bebulan dah award ni sebenornya. Baru perasan yang sora BoA ni sedap.. Tak le macam most girl groups yang overrated.. exploit muka ngan body jek lebih. Sebab tu aku tak layan sangat girl groups. Some sound 'horror' esp bila nyanyi life. Some tu ada la juga yang ok macam one of the girl dalam SISTAR.

Kalo award kat malaysia ni, bertahun da aku tak tengok. Artis- artis malaysia pun ramai yang tak kenal..even US entertainment pon dah tak layan sangat. Maybe sebab lagu-lagu yang dihasilkan nowdays dah kurang sengat. Lagu-lagu korea ni pon bukan la semua ngam dengan telinga aku tapi better la compare tu yang lain-lain. Lagu dorang ni memang colourful!

Besok Sunday.. Berakhirlah day of rest selama 4 hari. Pas tu aku cuti lagi seminggu.. Yeayyy!!

Wednesday 2 February 2011

Perbualan sengal kol 7 pagi
Mr : Si xxx cuti ke?
Ms : Tak sure. Saya tak dok serumah dengan dia
Mr : Eh! Apsal Tak taw plak. Bukan korang dating ke?
Ms : Aaa

Hari ni ofis kosong.. tinggal la aku dengan AF2, ZH and para bos2 jek. Bos2 pun bolayan kitaorang sebab ketahuan semua pun mood holiday. Sunyi je ofis.. biasa sarapan ramai-ramai, tadi aku berdua je dengan AF2. Gara-gara bosan gila, aku mula la p mengganggu ketenangan si ZH dengan soalan "Ko sebok ker, pura2 sebok?" Ahahaha..

After melepak ngan ZH dengan agak lama la jugak, aku ngan my sis lunch dekat The Garden Lifestyle Store and Cafe yang lokasinya terletak betul-betul kat depan lobi ofis aku. Nasik lemak set (Appetizer + Soup + Ice Lemon Tea) @ RM15.90, Char Kway Teow @RM12.90, Apple Juice @RM9.90. 16% tax @RM6.19!

For those yang tak tahu kat mana ofis aku.. just carik Chillies, opis aku betul2 atas Chillies. There are door betul-betul in front of Chillies tu, sila la naik escalator. Lobi kat 1st Floor. Kalau access dari dalam midvalley, p centre court dekat 1st Floor, as long nampak restoran yang ala2 taman as named kat atas tu or sign board yang tunjuk to The Garden punya link bridge..ngam la tu. Opis aku belah kanan.

Tuesday 1 February 2011

I went to Sogo.. Today happened to be Dato' Siti Nurhaliza fan meeting day. Reaching 32 yet so cute =)

Watching Super Junior premium live In Japan.. made me HEART them even more! can't wait for their concert. Why HEART them so much eh? First and foremost, all of them have an impressive resume. They were super talented, super cute, super entertaining and super serious. It is not just for their pretty face or the glamor, they were all properly educated and super super super lovely!

As we are getting older, I mean they and I ;p.. There is a possibility for no more Super Junior in future. After Kangin, HeeChul and LeeTeuk will be leaving for their two years military service. Each of the members will be gone alternately. To be fully reunited 6 or 7 years from now, when Heechul will be what, 35 years OLD? Wahahaha.. But for now, I just want to HEART them =)

Heechul. Heart him the most.
Kinda crazy, twisted, noisy and over! He is unique, like me ;p
Graduated in computer information? Geek? Oh! Really?

Cool + cute dude. Lovely voice & personality

Recently felt in like with him. Soo cute. Killer smile.
Pink boy!

Eunhyuk's dance. Super attractive, magnetic and polite Siwon
Cool, down to earth and cute DongHae

Little boy Ryewook. Lovely voice and piano skill
Artistic voice and sensitive Yesung

Polite, super smiley & good leader LeeTeuk.
Cute-pie dancing Shindong