Monday 30 November 2009

JB lagi

Besok aku kena turun JB lagi dengan AF1Senora & Aboss. Budak2 lain semua cuti. RonSenora dah dekat LA. Aku sedih juga nanti bila dia dah takder. Dia la tempat aku nak merujuk segala menda dan mengorek segala ilmu2. Dan yang pasti dah takder la orang yang akan panggil nama aku every morning. Sepanjang berjiran, every morning ler nama aku akan berkumandang dengan kuatnya kalau dia sampai ofis. Bukan takat pagi, tengahar sampai ke petang kadang2 tu. Dia ni jenis yang ceria. 

Ada one day tu, dia dengan kuat serta excitednya memanggil nama aku sambil tersengih2 tanpa sedar ABoss ada dekat2. ABoss pandang semacam jek.. hahaha.. Teringat tadi, ABoss tanya pasal dia. ABoss*da lama da ke tahu RonSenora tu dapat transfer LA. Ko mesti tahu kan. Aku*Erk!. Ayat tu semacam jek :P Aku tahu RonSenora tu sayang nak tinggalkan unit kitaorang tapi dia kesian dekat anak dia. Ala.. besok dia naik pangkat, sure akan  balik hq juga, aku yakin amats main branch akan tarik dia sebab dia memang bagus.

Kenapa semua yang baik ngan aku kena kuar dari unit kitaorang. Aku rasa sedih. Tapi tak tahu nak zahirkan macamana. Time kerja la time aku nak bermesra bersama rakyat sebab bila balik keja or ujung2 minggu, aku prefer to spare time for myself doing my thing. 

Tadi aku apply cuti ari rabu ngan khamis ni. Napa aku apply cuti eak? Tah! Aku pun kompius sebab aku takder hal pun. Mmm... mungkin sebab cuti aku tinggal berbelas ari lagi kot. Dulu masa aku dekat LA, cuti tahunan 14 hari tu pun aku tak terhabis setahun. Mesti ada balance tuk bawak g tahun depan so, kalau cuti 24 hari... apakan lagi kan. Ujung taun samada balik ke tak still tak tahu. Aku dah plan elok2, tapi disebabkan kebodohan tuut.. so, aku kena re-plan which aku rasa aku tanak ubah plan aku. Yang pastu,rabu ngan khamis ni aku nak menchotikan diri.

Ari tu da nak beli tiket g Jakarta tuk next year, tetiba aku kena ceramah oleh seswatu. Dia kata, elok ler ko tak yah pegi dalam keadaan sekarang ni. Dia pun kansel tiket dia g Indon. Tak per, bebila pun bule pegi. Tapi memandangkan aku ada plan baru nak sambung master taun depan... mmm... tak yah pk ler. Tunggu happen baru cakap.

Rabu malam aku ada exam mandarin. Walla walla... aku tak abis study lagi. Sah pail! Ari tu aku da pandai tulis, tapi sekejap jek da lupa. Aku ble baca, tapi tak reti nak tulis plak da. Tulisan chena ni bukan macam tulis ABC. Stroke kena betul, pastu complicated giler. Takper... ada lagi 2 ari which is memang tak cukup lerr.

Saturday 28 November 2009

Dad Story

Oh Dear.. I called my lill' sis last night only to be told by her sissy that they were just resting after having a kenduri this morning. I was a bit shocked to hear that since my mom was not around so who organized it? It was dad. I asked, who cooked? Aunties. Yeah.. I have got seven aunties, one mom's sister while the other six were her brother's wives.

I smsed mom  but she did not reply. I missed her. I missed home. Maybe I should add up a few friends to make homesick go away duh..

But.. I hated crowds since forever and soo not a fan of making friends or being in a group of friends. I only need one or two. I opted for quality, not quantity. Friend should live a separate life but having mutual understanding like spouse. I am hard to deal with, I wont start if people did not make a move so that is why I needed someone sincere and never gave up on approaching me. I cared for my friend even though I rarely contacted them. I always remembered them more then they remembered me though I did not say anything. Weird huh?

I celebrated Hari Raya Qurban at home watching movies. I have more than ten crystal clear Blue Ray dvds to watch. My sister is here. She has to do some shopping for her wedding. I remembered the day I was making preparation for my wedding which is not happening. Gifts were all ready. The planned was a simple wedding. Nikah without any majlis bersanding. I loved to wear wedding dress but not the part sitting on the chair ok. Lucky that it has been canceled because if it was on, I might end up hurting my mom's heart by refusing to have majlis bersanding..hehe

To wed on my way, here are what I would do. Call tok kadhi, nikah and then.. ehemmmm ;P A simple kenduri kesyukuran with superb food would be more than enough. Food must be first class of course because I do not enjoy being curse on my wedding day and peoples remember the lousy food being served that day their whole life! Or I can just write a wartikah whatsoever instead of surat jemputan saying that I am now married to all villagers to avoid any fitnah; the main purpose of doing the kenduri khawin, rite! 

Thursday 26 November 2009



RonSenora dah dapat transfer pegi LA. Aku boleh jek buat-buat dengki haloba berebut ngan dia tapi aku prefer duduk Hq. Biar macam kuli batak tapi kepuasan tu ada. Kerja gomen ni tak sesuai untuk someone yang suka settle down dekat satu tempat. Tak de maknanya beli umah sebab any time pun bule kena pindah unless nak kasi orang lain sewa. Aku tengah berbelah bagi samada nak tukar kawasan atau tak. Now aku jaga area KL, S'gor, Penang ngan Perak... kalau aku accept aku kena jaga Pahe, Kelate & Ngganu. Aku sekali pun tak pernah jejak dua negeri tu oke! Nak kena travel tu yang aku tak tahan.Tau ler aku ni pemabuk orangnya. Aku suka jaga area skarang, even bos tak ler sanggih tapi ok ler tak mengganggu idup aku. Tapi kalau aku tak buat macam tu,ada plak makhluk yang tak dapat aku nak 'spray'. Aku trasa macam nak 'spray' jugak ;P Bos pun dah tanyaaku tadi tapi aku malas ler nak ngadu domba.

AKu nak balikkkkkkk kampung ujung taun niiii!!! Gerammm aku kalau terfikir pasal benda nih..

Wednesday 25 November 2009

Not wonderful

Diary dearest... Today is not one of my wonderful day.

Yesterday I woke up at 7 and took an hour berendam dalam tab mandi. At 8 something I went down for breakfast. Checked out at 9 am and  went straight to site to continue our job. Gathered at 3 pm to have a short discussion on our finding before our journey home.. I managed to reach home ten minutes before 10 pm. Lepas mandi, kemas2 sikit... tidooo...

Berbelah bagi antara nak turun office lambat or what... tapi pukul 5.30 mata dah buka. Mandi. Siap2. Sampai ofiice terus completekan report, as early as 6.5 2 aku dah keje oke! After lunch head of team & Aboss duk sesama buat report while aku buat bodo. Mesti dorang tak expect aku dah siapkan report siap dengan gambar2 sekali. Aku dah agak awal2... mesti pengarah nak cepat punya.

Report siap... balik aku shopping dvd dan menabur duit dekat chena kat kedai  dvd tu. Malam aku datang kelas. Last week ponteng kann... next week exam. Tak tahu ler bule datang exam ke tidak since AF1 bagitau next week kitaorang akan berkampung lagi dekat JB. Fail aku bertimbun lagi nak diluluskan. Takat lulus jek tak pe, nak kena check pulak telly tak dengan design. Team utara dah dekat dua minggu tunggu surat aku kuar. Puas ler aku berjanji palsu dengan kontraktur.

Pastu ader nak test dekat Kelate pulak... tu baru yang ni.. kalau 2011 nanti aku ditakdirkan masih ada dekat cini, mati ler sebab plojek2 giant schedule to complete tahun tu. Yang kat JB baru 2 sistem, yang 'giant' tu complete system,lebe 10 siste. Time tu gugu ler rambut aku. Time plojek start ngan abis la time yang paling kritikal. Nak buat keluluse ngan tutup akaung susah kalah2 sakit sembelit you!

Malam ni aku tak menjamah makanan padahal kat JB aku asyik makan jek. Tengahari aku tapau nasik. Balik keje plak beli teh ais mamak jek.. tak jamah apa pun. Kepala pening. Adik aku kawen, silap2 aku tak balik. No sayap ayam.. no Labuan.. no majelis kawen gara2 kebodohan sistem pengurusan agihan kewangan kat Mesia ni.  Seriuws, memang bodoh gile!

Aku tak cakap lagi kat parents aku sebab mak aku still kat Mekah. Nasib juga  parents aku ni golongan yang tak kecoh dengan haktiviti mengembar gembur segala hal. Sempoi all the time, esp my dad. Tapi aku dah cakap ler kat adik aku. Kalo aku tak dapat balik time adik aku kawen pun, aku tak ler rasa apa sangat walaupun aku memang ler nak balik untuk memeriahkan majelis kannn.. Dia kawen jek, bukan pas kawen tak jumpe punn. Dia pun aku rasa dia tak ler bother sangat sebab aku ngan dia line of life ni lebih kurang jek. Dari kecik2 sama2 dah berdikari & kurang kebergantungan kepada sesape pun la except pas ni seband dia la kan. Tengokla macamana. Serabut kepala aku ni tak sudah lagi, malas nak fikir.                                                                                                                                                                   

Tuesday 24 November 2009

Kami yang Malaang!

Dear..  I woke up at 5.30 yesterday. I reached office at 6.52 am only to find out my colleague promise is just another guy lie. AF1 and Aboss picked me up at office then we headed to Bangi to get  MrB. The rest of the gang  rode in other car. It took us almost hours before stopping at Ayer Keroh to allow my boss to take his meds. We met with the rest there. We even met other gang from Hq.

I did not sleep even for a second till we reach JB. I sat in front since Aboss worried that i might get mabuk darat. Lucky that  AF1 was such a good driver, smooth ride... We reached JB around 11 am. We started doing testing right after we finished discussing with contractors and consultants about the plan for the whole day.

I teamed up with Dauz doing testing on aircond system while my Aboss and AF1Senora tackled pumps and chillers area. The rest were doing the fire fighting system test. We met after lunch and gather to do room air distribution testing. Things went smoothly except for the part which the consultant was a bit ekseng. Then RonSenora showed him who is the real heroes among non heroes. He did thorough checking on the system and causing little 'turbulence' among the non heroes there.

During lunch time, Aboss popped up an unexpected question which if you heard it correctly, it was an instruction actually.
Aboss *macamana kalau tak dapat habis, siapa volunteer nak stay?*
Us*whattttt??? (hearts did the inside talking).

The actual plan was to finish all works and return to KL on the same day. That is why none of us bring any clothes whatsoever. At 4.30 pm, the decision was final. Some of us must stay there sehelai sepinggang. One of them was me. We called our team as kami yang maalangg!

Macamana tak malang kalau dah ler letih jalan turun naik satu hari. Kena pula tinggal to continue the work while our mind was only thinking about pakaian dan keperluan tuk overnight yang tiada. No berus gigi, no sepentot, no makeup (valid for the one and only girl in the group) whatsoevah! Then, sesat pulak time cari hotel while minyak kereta dah oren and the pump oil station was nowhere to be found. It were only few minutes before I am  going to throw up we finally find our way to hotel. Lucky that the hotel located next to shopping complex so that we could do some shopping for something to wear that night and the next day. We only have less than five minutes to gather at hotel lobby after shopping time finished for arranged dinner at I-dont-remember-where-but-it-was-such-a-nice-place. Butter prawn, ketam, ikan etc awaited us there. Also a brother with a very nice and soothing voice singing beautiful song with acoustic guitar. I felt like sitting there the whole night.

Saturday 21 November 2009

I spent my day sleeping and doing tooth relaxing. I am having a toothache after almost 4 years of never experience those feeling since the day i met my favorite dentist. Thank to someone who has been encouraging me to see her. I am having tomyam while enjoying movie moment at this hour. My gigi is still saket and I hate this!

Monday I will be heading to JB with my koncho, which of course ler i will be the only girl among 8. We will be doing some testing and comm work there. The earlier planning is to head there as early as 6.30 in the morning. Wallah... guess i will be sleeping sleeping on my way there. Next week will be my busy week. Uh! Uh!

Friday 20 November 2009

Oh! Oh! Oh!

Semalam aku tengok citer I Love You Man. A story about lonely guy. Mamat ni kawan dia sumer pompuan, tapi dia bukan pondan ler. Dia da nak kawen tapi tak der best man. One day dia terdengar kawan2 kepada future wife dia ngumpat dia sebab takder kawan lelaki. Dengan kecik ati, dia pun try ler man date. Hahaha... Kelakar gila! Mak mamat nih siap ingat dia gay & set up dengan dengan sorang lelaki. Future wife dia pun supportive gila. So at last dia jumpa sorang. Dorang ni dua2 normal tapi relationship dorang buat aku envy la jugak. Best gila!

Thursday 19 November 2009


It was one enjoyable day last night. We kept laughing about this upper leveler that continuously asking the mechanical and electrical team, which were us the ikan bilis level whether on not we have questions to ask. Hmmm.. Blame it to my nature of hating to request or ask question.

I remembered the day i was resigning from my previous company. My boss asked me, do i think my salary was not enough or any people causing me to make such move. I worked there for almost 5 years. Whatever given to me, i just accept with no question ask. Except one time tuh ;P Call me stupid but you cant run from your nature and thanks to that attitude and nature of mine for the life i have. Extra somewhere, lesser on the other but i am without complaint. What type of damage or losses we are talking here, rite?

My free air ticket has not been approved yet. I dont know how they manage money here in gomen, but this one is stupid! The portion shall always be made available. The right is ours to have it.  Are we talking about sincerity or what? What about trying to be fair people!

Tuesday 17 November 2009

Paris Hilton

I am attending a two days green building course at Hilton starting today. The hotel looked O.L.D from the outside! And i should also mention those tasteless lunch being served at their Chinese restaurant. Seriously, I think Mawilla's food at L.A is 2 or 3 or 4 times better than their's. So, my dear sister Paris... you better do something about your Hilton if u have to do anything with the name.. ahah

My course started quite late since the speaker flew all the way from Pittsburgh which I don't really have any idea where in the world was it located. They said the trip took 30 hours. I think I'd better be sleeping rather than traveling. Mmm.. I kinda remembered my UK plan next year. Maybe I have to postpone all my travel-dream since I have a new plan and priority which is to further study. I will have to review the plan. We'll see...

I am single, young and adorable.. yes.. buekkk! Sou? I spent a lot on dvds and books and many things which is not-so-important, and I have no plan to find mr right so, I think I better patch my life a little.

I was thinking about getting a second degree, favorable in civil engineering or quantity surveying for quite sometimes. But, I am thinking about master in environmental engineering or engineering management which is useful for advancing my career path. I loved the place they put me a this moment. It is not for everybody to get a chance to experience the thing I am experiencing here. Even for my other colleague in this department. Just as what the speaker told us today, hospital services are the M.O.S.T of all kind so you will later on realize other building services to be a lot easier to handle. I believe in him.

He showed us how they did the hospital projects at Abu Dhabi. Wallah! Nice simulations.

Sunday 15 November 2009


My Sunday started with tummy ache. I am stuck in front of television. Instead of watching it, I think it is the tv who is watching me.

I couldn't recall the tittle of the movie playing on the tv. I have watched it before and owned the cd.

What am I gonna do now? Seriously!

Tuesday 10 November 2009

Entry Saket

Aku saket... kacian aku.

Saket kerana 5 perkara :

1. Saket la, apa lagi
2. Terkejut kerana memiliki sikit skill berenang
3. Hujung bulan. Muntah. Pening. Ya. Bukan apa yang anda fikirkan.
4. Terlebih pakai badan dan kepala kebelakangan ni
5. Terlebih beli dvd, buku dan barang-barang mengarut
6. Kerana menyampah terhadap kotoran dan pengotor dan kotor

Aku rasa Megan Fox sangat wow!



Dan wow! Nothing sexier than her baby. Not even Angie.


Aku kena kejar orang gila ari tu!
Aku g sopping2 ngan comelnya berseorangan selepas menikmati sarapang. Pegila tengok kasut. Aku da rasa pelik da dengan mamat ni, mana aku pegi dia pegi. Aku pusing 10 kali. Dia pun pusing juga. Nak kata bangla, putih gila. Nak kata orang putih, macam arab. Nak kata arab, mata biru.

Dia datang tanya aku, aku Malaysian ker. Aku, yes! Whyyy?? Sambil menunjukkan isyarat ngomong sama tangan sambil berlalu. Cilakus lho. Lho pehalll! Kalau nak tanya tu, tak kan ler aku pusing 10 kali, lho pun ikut kan. Macam tadak orang lain lho bule tanya.

Mungkin ni juga salah satu sebab aku jatuh sakit! Ahah!

Monday 9 November 2009

Fiq dan airmata

Kasih..maafkan diriku
Banyak dosaku padamu
Tidak terhitung jari jemari daku
Tak dapat dibilang bagai bintang beribu
Sukarnya bagiku menebus kekhilafan yang lalu

Kasih...engkau tak bersalah
Hanya hatiku yang buta
Tulus dan ikhlas kau korban jiwa raga
Dan tanpa belas kubuat kau keciwa
Kutahu dirimu sukar melupakan segalanya.....

Lagu yang tidak pernah menyentuh jiwa..
Namun kini mampu membuat air mata ini menitis lagi setelah sekian lama..
Seolah-olah baru semalam hati ini terguris..
Oleh satu luka yang amat dalam...

Untuk ucapan selamat tinggal..

Biarlah air mata ini mengalir..

Untuk saat ini.


Thursday 5 November 2009

Aku Bangga

Aku bangga bekerja di sebuah jabatan yang sering dihujani pelbagai presepsi negatif kerana adanya seorang ketua seperti bos aku.

Aku bangga masih ada golongan yang berintegriti dalam jabatan aku.

Aku bangga aku rakyat Malaysia


Wednesday 4 November 2009

Hari aku bakal dicakar bos

Bos aku takder kuku panjang
Bos aku bukan kucing atau binatang berkuku tajam
Bos aku juga buka pontianak

Tapi hari esok aku pasti akan dicakar beliau
1 pompuan nisbah 10 lelaki kat opis
Dan aku takble harap kat mokcik sorang tu tuk tolong aku
Maka akan tercakarlah aku besok
Habislah riwayat budak degil dan tak reti nak bohong sunat

Dulu kecik2 aku suka gak bohong
Tapi aku selalu sangat terkantoi
Sampai aku phobia nak bohong
Bila besar2, aku tak der kemahiran nak berbohong
Takat 1 or 2% jek tinggal
Gertak sikik jek
Aku da gabra 100%
End up, aku ter'terpaksa bercakap benar

Aku rasa orang menyampah gak ngan aku
Tapi aku cuma bagitau apa yang betul
Even dengan orang yang aku tak kenal pun
Or tak nampak muka
Aku tak kan boleh nak tipu
Aku memang meloyakan tapi sebenarnya itulah aku
Poyo dan sincere

Walaupun aku meloyakan
Itulah keistimewaan yang tuhan bagi dekat aku
Tak kenal memang tak cinta
Da kenal, depa bley cinta mati
Rugi owh mereka yang tak nampak betapa bersinarnya aku
Seperti permata you!
Hahahaha... bueekkkk!!

Maka esok, hari kiamart bagi aku
Mungkin hilang lah aku
Sebutir permata
Atau malaplah cahaya ku
Dan tak naik-naik pangkat ler gamaknya
Sampai bila-bila

Tuesday 3 November 2009

Aku berada di luar opis sepanjang ari tuk buat switchboard witness test tuk chiller.

Tapi hari ni best sebab dua perkara.

First sebab dapat makan chinese food yang dihiasi udang galah besar sekor sorang dekat golf club kat bukit jalil. Seken sebab aku terberjumpa sorang lagi fine gentle man selain mr idola. Aku suka mamat yang wise dan at his own class. Pengertian wise tu bukanlah sebab someone tu banyak idea etc. Itu kadang2 over or nak tunjuk pandai jek. Wise is wise! See.

Tak paham? Memang pun aku tak berniat nak bagi orang paham.

Aku still suka dua jenis lelaki.

First yang wise.
Second yang tak lelaki sangat, tak perempuan sangat..
Selesa rasanya berada bersama orang2 macam ni

Aku menyampah golongan yang

Loud & Overconfident.
Bengap dan lembab
Tak tahu aper dorang nak dalam hidup & tak firm
Pemalas dan tak berdaya maju langsung
Sumer nak harap pompuan buat
Kaki cukur tak sedar dirik
Mulut macam p***** manuk (bak kater ustaza aku)
Terlalu wangi. Ko pondan ker apa?
Cap ayam
Poyo dan perasan
Ngorat takder style
Yang asal pompuan se*, asal se* pompuan.. p la kacau anjing ker, babis ker

Lowest of the class?
Op korse yang lupa nak cermin diri sendirik kat cermin

See. Aku dah kater aku memang tak berapa suka kat orang2 lelaki ni.
Still. Aku straight oke. 100% you!

Monday 2 November 2009

Lunch time, lepas aku bersopping sambil menambah utang dekat levis. Ok.. citer pasal Levis dulu.. Aku da muat saiz 28.. Ahahha..kunun! Aku beli jenis yang tight plak tu. Owh! Seski jameela aku. Aku peduli aper walaopun kaki aku gemuk ker.. gempal ker.. gebu ker.. montoks ker.. ahakss! Aku nak pakai juge!

Sunday 1 November 2009