Wednesday 18 July 2012

Ada orang dapat toys baru kali ni. Dear suami, moga-moga bertambah rajin le menderil ya. Thanks in advance ;)

Monday 16 July 2012

Seoul Confirmed!

Nah kan.. skalik sa terbili tiket pegi Seoul lagi. Ni kali sa pigi berdua.. yehuuuuu!!!! Sengaja pilih musim sejhukkk sepaya romantik gitueee. Kali ni tiket lebey murah dari tu hari, 600++. Tapi disebabkan kamiurang nda suka duduk sebla budak2 yang memekak jak sepanjang 8 jam nanti, which is bule bikin gila.. maka kami tambah la 140 hengget tuk bilik seat di queit zone. Pandai suda air asia ni skarang sebab ada quiet zone.. tq! tq!

Saturday 14 July 2012

Strawberry Tabakar

Yesterday time lalu depan pasar pilipin, ternampak ni banguna. Ep, apa bangunan yang terbakar ni.. tengok sign board tulis Strawberry. Epp.. ini ka yang si roni bilang night club di kiki tu. Terus tag si roni di facebook... hahaha

Friday 13 July 2012

Hoop! Hoop!

Ini adalah antara adalah tujuan asal kami turun ke Hospital Wanita & Kanak-kanak KK ini kali, buat testing & commsisioning tapi.. ini pula antara aktiviti sampingan yang kami dapat ini hari. 3 kgs kerapu in the house!!!

Wednesday 11 July 2012

Sa bilang macam di KiKi

First time sampai sini ni geng!
Otel Klagan.. the inside
Jus Avocado nyamannn..

Monday 9 July 2012

Pas puas berfoya2 kat IKEA, Jusco & Court Mammoth.. tibalah masa nak memasang sumer benda kat umah. Ahkak  da pasang meja, kerusi, kabinet.. u name it! Pas ni boleh la bukak bisnes pemasang perabot yang tegarrrr.

Thursday 5 July 2012

Rawatan Gigi Murah

X-ray semurah RM1, tampal RM2? mana mau dapat murah macam ni pegi klinik gigi ooo. So, sila la pegi klinik gigi kerajaan kalau mau murah dan silalah bersyukur kalau kamu bukan warga asing.

Monday 2 July 2012

Sunday 1 July 2012

I am used to living alone, which means a quiet and peaceful life. I don't have to worry about obligation towards my parents as they were far away. By obligation I mean having to spent time doing activities like going to events such as kenduri or visiting families what so ever. I don't have to worry about the feeling of others, which by that I am referring to a boyfriend, a husband, in laws.. or friends. Nor did I have to worry about my family, esp children need. I live an extremely free life for 30 wonderful years. I hated to have to mingle with peoples, especially the having to take care of their feelings part. I even dislike children, especially the noise and crying for attention part. And I loathed strollers, because that things were annoying especially when they put a 'big Baby' who were big enough to walk on their own feet in it. I saw it as a process of producing a lazy generations. Though I once used it and used to love children so much.

As I am starting a new life soon, I am a but worry would I be able to fit in...