Monday 31 January 2011

Jasa Kepada Rakyat Ke?

Hari tu I asked ahkak dekat ofis tu prosidur nak ke luar negara. Then dia korek2 la pasai apa aku dok tanya. Aku brief la dia sket pasal plan aku nak ke korea. Skali dia p bukak citer kat boss! Chett!

Tadi my boss tetiba tanya aku, eh! Kater pegi korea? Aku*blur* Eh! Lama lagi la ncik. Then story2 la dengan bos pasal korea.. Suddenly dia kater dekat aku. Nanti ang p sana ang singgah la hospital dorang. Tengok how dorang nyer hospital compare to ours. Taw la kitaorang keje bina shepital and health care facities! Kome tengok contoh betapa dedikasinya orang gomen ni pada kerja and jase kepade rakyat sampai p cuti2 pun kena gak pk what best for the country.

Sunday 30 January 2011

Try listen to this Japanese movie sound track ; Bandage. If you do not like it, definitely there is something wrong with your ears or head. Hahahaha.... The movie is BORING but the ost is superb! I am not just saying this for the sake of my favorite Japanese guy Mr Jin akanishi, but the ost are really good. I recommend 'genki', both ska & original version.. Olympus and all lah!

Saturday 29 January 2011

Garghh.. Idung sumbat & paler berat. Harap- harap tak menjadi la demam..

Tiket balik kampung dah beli. Dengan rega 56 hengget je aku da bule pegi balik sabah..yeah! Thanks air asia. Kalau zaman skola dulu, koman-koman kena ada RM848 baru bole g balik ke sabah oke! Of course la aku ingat the exact amount sebab MAHAL!! Tu belum kira dad kena bayar fare business class sebab lewat book flight or tertinggal flight. So aku tak paham bila dengar some people yang mengomel servis air asia tak bagus la, tak itu tak ini lah. Kome nak yang standard, kome bayar la lebih & p nek MAS. Toksah la nak kecoh kome tertindas sebab yang kome bayar tu dah kira murah la compare to yang bapak aku bayar 15 taon dulu oke. Kalo tu rega 15 tahun DAHULU, sila-sila la calculate sendirik! Walo pun tak paham tapi aku tak la heran pun sebab rata- rata yang aku tengok orang kita ni memang ader satu attitude yang sinonim dengan dorang, which is nak barang bagus punya tapi tak sanggup nak kuar modal lebey sikit, plus kecoh lebih!

Friday 28 January 2011

Aku dah pandai baca tulisan korea! Yeeeehhh

Antara jipun, cina & korea, tulisan korea yang paling senang sebab tulisan dia guna alphabet macam abc, while tulisan jipun guna suku kata or gambar and tulisan cina pula solely guna gambar. Actually all the tulisan based on tulisan cina & korea pun still ader yang guna tulisan gambar. Tapi yang ni valid untuk tulisan je sebab kalau sebutan, aku surrender. Memang la sebutan korea ni yang paling payah.

Tapi tak pe. Now we are talking about tulisan jek, bukan sebutan okek! See la how dorang write in hangul

사랑해 = saranghae, which is I Love U

Kalau pandai baca tapi tak tahu makna, tak de maknanya kan. Aku tak susah pon, pas baca.. Suh la inchik google translate. Tek yu mr google =)

Thursday 27 January 2011

Hari ni ofis kosong! AF1 ke Terengganu, ZA ke Batu Pahat, MrW & ZH ke Belaga, Dauz ke Batu Gajah.. Sunyi!!!!

Time aku dalam lift, nak turun g bekfas ngan AF2. Terbertembung dengan geng pokcik 3 orang. Lepas dorang 'berdebat' pasal how nice I looked today and commented on my clothes from up to toe, one of the geng mention yang dia ni selalu la susah nak cam aku sebab aku ni everytime 'berubah-ubah'... referring to the way I dressed. I have to admit that he is totally right. My clothing sense are like, TWISTED =)

Tetiba aku terasa macam nak highlight pasal one of the gang yang suka guna words like, "jumpa besok" or "jumpa next week". I think my friend is kinda, polite, for always using such words to say goodbye to a friend whom he used to see everyday, even used it on sms too. Parents raised you well my friend =)

Wednesday 26 January 2011


Malang memang tak berbau ke??.. Whyyyyyy!!!

Tadi lepas kursus qhatam, aku dengan gembira memecut ke kereta. Sampai-sampai dekat kereta, nightmare yang aku terbayang-bayang telah menjadik realiti. Walaupon sekadar tayar pancit, still, a nightmare sebab aku tak pernah lagi le tukar tayar sendirik! Nasib ada hero bole tolong. Dalam demam, dak adik gagah juga la tolong tukarkan tayar. Luckily tayar spare aku ader angin.

So, ari ni aku baru taw SuJu akan datang kat Mesia lagi bulan Mac ni tuk konsert. Walaopun tak confirm lagi date nya, apa pon terjadik aku sure akan mengattendkan diri dan beratur panjang lagi membayar ratusan hengget. Sanggup!!

Tuesday 25 January 2011

Hari ni sampai besok aku kena attend kursus sistem akon kat main branch. Macam jauh jek aku story cengini padahal main branch aku tu kat bawah opis jek. Matilah aku.. banyak kerja aku tak settle lagi. Alaaa.. ni yang aku nak start cemas nih.

Tadi yang ajar time aku kursus tu suh kitaorang semua perkenalkan diri. Sampai part aku, belum sempat aku bukak mulut.. inchik tu

Inchik cikgu : Eh! ko ni macam kenal kan. Bukan yang selalu jumpa dekat DBKLz tu ker? Hahaha (DBKLz tu tempat berlibur kitaorang time sarapan ngan lunch)
Aku : Haha

Memang kitaorang kenal pun sebab aku pernah la attend kursus yang dia ajar & ofis dia bawah opis aku je. Selang stengah jam pastu, tengah-tengah dia mengajar, tetiba dia tanya aku.

Inchik cikgu : Ha! Apsal aku tak nampak ko kat DBKLz pagi tadi?
Aku : Hahah

Dipanjangkan story mory lagi, time tea break lepak borak ngan member yanga attend kursus tu. Tetiba dia tanya aku

Member : Encik tu kater slalu jumpa dekat DBKLz tu kenapa?
Aku : Haha.

Rupa-rupanya ader gak orang wonder moral of the story about aku, inchik cikgu dan DBKLz.

Monday 24 January 2011

Going Seoul

Although I said the decision would only be made final next month, I can't no longer wait. It is final, already, that I am definitely going to the land of Mr Heechul and Super Junior a.k.a South Korea this year! So lazy to do passport renewal and not to mention about government servant need to apply a permission for going outside Malaysia.

The thing i worry about going there is the language barrier! If it were China, i might understand few words and a lil' bit of their writing but, Korea, I am clueless! i did watch their dramas, A LOT to be exact, and listened to their songs, most, but.. I cant even pronounce a single word of their language correctly!! I dont even know how to translate YOU and I to their language.

But. Slowly. I have lots of thing to proceed now such as apply for salary adjustment which is a priority of course!

Sunday 23 January 2011

Tomorrow is my off day!! Yaaaayyy

I am planning for a short trip to the land of my favorite boy a.k.a Heechul middle of this year. As to celebrate my 30th year alive. Yaaayyy!!! The decision could only be made final within next month because there will be a possibility my dad will be off to Hajj. The first thing i need to do now is renew my passport!

Saturday 22 January 2011

08.30 : Let's Go Travel - Thailand
09.00 : Miss No Good
11.13 : Mary me Mary (final)
14.50 : Oh! My School
20.40 : Jungle Fish

You can call me on Sunday on Monday on tuesday,
on wednesday, on thursday
And friday is best

Never never on a Saturday, on Saturday
Coz it's my Television day

Friday 21 January 2011

While i was waiting at the Kwsp, a guy approached me and said

G : Excuse me. Is what you're holding now a digital frame?
M : Nop. This is an i-pad.
G : Can it function like a real laptop?
M : bla bla bla
G : ???? ????
M : bla bla blas blas

There goes a question and answer session between both of us. I guess he was satisfied with all my answers. Yeah.. I became an ambassador for Apple i-pad without contract and paycheck today.

Thursday 20 January 2011

Tengah aku rilek2 sempena Thaipusam, aku dapat sms dari my mother. Tanya khabar bla bla bla.. then she mentioned about a PTPTN letter I received. She told me this..

" Jangan lupa bayar ok sayang.. jangan jadi kacang lupakan kulit"

Whatttt!! Mommmm!!!!...

Wednesday 19 January 2011

Aku p seminar regarding sterilizer dengan ZA, dekat Cititel jek pun. Si ZA ni boleh tak perasan hotel tu kat mana padahal hotel tu ari-ari dia tengok sebab betul2 mengadap cubicle dia. Mula-mula the talk quite boring tapi bila da sampai part yang interesting, nak kena balik opis la pulak tuk discussion dengan kontraktor. Janji kol 10, last2 11.30 baru aku sampai ofis. Projek yang ni memang sengal! Aku pun tak faham macamana la dorang manage. One thing yang aku nampak, there is a different between bumi & x-bumi kontraktur in terms of project managment. Which, amat menghampakan pada aku yang listed as bumi ni.

Tuesday 18 January 2011

Apa ni? Ni gambar pemandangan kat Bulkit Broga, somewhere kat Semenyih. Aku belum sampai lagi pon, ni preview jek.. hehe.. member aku ajak p panjat ujung minggu ni. InsyaAllah kalau tak der aral akan ku sampai. Kalo tak sampai, akan ku mintak gambar dari kamera korang yerr =D

Monday 17 January 2011

Lepas membuang masa ZA hampir sejam bertenggek depan dia & suh dia layan aku kill the time before balik, aku sambung lagi kegilaan aku untuk hari isnin dengan tengok Channel 391. Sudahnya, sejam aku ketawa terbahak-bahak tengok oh! My school Christmas Edition gara-gara my favorite boy, budak HeeChul datang melawat member dia HongKi. Sampai cramp urat2 muka nih.. punya lawak la tengok aksi dorang. 

Aku dapat bos baru hari ni.. wah! makin bertambah la golongan kumbang di ofis aku. Kesian aku! Nasib gak tak tambah pompuan ;p Ngeheheh

Thursday 13 January 2011

Hari ni aku berdua-duaan dengan inchik big boss. Ngehehe.. kitaorang berdua-duaan p ronda site la! First time bos datang lawat site kitaorang yang ini. Nasib pengurusan & workmanship untuk projek ni kira the best la among projek yang team aku handle, so bos pun tak banyak komen. Tapi yang aku tak paham tu, bos aku yang lagi 2 or 3 tahun lagi nak pencen tu rilek je naik sampai tingkat 6 padahal aku half way dah mengah.Siap stop lagi kat tangga. Bila aku story rasa kagum aku kat big boss.. taw apa dia jawap? Aku pun mengah jugak, tapi depan staf perempuan kan.. kena la tunjuk gagah.. hahahaha..

Luckily semua in order. Baknya kalau aku bawak p rojek belah pantai timur.. mau bos aku pening kepala.

Tuesday 11 January 2011

Ari ni aku nak update list sport anime & drama/ movie (jipun sajork) yang da pernah aku tengok to date:

1. Slamdunk - Basketball
2. Dear boys - Basketball
3. Giant Killing - Soccer
4. Kickers - Soccer
5. Fly High - Gymnastic
6. Whistle - Soccer
7. Eyeshield 21 - American football
8. Major - Baseball
9. Big wind up! - Baseball
10.Prince of Tennis - Tennis
11.Ring Ni Kakeru - Boxing
12.Shion No Ou - Shogi
13.Cross game - Baseball
14.Beck - Basketball

1.Rookies - Baseball
2.Buzzer beat - Basketball
3.Tumbling - Gymnastic
4.Change - Racing
5.Water boys - Synchronized swimming
6.Prince of Tennis - Tennis

See.. I am a die hard fan! mmmm.. Even so, I don't like real sport!

Monday 10 January 2011

Is Miley Cyrus trying to be Lady Gaga junior?!! Sis! You got other thing to do, don't you? But, I will praise you a 'lil. Your voice kinda suitable for Gaga's type of song. But, please. Do something else okay.

I was testing my driving & direction-searching skill today. The destination is set to be the Head Quarters at Jalan Sultan Salahuddin. Here is the chronologies of the test.

2.05 :  Circling Mid-Valley. Find an exit to Jalan Loke Yew
          Confidence level high. Check!
          Drive drive drive. Straight
2.10 :  It's a round about! Think. Left or right?
          Nooooo... It should be left. The ramp baby!

          Lost at last!

          Still, confidence level locked at 90%

          Think. Think. Ahhh.. U-turn.
          None of the thing the so-called U-turn along the

          So.. back to Mid-valley.
          Start all over again.

2.30   And succeed...

Sunday 9 January 2011

Super Junior Heechul

One of my favorite member of Super Junior, who look like a girl sometimes =) Brother Kim HeeChul. Thiese two videos from YouTube is him showing his talent besides dancing and sang catchy songs. He played piano while sang Winter Sonata ost..

Saturday 8 January 2011

I am having a fever at the moment. Please do not worry because I am only having a K-pop fever, especially for Super Junior and CN Blue ;p. Pstt! I watched super junior's No other video clip a xxx times over and over. Love the triangle dance boys!

It is undeniable that Korean's music wave is 'attacking' listeners all over the world now days. For me, i loved the fact that they created a 'beyond beautiful' it is catchy, or a love song. Although i could not understand a single words, but that doesn't matter. Their music is like a magnet to my ears. Multi-talented entertainers.. dancing boys and girls.. One thing for sure, they has more to offer than just a pretty face.

From what i read.. The road to became an entertainers in Korea were never one easy path. I read they needed to undergo a training for a period of time. But, here is a thing.. for an above 30 boys and girls.. I think it is not cool anymore to be in a singing band, i am right, right? :p

Friday 7 January 2011

Friday has come to an end.. This quote is valid for current week only..meaning of course there will be another Friday =)

Big girl is so tired.. So sleepy.. So lazy. All she ever think about is bed! Bed! Bed!

Thursday 6 January 2011

Hari ni ader miting sidang redaksi majalah skola.. Ett! Majalah jabatan. Silap lak..tu cerita 13 taon dulu. Dulu aku pernah jadi wartawan.. Wartawan majalah skola je.. Haha. Tapi walopun takat wartawan majalah skola jek, kitaorang perna la wat liputan our current pm tem dia datang melawat skola dulu. Skola cemerlang la katakan.. Hahaha.. buekkk. Time tu memang dia emsem lagi.. ;p

Tapi one thing yang aku tak paham.. Aku ni near da engine yang jaga projek, membazir taw kepakaran aku yang tak pakar ni tuk involve wat magazin! Masuk kali ni da 3 kali aku terlibat wat benda alah nu. Nasib last year ader terpampang gambar aku besar dalam majalah tu..haha. Saper kat jabatan kerja tak rajin ni tak kenal aku, sila la rujuk majalah kitaorang. Kekeke

Wednesday 5 January 2011

Setelah sekian lama mengintai, akhirnya terkeluarlah juga duit dari poket aku yang nipis ni tuk membeli buku berega 75.80! Waaaaa... Pokaiiii! Jahat la MPH ni!

Lama dah aku tak beli buku rupanya. Silap2 sok kalau habit aku ni berterusan, aku ble buka small library. Walaupun aku tak baca buku-buku yang aku beli, aku suka beli buku. Beli buku tu bagi aku kepuasan. As usual handbag or kasut tak mampu la nak menggoda iman aku, tapi kalau buku dan dvd.. Lemah!

Monday 3 January 2011

Tadi time aku nak turun lunch.. terbertembung dengan my friend si botak dekat lobi lift. Lepas dah lebih kurang 3 or 4m berselisih, maka berlakulah konversasi berikut antara si botak dan si tak botak sambil membelakangi antara satu sama lain.

Si botak : Eii.. Na
Si X botak : aaa
Si botak : Ko da 3 kan!
Si X botak : aaa??
Si botak : 30 taon! wahahaha
Si X botak : cheh! wahahah

Hampeh budak ini. Bukan nak tanya khabar aku yang jarang2 dia jumpa ni. Umur aku yang diingatnya! Aku taw la aku cumil.. wahaha. Last week ada kakak kat opis aku tanya.. "Awak 26 yer?" Aku "wahahahahah.. 26 la sangat kak". And tadi tengah aku kat kedai beg, amoi kat kedai tu tetiba bagitaw aku "beg skola ada dekat belakang!" Apakah maksud amoi tu.. dia suh aku beli beg skola tuk 'anak2' or suh beli untuk diri ku sendiris... wahahaha. Kesimpulannya.. apa ada pada umur kalau yang bertambah cuma kelimumur! Daaa

Sunday 2 January 2011

今天是1月2日.. 我希望我华语. 真的!

Thanks to Goku Dou High School and Mr Dean Fujioka for making me came out with such wish! I am currently watching the drama, which, I am addicted to it, but, the drama were only subbed until episode 11th.Well, despite the 'missing' translation, I still want to continue watching it until the 30th episode... Chaiyo!

I so looooved his eyes! He is a Japanese, fluent in English and able to speak Mandarin and Cantonese as well. What's not to like, rite?!  Yeayy..I tend to favour guy who could speak different languages eh? hehe. Geun Suk can converse in Japanese =), and... wode Jin Akanishi speak Engrish whatt! Carshrimp!

But this...

..this is not Dean Fujioka. This one is Kamenashi Kazuya from Japanese group KATTUN. Looking at him kinda remind me of Dean and vice versa. I don't know.. something somewhere that made me thought that way. They were both Japanese, only Dean is older and hotter ;p 

Saturday 1 January 2011

Though I loved Geun Suk's smile and Jin's appealing face, I am more mesmerized by Dean Fujioka's eyes.. And yes, this is my first 2011's entry and I am talking about his eyes!

So.. Happy New Year 新年快了! May this new year bring a new meaning to life.

Thank you Allah for letting me breath until this moment..
Thank you Allah for everything you gave me..

Thank you mom and dad for being born and met in this world..
Thank you mom and dad for having me as a daughther..

Thank you friends for always being my friends..