Thursday 27 January 2011

Hari ni ofis kosong! AF1 ke Terengganu, ZA ke Batu Pahat, MrW & ZH ke Belaga, Dauz ke Batu Gajah.. Sunyi!!!!

Time aku dalam lift, nak turun g bekfas ngan AF2. Terbertembung dengan geng pokcik 3 orang. Lepas dorang 'berdebat' pasal how nice I looked today and commented on my clothes from up to toe, one of the geng mention yang dia ni selalu la susah nak cam aku sebab aku ni everytime 'berubah-ubah'... referring to the way I dressed. I have to admit that he is totally right. My clothing sense are like, TWISTED =)

Tetiba aku terasa macam nak highlight pasal one of the gang yang suka guna words like, "jumpa besok" or "jumpa next week". I think my friend is kinda, polite, for always using such words to say goodbye to a friend whom he used to see everyday, even used it on sms too. Parents raised you well my friend =)