Tuesday 17 April 2012

Kol 3 baru ahkak smpai umah... walopun da ngantuk tahap gaban, sempat lagi ahkak heret c chaiyam singgah p makan nasik goreng kampung ngan telor dadar.. nyammmmmm. Bila tengok muka c chaiyam yang tak la seencom tom kurus, rasa aman jek. Terusss rasa x sabar nak kawen.. wahahahah.

I thank God for the greates gift of all, c chaiyam. A great and amazing guy. The one who has everything i have ever wish for a man, except for the tall and super hansome part ;p My man and bestest friend.. one that I can talk to, share everything and not afraid of exposing my heart. The one who added colour and hapiness to my life.. thank you God..