Showing posts with label Ramblings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ramblings. Show all posts

Wednesday 6 October 2010

I called my mom while having breakfast at old town white coffee, while waiting for AF1 and mr B to pick me up and 'moblogging' at the same time. And my stomch.. Ermm.. Toil-et maybe!

Tuesday 28 September 2010

Amat bosan hari ni. Aku rasa aku tak buat apa2 pun. Aku turun lunch. Ingat nak pegi kotak merah.. tapi Dauz pula tak der. Pas kfc, aku tersinggah dekat kedai OTO.. nampak basikal senaman. Aku dah mula dah nak stat membeli belah. Tengah aku terai berbasikal dengan gumbiranya.. lalu la sekumpulan geng yang one of them pernah pegi induksi dengan aku. Aku ingat dorang lalu jek, siap masuk dalam kedai pulak. Tapi aku dengan selamba tetap mengayuh basikal yang tak bergerak kemana pun tu walaupun aku berbaju kurung. Tak la tak seneyeh pun.. aku jenis yang sentiasa pakai seluar panjang aper walopun aku pakai baju kurung. Sebab? Senang nak lari kalau anjing kejar.

Pastu aku g AIBI pula. Kat situ pun aku mengayuh juga. Kedai tu lagi dekat amat dengan pintu entrance opis aku, tapi aku nak juga kayuh! Esok la baru aku decide.. so aku naik opis. Buka2 komputer, ader 2 sms dari 2 nombor yang nama penghantarnya tak keluar. Aku pakai simkad tu tuk online, even orang boleh call tapi aku tak akan dengar or tahu yang ader call masuk, boleh terima sms je. Cek2.. laa.. fasi2 aku time induksi rupanya ajak g kotak merah. Laaa.. patut pun aku ada rasa2 macam nak masuk kotak tadi. Jauh dorang ni merantau sampai ker midvali...

Since time tu da pukul 1 lebih, aku tak la join. Da tu dorang kater nak p panjat opis aku melawat. Bila aku tanya, dorang ader program ker sampai datang ke midvali.. dorang kater buat lawatan susualan budak2 induksi ari tu. Bila aku macam tak caya, incik tu kater.. tu la.. bebudak lain yang kena lawat tu pon samer gak tak perchaiya cam ngko.. ahahah..

Sunday 26 September 2010

I promised my friend to go to Nilai today.. so around 4 pm I left home. It is shown on gps the distance of my destination will be 40 km from house. I forgot to change the gps setting and unchecked the tollway avoidance so instead of using highway, I was 'instructed' to use an unfamiliar non-toll route. Due to highly trusting the gps, I saved money BUT i got lost! Darnggg!! Still, I kept driving and 'made' the gps choose tollway at last because there were no other non-toll route available at that time. I claimed it as victory against gps, BUT, again.. I got lost!

It was about 25 km from my destination when it happened. First, I showed my silliness to the toll gate girl by trying to pay the fare which is not required because they only distribute tolls tickets there!! Then.. instead of going right, I turned left and 'all the sudden' I was on my way back to KL again, + about 39 km from my destination! So, I just drove home + pay the unnecessary toll fare. End of story.

What a day!

Thursday 23 September 2010

Head ache every day and my eyes are killing me!

Nothing interesting happened today except for the part that I ate sate. I've been wanting to eat sate since last week. What else am I thinking about eh? chicken wings!!!! I could never be separated with chicken but still, shrimps and prawns are my 'true love'.

Wednesday 22 September 2010

Kinda head ache at the moment. Is it because I have nothing to do or am I just being lazy today. I am thinking about KFC shrimps. Nyummmm... 

Yesterday.. my favorite stall reopened for business. Because they were busy holidaying, I ate cekodok for the previous four days!!! Can't imagine what will I be eating at the food court if the stall is no longer in operation. My favorite foods are fish tempura+mayonnaise with green vege. I never change my menu since ibu left almost a year ago. It is not that I am on a diet or anything.. it just I didn't have any appetite for other foods.

The good thing at that smelly food court besides my favorite foods was this beverage stall. The boys remembered my favorite drink so whenever I came,  they asked me, 'coffee sis?'. All I have to do is nod my head then my order will be 'kopi kaww kurang maness satu!'. Sometimes i could get my order faster than those ordering before me..sometimes of course la I dont.. hahaha. Adding to the fact, their coffee suited my taste and they understand when people said 'kurang manis', then it shall be less sugar unlike at mamak stall, no matter how many times you told them  'kurang manis' still ada manisss jugaaa!

Tuesday 21 September 2010

"Love is thinking about others before you think about yourself...
Love is selfless not selfish...

Love is when you lay down your life for another...
Love is not rude, it is not self-seeking...
It is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.."

This is a part of a song lyrics actually and the melody is good + Bruno Mars is there.. except for the part where  the whole lyrics is kinda 'non universal'. I  happened to hear some of Bruno Mars songs on 4shared and ended up falling for his music, especially the 'Just The Way You  Are'

Sunday 19 September 2010

I want to write something today but I don't do any interesting activity to share, so, maybe I'll  just write about things that people didn't  know about me..

1. I play musical  instrument like keyboard, flute, recorder but I didn't know how to read music notes.
2. I loved to stay at home. I hate lizard because 'they' were noisy!
3. Every month, I spent money on books but never read them.
4. I collect dvds and will go madly crazy if  I lost even a single piece.
5. I hand-sew and really good at it.  I (used to) designed clothes and 100% hand sewed some of my dress, baju kurong etc
6. It was not my nature to speak face to face and say-it-out-loud if I were sad, mad or frustrated about something or someone,  I'd rather express it in writing.
7. I  hated waiting and loathed people who do not respect time.
8. I believe life is all about yes or no. I cannot deal with fickle minded person and those who do not know what they want in life.
9. I am very particular about kitchen and bathroom cleanliness if compare to any other spaces in my house.
10. Though I am not soft spoken & ladylike type, I hated rude people, especially rude women. Using rough and rude words is 100% unacceptable to me ears.

That's  too many information...

Saturday 18 September 2010

What  I do today.. i felt like  going to Bukit Tinggi but after reading the news that there will be around 1.2 mills of car heading back to KL this weekend, I decided home is the best place. My friend asked me to go somewhere..  when  I asked  him what is the best thing about the place.. nothing actually,  just  his family  house he said. I rarely visited my own family's house  and he is asking me to his.. naahh.. Such a good boy..

So, all I do today is sleep and watch tv.. lucky that I already did all my laundry earlier. One thing I really love about my house is the shop lot in front of it.  Bank, JPJ, hyper  market.. even the car wash shop is there. All i need to do is just  open the door, push the lift button down, walk to the gate.. cross the road.. tadaaa.. I am there already. The lrt is also there.. I only drive my car to go and back from work, never on weekend  because the lrt and annoying commuter is very near.

Tuesday 10 August 2010

Melampau betul orang yang jual produk kecantikan ni. Aku taw la pompuan memang suka emas tapi takyah la sampai make up pun ko claim ko bubuh campuran emas 24k. Takat eye shadow tu aku ble tahan lagi.. ini kek moisturizer, cream mato & serum bagai semuo ado 'serpihan' emas 24k kononnya. Apalah objektif yang cubo di capai, aku pun tak taw.

Wednesday 21 July 2010

Why i hated wall clock? Yah yah yah I am always this weird. Truth is, I hated the sound of the motor. For being small, of course it was not not-quiet but it just not up to my acceptable not-annoying range because it disturb my good night sleep. Can you imagine that! And.. more.. I hated lizard because I cant stand the sound, and the sound of crazy drivers roaring their cars at night that entering my wide-open-for-fresh-air window.

Keep quiet and peace Y!

Sunday 11 July 2010

I used to work at an island and now, at shopping complex.. Where doest that get me? Yah.. HOME SWEET HOME.

I am so lazy to spend my weekend anywhere.. And two days were never enough for a i wish everyday is weekend.

Thursday 8 July 2010

Orang awam 1      : bla..bla..bla... Drive keta apa?
Engineer J             : Tak drive.
Orang awam 1      : Driver ambil la ye?

Engineer J             : Tak.
Orang awam 1      : Dah tu?
Engineer J             : Naik komuter.
Orang awam 1      : Oh. Tapi keta tinggal kat stesen komuter la ea?

Engineer J             : Tak.
Orang awam 1      : Dah tu?
Engineer J             : Motor.
Orang awam 1      : Oooooooooooooooooooooo

Sunday 4 July 2010

I am soooo wanna buy the 42" tv..

Tapi bila memikirkan  tv lama ni nak letak mana.. kuncup skejap semangat membuak nak  beli tv baru. Nak jual sayang.. pakai pon baru setaon lebey jek.. balance warranty ader lagi dekat 4 taon. Time beli dulu reganya 2 raban lebey, tu pon da kira murah.. skarang bawah seraban to seraban lebey da boleh dapat 32". Tapi temptation  tv 42" tu sangat la kuat.. macamana ni?!!!!!

Masuk ari ni , aku da survey banyak kali dah. Aku ni spesis yang whatever jer yang pernah terlintas dalam kepala.. lambat atau cepat, biasanya aku akan dapatkan jua. Tu yang aku takut tu! Tapi tv lama nak letak mana?  nak buat monitor or tv game macam melampau. Nak jual, aku memang tanak sebab rugi. Lagi pon it's just tv.. macamana rapid skalipon kemajuan teknologi, function tv tu tatap tak berubah like bertambah function as toaster ker, rice cooker ker..  kannnn.

Masalahnya...  aku nak beli jugak!!

Tv skarang LCD, aku ingat nak beli plasma. Story pasal plasma.. aku ingat welding jek guna plasma as gas. Plasma tv ni gambor memang chantek tapi antara kekurengan dia, karan consumption tinggi sket berbanding LCD, dalam 25%. Tapi aku nengok Samsung kater tv dia enery saving.

Aku teringat time nak beli tv dulu.. tukang jual slalu gembar gembur pasal contrast. Sebenarnya kalo nak beli tv, 1st yang kena pk.. tv tu nak letak dekat mana.  Kalo dalam bilik jek.. tak  kan nak pasang tv dengan backlight terang seterang2nya. Well, kalo tak sayang mata, boleh je pun.

Kesimpulannya.. aku tak  kira.. nak tv! nak tv!

Thursday 1 July 2010

I sure know how to disobey a boss! Well.. I like it here. Being the only girl and be filled with 'love'.. darng! hahaha.. but I miss my old days,  my old boss, my old house, my old friends.. and my old LA! I looked at the picture of them.. and I missed them even more!

Monday 28 June 2010

Why I became mechanical engineer?

Here is the one fact that I myself is so darg clear of.. I HATED MATHEMATICS and don't ask me why. I was History's subject lover and I excelled at that, but what involving calculations I loathed.

It all started when I was 15. I qualified to be in a science stream class. So, I have a talk with my dad where I voice out my opinion of taking a non-science class. My dad, as usual will let me make the decision, BUT.. as smart as he always is.. he said.. "I have no objection towards whatever you likes,  and you know the decision is all yours, but bear in mind, science's stream definitely offer big market for jobs" With that... I ended up choosing science's stream ya'll. But truth is.. I never knew what I wanted to be since I was a naive-little girl but I knew best where I wanted to be.

I went to boarding school at peninsular because I wanted to meet my favorite boy band, 4U2C back then and I applied engineering because I wanted to study at UTM, well.. I entered ITTHO but ITTHO and UTM is related back then.  So, the kesimpulan is, I became a mechanical engineer because of the place!

Friday 4 June 2010

Yeaaa.. audit da berakhir. Next week audit kat melaka plak kot. Kol 5 dari shah alam.. dkt kol 7 baru sampai opis. Aku da setengah mabuk dah tadi.. rakan ZA ngan driver tu da cuak. Siap suh bukak tingkap & bagi aku plastik takut2 aku muntah. Ahahah.. Sampai umah, da maghrib da. Asar qada' jek.. nak wat camaner. Jalan jem teruk ari ni. Da la aku buat lawak.. orang isi form lain, aku plak isi form lain. Melu i! Rakan ZA lagi teruk, baru ari ni dia realize apa yang dia buat.. after 5 ari dik oi! punya la lambat dia stat engin

Program tengok wayang aku banyak rupanya.. adik ajak tengok wayang malam ni, rakan ZA ajak tengok ari ahad.. & konsultan aku pun ajak g tengok wayang sabtu. Tp aku rasa..last2 aku tgk wayang kat bilik jek ni nanti. Aku kena la restkan otak aku yg da letih ni.

Friday 23 April 2010

Minggu ni minggu makan sushi... serasa aku.. 2 or 3 kali jugaklah muka aku muncul dekat sushi king minggu ni. Makan apa lagi.. of course la kawa piri piri.. kulit ikan pevret aku..  sedappppppnyeeeehhhh.

Minggu ni berakhir dengan sekejap sebab aku kena pegi kursus 2 hari.. pastu the next day jadik eskot pm kat tapak sebab pok menteri nok melawat tapak projek. Bukan eskot pun.. istilah yang paling seswai ialah mak pacak. Ntah haper2 ntah. Gara2 tensih jadik mak pacak, aku x berjodoh nak berjumpa dengan best pren lama tem aku kanak2 ribena dulu.

Kelakar.. bebudak ni duk ingat aku ngan adik ader apa2. Bukan takat sorang dua.. ahaha... tak selera mak! Setahun beza pun aku da raser cam 10 taon, aper lagi yang beza bertaon2.

Tapi dak adik ni memang la cam dak pompuan. Kalo adik aku sorang tu, biar pun kalo kuar ngan dia, dia macam takder perasaan jek jadik tukang bawak beg tangan aku.. tapi tak la sejambu adik aku sorang ni. Yela.. dia pon baru jek masuk.. orang pon dia tak kenal lagi. Hahaha.. mokcik jugak yang tak der perasaan kena kater.. siap pheeewitt diri sendirik.

Ari ni aku g bertapa kat kotak merah. Berat aku da mencecah 66.7 kg. Gemuk! Gemuk! Gemuk!!! AF2 tegur aku.. kater diet tapi napa aku nampak macam bertambah gemuks. Ah! tensihnya. Aku jawab la.. bukan salah aku.. salah baju le. Hahaha.

Tuesday 13 April 2010

Aku nak citer pasal sk11 nih. Ari 2 aku terai la trial pack dengan rega 98 hengget. Dalam 2 ada face wash, toner ngan essence. Pencuci muka dia memang la amat best.. Essence 2 pn bt muka i raser haluz giteww. Tp memang best!

Maka.. Aku pun terbeli la set yg besau. Face wash berega 150 & essence berega 3 ratus lebey. Pecah la rekod aku yg slma ini pakai pencuci muka berega 10 hengget paling mahal, which kadang2 aku pakai shower cream or sabun badan jek as pencuci muka. Mahalll oke!

Sbb aku spent dekat 500 henget, maka aku entitle la dapat 1 trial pack. Dalam 2 ada facewash, toner & mask. Mask dia mmg mahveles! Sangat.. amat le mahveles.. xpecaiya.. cuba teraii. Rega satu keping yekla 48 or 43 henget oke! Kalo nak beli 1 pack which contain 5 masks..2 atus lebey la jugak.

Aku pon tak paham napa aku nak pakai skII ni..eish! ni semua pengaruh iklan la nih.

Friday 9 April 2010

Aku budak bertuah.. bertuah banarrr!

Idop ku kucar kacir.. jiwa gulisah.. apakah?

Mana road yang perlu aku ambil nih? Mana direction yang patut aku pergi? Tariklah aku.. bawa la aku kesana.. dalam paksaan pon tak mengapa sebab aku sendiri tak boleh decide.

Mengapakah aku meroyan?

Entah la!

Saturday 3 April 2010

Jin tian.. wat i do? Aku bangun awal gila.. pk2, last2 aku mandi, siap2 & drive ke Carrefour. Kali ni aku tak guna gps dah.. ahah.. Aku tlah menolak ajakan beberapa orang tuk berhujung minggu together2 g ronda2 KL..g tengok wayang sebab aku nak berehat2. & ari tu aku dapat satu ajakan pelik.. aku tak paham orang yang mengajak aku tu tapi dia sangat la bersungguh2.

Pas carrefour... aku g Jusco. Baru jek nak melangkah masuk dalam Jusco, dapat call dari orang carrefour. 10 minit lagi nak sampai kat umah aku kononnya. Potong stim betul.. aku baru jek nak jalan2 cari hal dalam Jusco. Aku suh orang tu tunggu 15 minit. Aku kater jek 15 minit.. mau dekat stengah jam jugak ler baru aku sampai umah. Sempat plak beli carpet. Nasib ari tu aku hold thought aku tuk beli carpet kaler pink kat Jusco midvali..

Peti ais da sampai.. yeaaa.. bestnyerr.. bertaon dulu da aku bercita2 nak beli peti ais kici yang ala2 otel punya ni.. ahah. Gumbiranya la haii.. bilik da besar.. muat la tuk 3 4 orang tido. Kalo bilik dulu.. 2 orang dalam tu pun da tak ble move . 

Tengah tengok citer Down Wit Love kat 8tv ni.. apsal aku nengok Jerry Yan ni emsem amat la plak sekarang. Ish pokcik ni, makin ari makin ganteng.. Compare tu time dia berlakon Meteor Garden dulu..duii dogo! ahah.. Micheal Zhang ni pon emsem.. yang tak emsem dalam citer ni cumalah Ella. Minah ni cute tu memang la cute, cuma kadang2 over sangat buat muka. Kesimpulan citer aku, Jerry Yan.. i lap u. Aww!