Friday, 25 January 2008

Afraid of height

Walla.. I went to site visit with one of my konco. What a bad bad luck.. the site we visited located at jetty and i have to climb up and up and up till i can see the whole LA. I didn't really mind about the height, but if you have to climb a high structure, that can be moved.. takut what! Dah le time memanjat tu all i can see is tangga, nothing but tangga since the structure mcm pintu gerbang, yang bule bergerak lagi maha tinggi.. wa ka ka.. supspen I.. Not to mention I was the only girl there.

One of this contractor that have experience working there said that if your scaffolding pipes fell into the see.. You can just see and do nothing lah.. What if a man fell into the sea? Ea.. ngeri okek! Where the xx is my safety harness!!!