Saturday 2 June 2012

Once upon an evening, there were a couples wandering on the road. The girl said she wanted to go to Menara KL. That was their second attempt to make the girl's dream of being on the top of Menara KL come true. On the way there.. they were talking and laughing until the wrong words came out out of nowhere, that change the mood into silent mode. The girl just sat quietly while the guy tried his best to find the way. Lost in his own thinking, the guy just drive and drive while the girl sat in silence. She suddenly open her mouth asking the guy where exactly the destination that he wanted to take her because he seems lost. He answered "I wanted to take you to Menara KL but I was afraid you might not able to stand being caught in a traffic jam, then you'll get dizzy, then you...." The intention was good as the guy knew his girl very very well that she always experience motion sickness everytime she was on the road. The girl went silent again. Just about a km away from reaching Menara KL, the guy suddenly turned the car to home-direction and made them stuck in a terrible traffic jam for an hour, repeating the same thing as during their first failed attempt. The girl was devastated, that also made her cried and puke! End of story.