Saturday 5 October 2013

Guilty Pleasure & Cerita Stroller

Tak cukup lagi cupcake hari tu.. up lagi kalori ngan chocolate indulgence & fiber oat cake kat Secret Recipe hari ni. Lihat kopi ahkak tu.. kopi tu adalah sangat sedap sebab pekat dan manis. Air tangan sendirik oke! Bukan senang nak dapat rasa cofee yang best. Though I am a frequent customer kat Coffee Bean & Starbuck, ada satu tempat jek yang ahkak iktiraf the cofee adalah sedap second to my coffee (miahahahah) yektu kat kopitiam sebla kedai serbaneka News kat midvali tu. Try the cold one... memang sadap. Just nice.

Hari ni jalan2 midvali lagi bawak Hannah & stroller kenit dia. I said I hate stroller rite, tapi this stroller yang ahkak bili kat lelong made me fall in love. This is Hannah's second stroller  la ni. Stroller hari tu pun oke, 8kg jek tapi still I considered berat la. This one udahla kenit, senang plak nak lipat. Kalau masuk keta, tak yah lipat pun actually.. letak jek kat kerusi belakang tu.. memang sah2 muat kat BWM, eh! BLM je laaaaa... miahahahah. So imagine la how small kan.

Lagi satu yang best, it is so lightweight.. less than 4 kg. Bole angkat 1 tangan sahaja naik tangga oke. So I dont have to restrict to have to use the lift all the time which is lembab & full sokmo. I can use the escalator and avoid angry-stare from people sebab I cuma guna 1 portion of the anak tangga jek. Soooooo easy. Above all, yang paling ahkak gemar about this made-in-china stroller (the world is made in China oke!) yekla it allows one hand operation. Be it tuk buka & lipat or time strolling with the baby inside. Sangat convenience sebab movement roda dia sangat smooth. Tolak satu tangan jek while satu tangan lagi bole la nak capai gincu ke, perfume ke, baju ke kat kedai nun hah! ;p