Thursday 10 October 2013

The Chepest Flight From KL to europe

Kalau rerasa nak g europe to say "From KL with Love".. the cheapest way adalah naik Qatar Airways or Emirates. If you dont mind having to stop at Doha, Jeddah or Dubai. Rugi ahkak beli tikit MAS tu hari, kalau tahu ble singgah at those place yang termasuk dalam list places yang ahkak memang teringin sangat nak jejak kaki. I bought my KL-Paris ticket 2 or 3 months ago kalau x silap.. as of today for flying at the same date masih boleh dapat RM5098 jek kalau naik Qatar Airways. Cheaper lagi! I was also making mistake sebab tak beli flight turun kat Paris then balik ikut London as it would cost much more. So terpaksa naik France Air.. for an added RM1000.. huhu

Tu pun nasib baik buat booking through so dapat la murah. Kalau book directly from Air France, it would cost RM300 expensive sebab kena bayar tuk cas kredit kad bagai. Plan asal nak naik eurostar, train laju dari Paris London.. 2 jam 15 minutes jek da ble sampai. Tapi sebab penjualan tiket tak start lagi, malas la nak tunggu plak. Kang lagi mahal.. naya ahkak.

As of today.. total belanja ahkak da reach below

KL-Paris-KL (2 adults + 1 infant ) : RM 6,055.00
Hotel @Paris : RM 1,017.75
Paris-London (2 adults + 1 infant )  : RM 1,010.35

Total RM8,083.10 pokai T__T