Wednesday 22 October 2014

Febrile Seizure

Hannah masih demam, as of yesterday kitaorang decide nak bawa dia balik & monitor dekat rumah je since it is 1km away jek dari hospital. As for me, I decided tetap nak balik juga lawat my dad yang sakit. Biar sekejap, yang pening dapat jumpa my dad. You wont know orang tua kita anytime je....

My mom bising juga why did I leave my sick child & not care for her. I am a very good mother, no doubt about it but I also have a father who raised me with his unconditional love. His love for me as much as I love my child. Considering in the hands of her father, she is in good care so I decided that to just go back.

Semalam alkisahnya we both ambil cuti sebab memang Hannah dah demam since 2 3 hari lepas. Pagi tu aku bangun & buat kerja sikit dekat luar. Tak la lama pun, bila masuk bilik balik tengok Hannah lain macam & mata dah ke atas. Badan panas gila & she didn't respond at all when we called her name. Panik la juga. Her dad terus buka baju & mandikan dia. Lama la baru ada respond. Makanya terusla kitaorang bawa ke emergency. Since this is her first time kena sawan, it is called febrile seizure. Doktor kata if this has happened before, she wont be sent to ward but since ini kali pertama they have to ward her untuk cek lebih lanjut. She was sent to wad kanak-kanak. Thank god dia back to normal & badan pun suam2 je. She was happy like nothing happen.. Hannah  hannah!