Sunday 7 August 2022

Life After The Diagnosis Part 1

As parents yang just recently anaknya didiagnose autism, aku tambah aktiviti membaca buku dan google pasal autism di internet to gain some knowledge here and there. Aku belum lagi join any support group as of now.. hari tu try nak join this one grup dalam FB skali kena reject daaa… maybe tak comply group guideline kot. It is best kalau dapat berkomunikasi dan berkongsi dengan parents yang juga ada anak autism but I should bear in mind sebelum join any.. tak semua kes anak-anak autism ni adalah sama dari segi severity, handling dan treatment. Take all the info you needed but don’t stress yourself out and overwhelmed by all the information.. this is a self-reminder.

I might not able to see the whole picture yet tapi as of now aku rasa apart from seeking for professional opinion.. parents support group is good. Selain tu kena juga rajin membaca be it a book atau di internet. Sekarang ni aku sedang baca satu buku and hoping to finish it soon. Lepas belajar, seingat aku lah aku tak de lagi  khatam hatta sebuah buku walaupun aku ada banyak gila buku.. hahah. All I do is beli buku dan baca first few pages or flip and skip here and there sampai last page.. oops! Hahahaha

Back to the book, it tell a story from a mother point of view dan quite informative tittle “The Autism Sourcebook”. The author Karen Siff Exkorn claimed the book is from mother whose child recovered. Dia pun ada anak autism, a boy yang didiagnose pada usia 2 tahun and he is fully functional now. Walaupun buku dia ni merujuk kepada personal experience dan how it is di negara dia.. tapi aku suka sebab penulisan dia structured covering from diagnose, treatment, coping and healing. This is a good book untuk parents macam aku yang terlalu banyak perkara yang perlu diproses dan difahami selepas anak didiagnose autism, dan at the moment cuma nak tahu secara overall picture terlebih dahulu before digging deeper about what is autism, how to deal with your kids, your own emotion dan seek for information in term of treatment option etc. This is the book for me at this level. I am yet to go into technical and all the detail. All I need is the “picture” secara general. Next dalam pembacaan aku maybe a bit technical, Clinical Parctice Guide – Management Of Autisme Spectrum Disorder In Child And Adolescent by MaHTAS, Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM) just to get some knowledge on pengurusan autism oleh profesional di negara kita dari segi how the diagnose is made, how they handle the case and treatment yang available.