Thursday 4 August 2022

Does Adik Has Autism?

Dekat jam 8.30 baru kami sampai dekat Hospital Pakar Kanak-kanak UKM untuk appointment adik. Dekat sini banyak parking so no worries. Sebelum daftar di Klinik Pakar, kena register dekat Bahagian Pendaftaran dan Hasil terlebih dahulu. Lepas tu baru ke klinik pakar. 

Today's appointment intended to review adik's current development as he previously was still unable to walk unassisted at 18 month. Thank god he started walking at month 19 but we still have concerns as he still did not achieve certain milestone such as talking, pointing fingers, play properly etc. So here we are. All of us went including kakak as we were informed earlier to bring the whole family for the session. 

The doctor did some interview with all of us. She told us this session will take quite some time, maybe around one hour as this is a new case. After the interview ended,  at first the doctor said that she cannot confirm adik has autism but she concluded adik did have the characteristics of an autistic person indeed. But after talking to her specialist, the diagnose is confirmed that adik has autism. How do i feel? Frankly speaking, we came prepared for the worst. Although i was hoping to hear the opposite, considering adik current development i believe the chances are 50/50. Sometimes adik look fine and normal but the other time we worried for him especially his head banging episodes evertime he wanted something or when he is angry and hungry.

So the next move is adik will be referred to audiologist to check if he has hearing problem and adik case will be handled by The CDC aka Child Development Centre after this so the centre will contact as through SMS for the appointment and at the same time we were advised to enroll adik into speach teraphy session with private centre while waiting for his appointment.