Monday 26 September 2011

Hari ni ada jamuan raya dekat my cawangan. Terasa bagai ingin mengeluarkan kenyataan "I hated what happened today" walaupun it was a happy moment. Benchik I.

Kol 4 dapat call dari my-long-lost-11-years friend, c Jo. Kira ibu ma c Jo ni ging karas la time skola menengah duluk. Makan dekat restoran korea dekat the Garden.. sedap jugak oh! Pasni ble buli myvIF blanja i dekat situn.. ngeheheh. Walaupun lama x jumpa, it doesnt feel awkward at all. There were few friends of mine yang walaupun x kontek or jumpa langsung, they were always there in your heart. Nothing that they do would effect our friendship.. walaupun 100 tahun tak jumpak.