Thursday 13 October 2016


As of today, inilah status mata gue. Overall merah darah tu da almost hilang dan ada sikit je lagi. So, what do I think cause this?

Doktor kata berdarah ni bukanlah something yang sangat luar biasa. It may happen in daily life if terhantuk, tergosok, bersin kuat dan letih contohnya. Doktor kata unless saiz membesar, pandangan kabur or sakit.. Tak perlu risau & it will go away dalam a week or two. Mine hilang in one week. Rasanya it happen sebab letih dan tak cukup tidur sebab lately I overused my body dan tidur pun tak cukup sebab jaga every one hour masa Hannah demam days before.

I hope this will be first and last this happened, and wont be a sign of anything serius... InshaAllah.. Aamin.