Friday 14 October 2016

Hari Bahasa Melayu

Doktor hari tu kata maybe lack of simulation yang menyebabkan she unable to understand BM. One of yang doktor cadang is untuk weols introduce hari BM dekat rumah. Dah buat?'op kos la belum. Ahaksss.

Tadi pagi ahkak ada 2 sesi appointment dekat PPUKM. I asked my boss kalau takde hal apa di ofis that need me to be there, I nak cuti. My boss said takpe la, u go to ur appointment then if u have nothing important nak buat at home nanti petang u bole masuk opis. I have nothing to do at the office actually, no pending work yet my bos tak kasik cuti oke! That is how important the sight of me to his eyes... hahahahahahaha.

Ok, 1st appointment dekat fisio la op kos. Hari ni buat 2 senaman je. 1st buh tali kat kaki then stretch pastu nek beskal. Op kos la all hanya ble start lepas sesi tuam belakang dengan hot pack. Biasanya hot pack dia xde la panas sangat but kali ni cam panas gila la plak. Terbakar kulit mak! Pas habis sesi fisio, g pulak speech theraphy unit. After long awaiting, i was told officer yang nak cek my voice tu ada meeting la pulak so I kena datang semula at 12.

At 12, jumpa la therapist. Buat interview sikit, the therapist said my voice sounded ok and asked if I ever lost my voice again within the period after I lost it previously. Since my answer is no, I was released from the session. Therapist kata I do have enlarge tonsil and my doctor will decide on that. I just hope it wont involve surgery. Huhu