Thursday 11 April 2019

My Story Of Daiso Korea

I promised this post so I'm gonna tell my story about Daiso Korea, one of my favorite place in Seoul. If you are curious about Daiso Japan in comparison to Daiso Malaysia, they are both sama je in term of barang- barang yang dijual. The price in Daiso Japan is 100 yen which is kalau convert ke RM around 4 hengget. In terms of barang, maybe ada sikit la kot yang special for Japan market only. Tapi kalau ke Daiso Korea, trust me you will be very very very happy sebab barang yang dijual berbeza dengan Daiso Japan, menarik dan range harga dari 1000 KRW ke 5000KRW depends on barang. Kalau nak beli souvenier pun boleh sebab dorang ada jual special made Daiso Korea souvenier yang bertemakan Korea la op kos dengan harga 1000 KRW ke 3000 KRW setiap item.

I was wondering juga why is it different from Daiso Japan so I wiki. This is what wikipedia said..

"In 2011 and 2014, Daiso Korea announced that they are no longer part of Daiso Japan; they claim that Daiso Japan was trying to promote Liancourt Rocks, as part of Japan. Daiso Korea confirmed that they were not selling the products Daiso Japan was selling and that they were acting as a different company.
Daiso -South Korea. Daiso Korea has a unique logo compared to the rest of the Daiso Corporation. The modified logo is used inside the country to rebrand itself as a more modern company and to show its break-off from Daiso Japan"

Ok, now I know why is it different!

Antara barang- barang yang intersting is kuali dan tutup yang pelbagai saiz, barang- barang rumah, kosmetik dsb. Pada aku semuanya intersting dan murah. Kalau ada kat Malaysia ni, harus aku datang tiap- tiap hari ;p Malangnya aku asyik sangat shopping sampai lupa nak snap gambar barang- barang yang ada dalam tu T_T

Kalau di Myeongdong, ada 2 Daiso. One of it kedainya terletak underground, sebla E-Mart Perriot dan satu lagi yang 5 tingkat in between Exit 1 & 2 Myeongdong St. I think this one newly built tahun 2017 cam tu kot.