I hope u would be a strong person..
emotionally and physically
Be an observent, not a complainer
Always be kind but
Do not let people take you for granted
Mamme and adih would not live too long..
to be able to protect you from harm
You need to be able to depend on yourself,
not on people..
to Allah yes
I named you..
a name I purposely choose
Your name means "Closer & Love'
Because I hope..
You will always be surrounded by love
But remember
The purest love of all is the love of Allah
Even if everything is gone
Allah is there and will always love you
Do remember that
Do remember too
I will always love you
Adih will always love you
May you grow up become a good person
With a positive vibe and a good heart
Do put your heart and love to Allah first,
InshaAllah everything will be easier