Friday 30 January 2009

Near the engine

Today is Friday already. Days passed by so quickly and we only noticed it at the end of the day. As for this morning, I woke up earlier than yesterday. I looked outside the window and it was very dark and differed from Labuan. At this time, I will still be sleeping and perhaps snoring.

Regardless of the fact that today is Friday, I wore shirts and slack. I was stationed at projects unit so hopefully I will be out of the office often. I was on the health work department, which is involved with health care projects. I find it quite interesting when my seniors talked about our involvement with “bilik mayat”. Eeriee…. They even joked that contractors sometimes will sleep inside the “peti mayat” during testing. Eeee..

Well, Cititel and midvalley used to be my favorite spot during my vacation to KL. Now that I will be in there 40 hours a week, I will have to have another favorite spot ;)

My friend and I had lunch with our senior. He was nice and he willingly taught us many things even though he knew that were still blur and trying to figure out things. I was working with contractor previously, now that I have to dig my engineering skill from deep under, I will have to work real hard to catch up with everything.