Saturday 8 July 2017

Post TIA

Semalam doktor bagi aku keluar hospital.  Hari ni aku plan duduk rumah je. Aku ok cuma sedikit letih & sakit rahang + macam sesak nafas sikit kalau terlebih makan. Aku rasa maybe juga due to tonsil aku yang enlarged + panic attack sebab takut berulang semula.

Kalau kira aku quite young, tak diabetic, tak hypertension & obesiti pun tak la tahap kritikal so macam impossible kan boleh kena strok, but it is not actually. It could happen to anyone and for those having pre conditions akan meningkatkan lagi risiko untuk terkena strok. 

So how about me now? How do i feel? Takut dan panic, of course. If I died, I wont be a problem to my family but if I am not & become an alive vegetables.. that would be unimaginable. My husband seems to understand my thought.. he said don't worry.. i'll sure to care of you but that was the least of my worry actually. What will happen to Hannah, that saddens me to think what if she have to grow up without her real mother? I cant even imagine if i, mysef be put into that kind of situation. But Allah knows best the fate of us.. what is or what is not meant for us and I trust Allah. I take this as sapaan kematian. Mungkin tuhan bagi aku merasa pengalaman ini untuk aku fahami dan ambil kesempatan perbaiki diri. Selama 36 tahun hidup, terlalu banyak dosa dan kesilapan yang telah dibuat. Semoga aku masih berkesempatan untuk sekurang-kurangnya dapat memperbaiki diri sebelum betul-betul pergi menghadap ilahi.