Tuesday 15 July 2008


Bye ofis lama gue! Yesterday pindah office.. busy angkat berat yang actually not really heavy ponn.. he he

At my old office.. i only have four office mate.. that is the ramaiest one la.. normally there were just the two of us at the office.. itu pun, during project.. tingal le my ofis mate sorang2..

At my site office.. i am the only rose among the thorns.. sumer jantann.. tak larat ii.. bila ader hire keranis.. ada la pompuan.. bila keranis chow.. tinggal le soran2..i always have escort during work.. but alone during lunch ;) Lunch is my personal time maa..

I always befriended guys rather then gals.. since U lg.. I didnt really liked boys actually.. he he.. But i just didnt enjoy being with the girls.. with all the gossips.. busy body.. helloo.. dont come near me if you came from ulu or alienated place.. With guy.. yeah.. sometimes they were even more girl ér' than girls.. trust me! i hated romantic guy.. fake oke! Ego guy? Hello.. where to?? go away.. syuhh