Tuesday 29 July 2008


My car was having a time of his life today. It was during our peak time on the morning. I tried to start the engine but the starter did not fire. I tried few times until bored to death.. ho ho. Luckily i still have my old car staring2 at me like it wanted me to drive him today. For more than three years with my old car, i never have this kind of mati engine experience.. What a day..

I sent my house mate to her office because she parked in front of my dead car.. poor her. Luckily her PTK scheduled tomorrow.. I called my car agent.. agent oke.. not the mechanic ;D. Bla bla.. The technician was able to start the car at the end.. He said the problem was cause by the default setting from factory which turn off the auto system automatically after a certain period... Aik.. Things like this can happen aa? As long as my car is not dead.. oke la tuh!

Happy me returned to my office. Knock2 at my boss door just to remind him the tender will be closed this friday but we need to complete it before wednedsday so that we will be able to courier to KL. then he said.. Tengok tiket air asia.. kau pegi la. HO HO?

I guess he was just kidding.. but i did visit the air asia website.

Me : Boss, ada la tiket
Boss : Aa
Then he came to my table and kuarkan kredit card..

Me : You punya ic
Boss : You la pegi..

WA aaaaa kaaa kaaa kaa aka ak ak

Gumbira i..

Boss : (After handled me his credit card) Suda book?
Me : Belum boss.. after a few hour later.. my boss again
Boss : Suda
Me : Belum lagi.. Boss, bole saya ambil satu hari cuti ka? Sambung until saturday
Boss : Ok la

WA aka kaa ak ak ak

My boss mmg superb! Where can find a boss like mine.. thank ewe boss! (Ayats bodeks)