Friday 18 December 2009

I finished Gossip Girl season 1... kinda ok la.

I am currently watching the first season of sarcastic House. I missed season 4 dvd but I will try again to look for it next week. I am thinking about buying the CSI miami collection or Bones. I love both series very much. I am rethinking of astro but I dont think that it would make a different to my spending on dvd habit.

Last nite during lunch, we were doing a happy talking on babies until one of the guy told us that his supposed to be three month old died after a week of being born. It would be the saddest moment to lose a baby after 9 month of waiting especially for the mother. One of my friend lose her baby of eight months. I dont like children as much as before but of course I still love babies. They were so small, so delicate.. and soothing. Yeah yeah...