Wednesday 9 June 2010

Aku cuti lagi hari ni. Walaupun aku hampir nak hati aku dah beransur-ansur pulih. Walaupun ada saatnya dada tiba-tiba terasa sesak. Bayangkanlah time tidur, tiba2 boleh terjaga sebab dada rasa sesak & air mata dah bercucuran. It happened during sleep! Kalau skala sedih tu 10, 10 it is for my sadness.

Saat2 macam ni..masih ada rupanya rakan yang ambil berat, yang tiap hari sms tanya aku ok ke tidak walaupun hujung pangkal kesedihan aku ni tak diketahui. Masih ada yang rajin menghibur aku dengan panggilan telefon. Though sadness remain, maybe in 2 or 3 years, or maybe forever.. But i believe that i'm gonna heal and be ok. Walaupun sedih sampai rasa macam nak mati, i owed my sorrow a big time for bringing back something that almost forgotten in this few years. I really hope this feeling inside will last forever, exception for my sadness of course.

One week, i lost 2 or 3 kgs. I still unable to eat properly till now. For a girl who never stop smiling and showing her happy face, the one who seem to not get along well with problems or stresses, guess her saddness and sorrow was unimaginable this time..even for herself.