Monday 28 June 2010

Why I became mechanical engineer?

Here is the one fact that I myself is so darg clear of.. I HATED MATHEMATICS and don't ask me why. I was History's subject lover and I excelled at that, but what involving calculations I loathed.

It all started when I was 15. I qualified to be in a science stream class. So, I have a talk with my dad where I voice out my opinion of taking a non-science class. My dad, as usual will let me make the decision, BUT.. as smart as he always is.. he said.. "I have no objection towards whatever you likes,  and you know the decision is all yours, but bear in mind, science's stream definitely offer big market for jobs" With that... I ended up choosing science's stream ya'll. But truth is.. I never knew what I wanted to be since I was a naive-little girl but I knew best where I wanted to be.

I went to boarding school at peninsular because I wanted to meet my favorite boy band, 4U2C back then and I applied engineering because I wanted to study at UTM, well.. I entered ITTHO but ITTHO and UTM is related back then.  So, the kesimpulan is, I became a mechanical engineer because of the place!