Tuesday 14 September 2010

I am not ready to go to work yet.. How i wish everyday were holidays. Maybe i could find one super duper rich husband to support me as full time housewife.. If only logic part of my brain agree to that, wouldn't it be like 'heavennn' that i don't have to think about work anymore. But i am not a simple person..that is the problem!

Meeting friends and families during Raya, I was being asked the same question for a countless time about boyfriend and jodoh. Well.. As usual.. I prepared a standard answer for each and every questions asked. Kacauu eh!! To be frank, I sooo mmmuchh lo~ve to be friend with boys and prefer male friends rather than girls @ 98 to 2% ratio translated in math, but always.. i am not fond of the idea of making them special someone, except when the person were like magnet and I am unable to make myself not thinking about him all the time, which, rarely happened of course!

As a girl, I am the kind who is always making sure all questions were answerable. I won't easily agree to something that I doubt and I hated to lose to boys the most. I never gave any chance to boy to show off their 'smartness' on something i knew. I won't entertained their rubbish and sweet talk because my ear can't stand it and I think I am too smart to fall for it. See.. no wonder I am single..haha. Despite that, maybe one day I'll meet a guy who could lead me, someone who is smart enough to deal with me. I hate to lose but I don't like winning if I don't deserve it.. I just want to be right when it is right for me to be right, not just because I think i am right. I am a good follower, and I never wanted to be a leader. Well, it can be said the conclusion is.. I loved smart guy, not necessarily romantic, a great leader but certainly not bossy and selfish kay... So, if you are the one.. you've got to hurry ;p