Saturday 9 August 2008

Memoirs of a car

This is for my people’s who just lost her car
Her best car her white car … bla bla bla
Put your hand way up high
We will never say bye
Mamas, daddies, brothers, sisters, friends and cousins,
This is for my people who recently sold her car
Lift your head to the sky
Cause we will never say bye

'Bye bye by maTaHaRi Curry"

I dedicated this song to my old car. Thank you for serving me loyally without making me to have to experience the dead engine and fuel drinking nightmare.. except for those time your dead air-cond that really make me hot.. 
I went to PUSPAKOM.. time orang tu inspect.. I keep berdoa dalam hati moga2 lulus la keta aku ni.. he he.. Lulus!
At last….

Saturday 2 August 2008

Rusa masuk kampung

I took a cab to Petronas Twin Tower. Ho ho ho.. KLCC here I come!

I registered at the reception counter. I noticed that everyone were wearing formal office attire and I was the only one with slippers there. Ha ha ha..

I entered through gate 1 and exited at the other gate. I was a bit confuse.. ha ha ha.. I was like "rusa masuk kampung". But I finally able to find the right reception counter and freed myself for shopping at last. Ye haaaa... Credit to my boss!

I was really lucky because they were having 3 days sale at KL at the moment. People shopped like crazy everywhere. I spent almost 5 hours inside I-Setan myself. Shoppinggggg!!!!

Tuesday 29 July 2008


My car was having a time of his life today. It was during our peak time on the morning. I tried to start the engine but the starter did not fire. I tried few times until bored to death.. ho ho. Luckily i still have my old car staring2 at me like it wanted me to drive him today. For more than three years with my old car, i never have this kind of mati engine experience.. What a day..

I sent my house mate to her office because she parked in front of my dead car.. poor her. Luckily her PTK scheduled tomorrow.. I called my car agent.. agent oke.. not the mechanic ;D. Bla bla.. The technician was able to start the car at the end.. He said the problem was cause by the default setting from factory which turn off the auto system automatically after a certain period... Aik.. Things like this can happen aa? As long as my car is not dead.. oke la tuh!

Happy me returned to my office. Knock2 at my boss door just to remind him the tender will be closed this friday but we need to complete it before wednedsday so that we will be able to courier to KL. then he said.. Tengok tiket air asia.. kau pegi la. HO HO?

I guess he was just kidding.. but i did visit the air asia website.

Me : Boss, ada la tiket
Boss : Aa
Then he came to my table and kuarkan kredit card..

Me : You punya ic
Boss : You la pegi..

WA aaaaa kaaa kaaa kaa aka ak ak

Gumbira i..

Boss : (After handled me his credit card) Suda book?
Me : Belum boss.. after a few hour later.. my boss again
Boss : Suda
Me : Belum lagi.. Boss, bole saya ambil satu hari cuti ka? Sambung until saturday
Boss : Ok la

WA aka kaa ak ak ak

My boss mmg superb! Where can find a boss like mine.. thank ewe boss! (Ayats bodeks)

Saturday 26 July 2008

Marathon Movie

A NASCAR racer starred by Will Ferrell as Ricky Bobby who always said t“Ï wanna go fast” since he was a little boy. Then he worked as crew members for one of the team in NASCAR and became the substitute driver by luck because of their racer wanted to pee oke!
He won the race and marry a boob-flasher.. Fame + Rich = Ego & lupa dighi… lose his winning to a french man and his wife to his best friend.. This is the story about his journey to redeem himself..

I don’t really understand this story. The main attraction here is my Orlando Bloom and akak Kristen Dunst.. Love is a trip? Of course but this trip.. I couldn’t follow oke!

I hate the pipe, the f--- words, the Taliban but I love Katherine Heigl. She worked for E! but so humble, naïve? Oh???!! I just love her and the baby delivering scene.. and of course the baby.. My comment/ oke2 la..

Ben Stiller at his 40, which "accidentally marry" a girl because of realizing a sudden “urge” in him after attending to his ex fiancée’s wedding. They went to Mexico for honeymoon but later find out that she was a total nightmare. Hiding his status from this girl Miranda which he met at the hotel lead to a comedy..

He fell in love and planning of divorcing his newly wedded wife, busted and his wife burnt his passport, purse and leave him to become a refugee at Mexico. He came back to America after a scene with police and went to look for this Miranda but she was already married.. Blab la bla.. Heartbroken Ben moved to Mexico and a year later, he once again met Miranda which was a divorce e. They set up a date but Ben at that time was re-married.. which of course Miranda didn’t know.. ho ho.. then the story repeat..

Friday 25 July 2008


I loved pizza.. I remembered dragging my buddy to pizza every day for a week once.. ha ha.. to whom it may concern.. sorry fren.. I just loved pizza so much.. I also loved cooking.. but I hated to bake.. I got this idea which is suitable for people who prefer something fast & simple for tea or breakfast maybe.. Here is the tip…
Bread (Gardenia or whatever) - 2 pcs
Creamer Milk – 4 table spoon or less
Sausage – Sliced
Tuna in can (Optional)
Butter/ Margarine (Salting purpose)
Mixed vegetables
Mixed herbs (Optional)
Heat the oven.. Moist bread with milk but don’t overdo it.. Double it or you can put tuna in between.. Moist the upper bread.. Put sausage, mayonnaise, butter, mixed vegetables, tuna and spread mixed herbs.. Bake it for 5 to 10 minutes (depend on your oven)... There you go.. Pizza oke.. You can cut the bread edge before serving…

Thursday 24 July 2008


Feels like I don’t have enough time today.. Since morning I worked out the HSE file and main target is THICKNESS! Ho ho ho.. Safety blab la blab la.. kuih kacang.. Nescafe.. popia.. Nescafe.. this is my most important daily activity.. makan maa..

Nite pulok.. I revolutionized my activity to art stream & main target - menulikan gegendang telinga my house mate with my sumbang voice.. I know oke! Sang this Foolish Games song by Jewel.. I sound worst than my first recording.. cheh.. wasting my time and karan only! But with Yamaha.. all the sumbang sound during “keyboarding” will automatically vanished. I planned to buy Casio..but after visiting the Yamaha store and my man yang keep cucuk2ing me into buying it.. all my thoughts about Casio was sinking.. I don’t really mind about the touch sense.. but the bass sound.. fuhh..just like how much I loved Sony Ericsson Walkman series..

I really loved SE hp.. the alive screen.. their boom boom sound.. the look.. but what I hate is the housing yang cepat sangat berkurap.. aiyaa.. I bought a set of screw drivers just to have the T6 for opening my housing. During my searching on the net.. I found this seller that allowed for add-on of the T6 for RM 9.90 only.. Hey.. Speaking of my housing.. bla la pulok nak sampe.. x sabar da ni!

Wednesday 23 July 2008


My boss and I attended site visit from 9.00 to 11.30.. Luckily la hujan renyai2.. so I can still save my face from the sun.. he he.. I didn’t have mood for lunch so I just stayed at office and complete the DOSH’s file..

I loved my job so much because my life is like.. tadaaa.. one day I will do this thing but I might be doing a different things for the next day and after.. I can be the clerk and doing all the letters.. I can be the qc and prepare the manual and documentation (but I didn’t do field qc ;D la.. daaa).. he he.. I can be the safety officer and prepare the HSE stuff.. I can also be the estimator..the quantity surveyor.. you name it.. I can also playing manager.. ho ho ho ;) .. Even my boss’s secretary also can oke.. My scope of work varies from office to site.. the last one is micro piling yang caused me to have to mintak tulung at my old buddy.. terpaksa la pokcik to explain from A to Z.. I lembab oke.. Not to mentioned missing autocad plug in in my head lagi..

Stress? Na ah.. I called it satisfaction! I worked util 5 only maa.. no over2 the time.. Saturday half day.. What’s there to stress about? My boss didn’t pressure me.. I can do whichever way I like.. A or B or C.. the key is to arrive at Z maa..

You can only do all this if your boss was supportive enough. I used to stressed out and became garang la sometimes but when I looked at how cool my boss are even though he said he was like “mcm mau heart attack oh”.. I felt ashamed to myself laa. No matter how worse the situation.. he acted as nothing happened.. all he said was.. malas mau cakap.. I admired his cool attitude.. I always heard from my workers that if they cannot work with someone like my boss.. mungkin tempat lain lagi teruk oh..

Tuesday 22 July 2008


Yesterday my office mate tanya.. nak order barang Body Shop tak before dorang packing.. Haku tak berapa biasa sangat dengan Body Shop nyer barang.. menyampah nak masuk kedai dia kadang2 ;D.. At the end order la 3 jenis EDT.. Velique + Neroli Jasmin + Aqua lily.. fuh.. sumer pun wangi... baru dapat tadi..

Alang2 dah amik gambar EDT Body Shop.. perfume yang lain pun nak inter frame gak.. Jadore is one of my must have tp jarang pakai sbb bau dia kuat sangat.. jarang pun but in almost 4 years ader gak 3 botol yg 50 ml habis.. he he.. Versace red jeans ni seswaii for pakai untuk pegi berhaktiviti bawah mentari.. lepas berpeluh.. bau busyuk pun ble jadik harum..chee wahh.. Hugo Boss Deep Red ni one of my pevrett.. bau ala2 lelaki.. pun bila berpeluh hangit jadik bertambah2 harumm la perfume ni..

Tomorrow ader site visit.. hitamm laa.. nak jalan sikit la punya jauh.. Td dapat news.. DOSH is coming on the 29th for audit.. yang tak tahan tu pukul 12 tengah hari oke.. time makan tuu.. Makan tu priority maa.. I called my crew to inform them.. see.. durang pun sama jua macam haku.. pk makan dulu.. he he.. I never walked alone bab makan & makanan.. Teringat my man pernah komplen.. Syg ni makan makan makan... Well ;D

Monday 21 July 2008


Hari ni aku puasa.. been so long rasanyer haktiviti makan aku tak pernah stop.. since puasa pun dah nak dekat.. insaf la pulok.. Lapar memang la idak.. tapi after 5 pm jerk.. kepala mesti sakit gila.. lepas makan lagi sakit.. angin la tu.. went home lepas kerja terus bukak movie.. mcm biasa la.. THE LONGEST YARD... continue plak with STOMP THE YARD after buka puasa.. this one pun i already watched 5 times before.. i loved movie about football.. sports la especially.. and dancing.. i likeee.. I really love dancing for my own eyes ;D

Belum lagi mamat2 fraternity nieh habis stommping yard dorang.. aku dah tak ble tahan da.. terus pengsan sampai pagi.. my man call pun da tak sedar..

Sunday 20 July 2008


I woke up at 9.. my sis sms me.. she said that she will be leaving today.. then i asked her.. do you want me to bring you out.. she purak2 reply.. ko nda jalan2.. cheh.. terpaksa la i bukak mata yang mengantuk pg mandi..

Around 12 something i dropped her at terminal and went straight home.. passed by this Petronas station.. cheh.. i went to refill my car yesterday.. this pump attendant helped me to refill la.. at RM35.. the pump stopped.. biasala.. sure belum penuh.. he refilled until the oil melimpah.. hello.. minyak dah la mahal..but what really pissed me off was minyak tu ble rosakkan cat keta haku.. hanginn oke..

Another story.. i went to refill my oil at Petronas jg nih.. same week.. i pulled la the pump nozzle but benda alah 2 stopped automatically.. Up until RM 10.. rasanya macam lebih 6 or 7 kali stop.. sapa x hangin.. what really make me hangri.. dekat station tu ader one girl + cleaner jek.. dahle kawasan 2 luas.. i nak g mengadu domba pun jalan jauh oke.. dengan hangin i went to their counter and mengadu la.. then she asked.. nak penuh lagi ke.. I dengan of course la hangin.. nda payah la + muka asheemm.. tp ckp lembut2 la.. he he.. kecian minah tu..

Petang.. tengok my hero the Rock.. I really love this guy because of his smile and mimik muka.. he he.. I watched THE GAME PLAN almost 10 times.. but the MUST is THE LONGEST YARD.. i really loved this movie.. I think i watched this movie every 2 week at least.. he he.. movie freak!! Buy original oke.. Dolu i like abang Orlando Bloom & muvie pirates of the carribean.. He bloomed maa.. what's not to like? This movie became a theme for my room.. especially the lanun's tengkorak & abang pirate yang ala2 sotong which my mother always complained.. buat2 thulie jee.. Pic ni pun dah berderai.. tp sebab kecintaan gue sama abang Orlando.. gue selotape le balik.. tambah2 emsem abang I ni.. he he

Saturday 19 July 2008


It is Saturday.. as usual.. I only work half day.. My mom said they cannot make it.. i know why... Well.. no durian... T_T

I hate it.. i couldn't even say it.. i can consider a lot of things..i can understand the condition.. but when something is to much to bear.. I hope time will help me heal my heart & my memory of having such a....

A lot of things had happen in the past.. most of it leave a mark at my little heart.. will there be a space for more hurt in it.. I am always positive.. I know when i hate something but i know better how to handle it.. People said that pain could go away if you share it with somebody.. but it didn't work with me. The more i share it.. the only things that grow in my heart is more hates.. When i keep it to mind and my heart will neutralize the thought and hate. That is how i survive.. but i admit there are things and pains that never goes away..but as long as i manage to stay positive.. there shouldn't be a problem.. I have lived this life for almost 28 years.. I hope there will be more sun then cloud in my life.. Wish is free rite..

Friday 18 July 2008


My office wireless connection was set yesterday.. But i wondered why i was not able to connect to the network this morning.. duh.. truth is.. i was connected to other company's network yesterday but i didn't even noticed that i "stole"their connection.. he he..

My mom told me they will come to visit me tomorrow.. yeah.. my duriann.. She promised me durian oke.. My sis already here for her school trip but she stayed at hotel i guess.. For today.. i only have one new tender to look at.. My boss and I was a bit headache to understand the drawing.. aiyaaa... in German language aaa.. Stutzen? Nozzle? Fahrzeug? Geschirr? Vessel? Koh koh koh.. no translation oke.. I was also busy with the claim.. a bit headache also since the scope of work has been changed so we can only claim by percentage for every joint completed... Not to mention if it was a butt joint at workshop.. we can claim 40 %, 90% for field weld.. 50% more for that 40% butt weld if we installed it at site.. see.. i told you..

Thursday 17 July 2008


Nothing much today.. went to site office to verify few things with my crews.. went to bank to meet my car's insurance guy.. i waited from end of may till now to settle my insurance cancellation.. the process was too sloooow.. Luckily he was quite helpful to me.. i insured my car with commerce insurance but now my latest policies was issued by allianz insurance.. Since I have two cars.. now my old buddies ampai2 la.. I wanted to transfer my ncd to my new car.. leceh!!!

There is baby at my home rite now.. you know teddy bear rite? this baby is totally like teddy bear when you hug him.. he was so cool.. he didnt cry when his mother wasnt around or when surrounded by strangers.. like me la.. ha ha

Ngantuk ku eh.. ho ho

Wednesday 16 July 2008

In case you discover...

Whew.. one tender submitted today.. actually resubmitted.. big boss popped up at our front door.. this was his first time seeing us existed at the office.. ho ho ho.. my koncho stopped asking me about cement.. he he.. and i have one appointment with my qc tomorrow before our boss bubut2 suruh claim duit.. and.. i also teach one of my crew how to submit tender.. even the guard at #@### laughed when i told them that i am teaching this guy how to submit tender (mcmla haku x bule bg instruction je.. siap follow plak g hantau).. the guard said, if like tat, they also wanted to learn la hantar tender.. h a h a

Tuesday 15 July 2008


Bye ofis lama gue! Yesterday pindah office.. busy angkat berat yang actually not really heavy ponn.. he he

At my old office.. i only have four office mate.. that is the ramaiest one la.. normally there were just the two of us at the office.. itu pun, during project.. tingal le my ofis mate sorang2..

At my site office.. i am the only rose among the thorns.. sumer jantann.. tak larat ii.. bila ader hire keranis.. ada la pompuan.. bila keranis chow.. tinggal le soran2..i always have escort during work.. but alone during lunch ;) Lunch is my personal time maa..

I always befriended guys rather then gals.. since U lg.. I didnt really liked boys actually.. he he.. But i just didnt enjoy being with the girls.. with all the gossips.. busy body.. helloo.. dont come near me if you came from ulu or alienated place.. With guy.. yeah.. sometimes they were even more girl ér' than girls.. trust me! i hated romantic guy.. fake oke! Ego guy? Hello.. where to?? go away.. syuhh

Sunday 13 July 2008


I woke up earlier this morning..9.30.. oke hape.. since i went to bed at 4.30 am which caused by ''doing nothing'' activity last nite.. I did my washing and "sentalling job today.. I did it manually since using a washing machine was only an option here in Victoria which synonym to island in the sun.. panas butul!!
 As usual.. I watched CSI.. nothing much.. Tomorrow will be "pindah ofis activity.. chasing a proposal from consultant.. review tender.. & buat2 busy surfing internet.. ha hakss

Thursday 10 July 2008


Syntium 800 SM 15W/50 - 4L @ 87.00
Oil filter @ 12.222
Gasket - Plug - Oil drain @ 2.52
Radiator coolant @ 12.36
Total @ 114.10

Current millage @ 1,015 km
Next millage @ 6,015 km @ 10.10.2008

Wednesday 2 July 2008

Labouring Day

Hari ni genap empat tahun aku bekerja. Sedar atau tidak, empat tahun juga aku bekerja di syarikat yang sama. Aku agak beruntung sebenarnya kerana selepas habis SPM, terus sahaja aku diterima masuk ke IPTA tanpa perlu ke matrikulasi. Empat tahun yang di berikan untuk aku menamatkan pengajian dalam ijazah sarjana muda kejuruteraan sememangnya mendatangkan kelebihan.

Aku tidaklah tergolong dalam golongan pelajar yang cemerlang. Pelajar pintar juga bukanlah aku namun aku yakin tuhan sertakan dalam dna aku otak yang baik. Sungguhpun menyedari demikian, namun kemalasan mengatasi segala-galanya. Aku juga tidak tergolong dalam golongan pelajar yang sering bertanya kepada pensyarah soalan "spot" dan tips peperiksaan, malah aku selalu tidak hadir kuliah kerana hobi menjahit dan menonton tv aku hanya boleh dilakukan dirumah. Aku lebih suka mempelajari sesuatu yang diketahui dari mana hujung pangkalnya, biar lambat kataku, asalkan aku puas.

Aku menamatkan pengajian lewat 6 bulan dari tarikh yang sepatutnya. Selepas tamat pengajian, aku menjadi penjadi penganggur selama lebih 6 bulan. 3 bulan pertama aku habisi untuk merehatkan otak selepas penat berhempas pulas belajar, 3 bulan yang kemudiannya baru aku bertungkus lumus menghantar "resume" dan permohonan kerja. Aku pernah cuba menjadi guru gantian di sekolah kanak-kanak khas, namun pada hari pertama aku melapor diri, barulah di ketahui bahawa guru yang bakal aku ganti belum disahkan jawatan maka tidak dibenarkan sebarang penggantian.

Semasa aku agak berduka dengan satu hari yang agak malang, ibuku pula menelefon dari kampung memberitahu ada sebuah syarikat mahukan aku hadir temuduga. Namun ibuku terlupa bertanya nama syarikat, mahu pun nombor untuk dihubungi. Bertambahlah kecewa aku dalam satu hari yang sama.

Selepas sebulan, aku dipanggil menghadiri satu lagi temuduga. Aku pergi bersama kedua ibu bapaku. Aku sememangnya begitu, selesa di temani kedua-dua ibu bapaku. Sehingga saat ini, aku juga masih begitu. Selepas seminggu dua, aku diberitahu bahawa aku berjaya dalam temuduga tersebut dan diminta melaporkan diri pada hari yang bertarikh 1 July, empat tahun yang lepas.

Aku mulanya agak gusar memikirkan rumah sewa dan pengangkutan ke tempat kerja. Tambahan pula aku tidak pernah tinggal di wilayah tempat aku bekerja. Aku tinggal bersama saudara ayah. Bayangkanlah tinggal di sebuah rumah yang berada 1 km jauhnya dari jalan raya besar, dan hanya di kelilingi hutan tanpa sebuah rumah pun dalam lingkungan tersebut, aku mulanya agak takut. Hanyalah selepas beberapa bulan barulah aku dapat menyesuaikan diri.

Kerja tidak mendatangkan banyak masalah kepada aku. Walaupun gaji pada mulanya sememangnya rendah, namun aku tidak kisah. Asalkan pengalaman ada, itu sahaja sudah memadai. Bekerja dengan majoritinya lelaki, sememangnya bukan sesuatu yang janggal bagi aku. Aku tidak punya adik lelaki, mahupun abang namun aku sememangnya lasak sejak kecil. Pernah pakcik aku yang sememangnya seorang penglipurlara bercerita, semasa ibuku mengandung, ayahku berada di luar negara. Ibu mempunyai 6 orang adik yang kesemuanya lelaki. Mereka inilah yang bergilir-gilir menjaga dan menemani ibuku yang hamil, sehinggalah saat ketika aku di lahirkan. Aku selalu mendengar orang mengaitkan sikap seseorang dengan pembawaan dan sikap ibunya semasa mengandungkannya, aku sering percaya. Kali ini aku percaya juga.

Tuesday 10 June 2008

Balik dari kampung
Ho ho ho balik dari kampung
Ho ho ho balik dari kampung
Hati sedih T_T
Hello Labuan!

Friday 23 May 2008

My 3rd Time

Gantian MYKAD/MYPR - Hilang
Bayaran permohonan @ 10.00
Bayaran kompound hilang 3x @ 300.00
Total @ 310.00

I was so sad... waaaaaaaaaaaa

I lost it for the third time..
First during shopping at KK which i lost my birth certificate too.
Second also at KK. I left my purse at a food court.
Third, I lost it during shopping at Beu Fort. How silly can I be!

Sunday 11 May 2008

Saturday 10 May 2008

Pasar Filipin

Hari ni hari jalan-jalan KK lagi. Ini kali pegi pasar Filipin. Actually aku not very sure why nama pasar ni pasar filipin. Maybe ramai orang filipin niaga di sini la kali. One thing about KK is, memang ramai pilak and I will be scary to walk alone especially if you are a woman.

Friday 25 April 2008


I visited site at the plant at 2.30. My boss asked me to go to Dorsett for a meeting with client.. They asked, do you want anything.. sebab I malyu.. I said no! Whatt?!!!

Tuesday 22 April 2008


Two tender closed today ! Busiiiiiiii!

Monday 21 April 2008


I worked today.. okek la tuh! Half day I get whatt? ;)

Sunday 9 March 2008

Apa matcam? gegel kan aku? hahaha. Actually bukan aku suruh tengok muka ku, tapi kain ku tu.. kain pelikat oke! Aku ni memang ketahuan alegik sama kain batik dari zama sekolah lagi. Orang pakai batik, aku lebih senang memilih kain pelikat sebab saiz kain lebih besar hence mudah bergerak.

The end. Thanks for reading.. haha

Tuesday 19 February 2008

Hari ni aku gayakan coverall baru, warna ijau ya dan ini kain kevlar ya.. tak terbakar kalau kana api wa sakap lu. Ini baju dibikin sempena next job di Petronas.. install vessel. Jangan nda tau itu foundation vessel aku yanng mechanical engineer ni yang buat proposal oke! Takat bore piling tu aku tapau jak walaupun nda belajar sivil... muhuhahahahahaha

Sunday 27 January 2008

Green Apple

This year promised me more extra money. We worked on Saturday and Sunday to meet the targeted installation day somewhere during March. There were lots of paper work (Even though I was only monitoring ;) .. Ha ha)

One can say that a good coordination among us is the main criteria possess by my team because no one played boss in the team, even my boss. A supportive leader and responsible workers is the main ingredient to success in what ever operation involving a team. I saw this boss from one of the contractor yelling at his workers like yelling to a dog. He shouted and called them stupid in front of everybody. He even said nasty words to them. Imagine a fat and short guy, with a face like bulldog. It is not appearance that matters, but he became that FS and FLB every time he acted like one.