Tuesday 13 October 2009


I walked as fast as i could to reach the lrt station. When a seconds can cause you great delay, then only you learn why you should respect time and punctuality. I took 40 minutes to get myself ready for work and 20 minutes to spend on the road at LA. Now, it turned the other way around even though my house is less than 10 km from office.

My brother asked me to go with him to Klang this morning. Since last week, I only have chances to spent 2 or 3 hours at office every day. Looking at my current condition, it seems this could be permanent for as long as i am here! You know in gomen, they have this unit which coordinate and arrange meetings. Meeting meeting and more meetings for the sake of project coordination. They were called construction management team. It might sound easy, but talk to the empunya body especially when they were required to travel a lot.

As for us, besides attending meetings, we have to deal with technical parts. The drawings, approval of site materials and work methods, site inspection, supervision, claim evaluation, installation quality etc. Headache came without invitation when the contractor start submitting documentations for approval. Is the brand ok? what about the technical specification? will it be enough to cater daily usage and telly with the design? are the installation method they were proposing is ok? bla bla bla

We are no doctors but we provided them places to work and equipment to use. Not many of mechanical engineers or students out there are familiar with some of the services there. The requirements are quite strict. Well! Talk to those life savers.. Dr House? But I loved McDreamy from Grey's Anatomy... ah! so handsome.

I am home. Ok! My interesting conversation for today.

AF2 : "***!"
Aku : saiya (dengan nada poyo+ muka kerek ngan orang tua) muhuhaha.
AF2 : nampak cerah hari ni, pakai apa eak
Aku : (poyos) mungkin terlebih pakai krim muka kot!(nada lembut tanpa reaksi)
AF2 : haha.. (terus berlalu).

Aku menghabiskan petang di Bandar Botanic hari ni.. what a nice place. Tengahari tak turun lunch pun. Unbelievable! Apa tidaknya, pagi aku dah curi tulang melepak bekfas. Tapi kitaorang lepak2 sambil discuss (sikit ok!) hahaha.. So, aku cover waktu yang aku curi tu time lunch la. Pukul 2 dah kena bertolak ke Klang tadi. Dalam kol 5 sampai ofis balik& terus amik teksi balik rumah.

Plan malam ni? Mmm... nak study sikit sambil-sambil layan movie. Tadi jumpa mamat yang serupa my ex tu lagi. Hari ni dekat tempat makan..hahaha... Dan incik lift tu pun hari ni jumpa dekat tempat makan juga. So, aku ada story bertajuk incik lift, pelanduk ndan idola. Semua jantan story je,kan? bukanlah aku miang2 keladi tapi dah aku sorang jek pompuan, nak buat macamana. Pegi kiri ,jantan... kanan jantan, atas jantan... bawah pun jantan... Mana-mana angle pun dorang! Satu-satu kawan pompuan yang aku ada dah kena transfer.  Jantan pun jantan lah, dah nasib. Tapi, tulah... lagi ramai kawan lelaki, bukan lagi senang nak dapat jodoh tapi lagi senang nak rasa.. ei! elok la aku sorang-sorang dari ada bf cam si tuutt..

Dah maghrib, nak p solat.. tutup komputer & jalan-jalan cari pasal dekat dalam bilik