Tuesday 31 March 2009

Bengkel kaedah mengingat.

Soalan first yang aku tanya pada diri aku, aku dah kurang ingatan ker sampai nak hadir kursus ni... ha ha ha

Kursus ni biasa je, tapi yang best attend ramai-ramai dengan geng. Aku duduk sebelah ibu dan ayah. Member dua orang ni aku panggil ibu dan ayah sebab dorang berdua je yang dah kahwin antara kitaorang 6 orang yang baru masuk. Ibu dengan aku, yang empat lagi lelaki. Aku dengan ibu dan ayah ni sebaya, tapi aku tak kahwin lagi la.. hehe. Yang lagi tiga adik kitaorang la.

Geng yang masuk seangkatan dengan aku ni memang best & gila-gila. Ibu memang selamba dan ikut sukahati dia jer.. ibu ni kawan aku masa sekolah.Memang geng rapat, tapi lost contact time U. Dorang panggil dia Ezy, tapi aku sorang je panggil dia dengan nama timangan. Nasib ader dia...

Ayah plak, macam ayah & skema. Dia belum ada anak lagi, so, aku tolonglah jadi anak angkat dia sementara. Nanti anak dia aku boleh panggil cucu kot. Dia dengan ibu memang seswaii... skema tapi boleh main kejar-kejar tu dalam ofis. Kalau jalan dengan dorang dua ni, memang rasa teraniaya la aku. Ayah jalan laju gila, ibu pulak slow.. aku tersepitz dekat tengah2..

Paly.. mamat ni sangat kelakar. Imagine badan besar dan kepala botak. Ibu selalu kutuk kater dia muka mcm gengster tapi jiwang & dia pula kutuk ibu ketot sebab ibu rendah. Memang sakit perut la kalau dorang dua ni start sesi mari mengutuk sesama sendiri. Mamat ni sangat 'comel', bukan muka oke, tapi gaya dia... tak payah nak suruh dia buat lawak, teringat dia jer aku dah nak ketawa.

Dauz.. yang ni badan besar juga. Dia pun kelakar, tapi cool. Xla budak-budak sangat mcam adik yang lagi sorang tu. Dia ngam kalau kawan tu ader, kalau tak dia ni macam bersopan santun jugak.

ZA.. yang ni pendiam. kadang-kadang tak perasan pun dia ader sebab dia duduk terselindung dari yang lain.

Time kursus tu, aku rasa macam ibu dengan aku jer yang paling kesoh, esp ibu. Incik tu siap tahu nama kitaorang. Ayah duk kutuk adik yang dua orang tu bersopan santun gila masa kursus sebab duduk depan awek comel. Ha ha ha.. Nasib la kursus tu setengah hari jer. Aku rasa sama jer ingatan aku sebelum dan selepas kursus pun.

Monday 30 March 2009

Siapa ni?

Biasa aku pergi kerja dengan tudung jaring kaler hitam aku tu. Aku suka ikat tudung & pakai spek mata aku yang bingkai itam, tapi hari ni aku pakai baju kurung biasa & sarung tudung bawal kaler putih dengan spek mata pink aku ala2 gadis innocent. Dah lama aku tak pakai tudung bawal nih. Aku suker pakai tudung jaring sebab senang & tak payah iron.

Aku nampak ibu masuk office dari pintu belakang. Bila aku tegur, dia buat poyo jer & say hai dekat aku and terus je pergi dekat cubicle dia. Biasa dia pandai tu datang cari aku lepas letak barang-barang dia. Seperti yang aku jangka, dia datang meja aku.. Panjang bebenor laaa dia sebab dia almost tak dapat recognize aku tadi.. ha ha ha. Padan lah dia buat bolayan time aku tegur.

Nak turun breakfast, terserembak dengan 2nd bos aku. Ibu kenalkan dekat incik tu yang konon2nya aku ni staff baru. Dia sengih jek. Bila dia  da start pandang aku dengan penuh kompius, ibu terus gelak. Encik tu terkena sebab tak cam aku rupanya.

Lepas breakfast, aku duduk la dekat cubicle aku sambil baca paper. Tiba-tiba Paly masuk dari pintu seblah tepi. Dia tengok aku sekali pandang, pastu dia toleh lagi. Aku senyum la...Pastu baru di perasan itu aku. Gelak dia.

Dauz ngan koncho2 yang lain-lain pun sama gak terkompius. Mati2 ingat aku staff baru. Tu belum makcik cleaner yang selalu tegur2 aku. Dia kata kalau aku tak tegur dia tadi, memang dia tak kenal itu aku. Hahaha.. hari yang kelakar.

Wow! Ha ha ha.. Dorang kata aku macam cikgu, panggil aku cikgu Agnes. Ayah la ni..mentang-mentang wife dia cikgu. Ibu siap kata, ini bukan gaya engineer. Dia kata aku pakai macam ni lebih teruk lagi dari kerani. Kaw-kaw tu kutuk aku.. hampeh budak2 nih! Ibu la paling teruk, dia kata ko jangan jalan dengan aku kalau pakai macam ni lagi. Hampes!

Last sekali, bos aku pon terkena jugaks. Awal2 pagi tu dia dah panggil aku, da petang baru terbukak citer yang dia pon kompius. Padan la aku tengok muka dia blur time aku masuk bilik dia tadi.

Sunday 22 March 2009

Shuo Hao De Xing Fu Ne

Shuo Hao De Xing Fu Ne











your reply is in a mess
at this moment in time,
i thought of the pigeon beside the fountain,
the sweetness is scattered.

a mysterious tugging of my emotions
do i still love you?

but you continued singing
pretending that nothing has happened.

time has passed and left,
love is faced with a choice.
you've become cold and i've cried
the unhappiness you felt when you left,
you just wrote them down on a card.
sometimes love can only be like this and it's really painful.

what happened, you're tired, where is the happiness that we agreed on?
i understand, don't say anymore, love has weakened, my dreams have drifted.
being happy or not, narrating them one after another, you cant bear it.
those feelings of loving were way too deep, i can still remember them.

you're not waiting anymore, wheres the happiness that we agreed on?
i was wrong, tears have dried, we've let go, we've regretted.
only that musical box of memories still continue to turn,
how can it be stopped?

.... and there were tears....

Friday 20 March 2009

Red Box

Aku dengan ibu dah determine nak g Red Box hari ni. Time nak turun tu, senior kitaorang call, tanya macamana plan tengahari nih. Owh... ingat lagi rupanya dia pasal ni. Book la bilik untuk 4 orang.

Ibu la kelakar, siap berduet nyanyi satu lagu tu sampai dua kali ngan member tu. Yang best ni, makan dia sedap. Lagipun tempat ni open. Kitaorang dapat bilik besar, sofa sorang satu..heheh. Aku rasa lagi berbaloi g sini dari makan dekat luar. Makan dekat secret recipe, paling koman 15 ringgit gak habis. Duduk plak takkan nak lama2..

Dekat Red Box.. makan + minum + 3 hour baru cost RM17.25 je. Kalau makan dekat luar, belum campur kos shopping lagi sebab nampak barang2 ;D Nak datang sini sekadar nak makan jer pun tak per...

Wednesday 18 March 2009


Pukul 3 baru bertolak g ministry tuk submit report. G naik komuter jer, malas nak panggil driver. Lagipun bukan jauh sangat. Turun2 je dekat station, komuter pun sampai. Taklah wasted my 20 minutes for waiting.

Sampai dekat stesen KL, aku panik ;) lalu turun lah aku dari train. Aku tengok pelik semacam je, then aku masuk balik dalam train. Tapi aku tukar gerabak la... pandai pulak aku malu. He he... nasib baik sempat.

Before pukul 4, urusan aku selesai. Aku nak balik office malas sebab aku balik kerja jam 4.30. Lagipun, tunggu train pun dah cukup buang masa aku. aku shopping la dekat Sogo tu. Hmm...

Monday 16 March 2009

Picture taking trip

Tadi aku berjaya minta tolong senior aku dapatkan driver tuk trip ambil gambar dekat HKL & bangunan dekat Jalan cenderasari. Aku pergi dengan adik & ibu.. Kejap je pun sebab dekat.

Aku masih tunggu gambar2 yang state akan email. Rabu aku dah kena submit dekat bahagian korporat, aku ada besok sahaja lagi untuk settle semua nih.

Thursday 12 March 2009

Aku dan ibu

Patutnya aku hadir kursus aircond semalam sampai khamis ni... Rugi i..

Tapi takpe lah... Hari senin tu went bowling with ibu, daus & ZA.. Ha ha.. kelakar gila la c ZA ni. Ada skill tu baling bola bowling. Aku siap rakam tu video dia, tapi malangnya time rakam tu skill dia x keluar plak. Daus targert 100 poibts, dia juara la hari ni. Aku 2nd.. ha ha ha. Hari tu aku main dengan ibu, baling bola bowling ala2 baling bola baling.

Da puas kitaorang main bowling, aku dengan ibu race pulak. Yang dua worang tuh lapar, so dorang g makan. Hari ni ibu kalahkan aku level beginner, tapi aku plak kalahkan ibu time level advance :D

Biasa aku memang tak pernah menang sebab aku aku bawak auto.. he he he. Buat malu jerr...

Inilah kerja aku dengan ibu dekat midvalley ni. Tahu saja mana nak habiskan duit. Aku rasa ni nak cover almost 10 years yang kitaorang hilang sebab lost contact. Ibu pun dah ada anak satu.. Aku juga yang ada anak tekak je..ahah.

Tuesday 10 March 2009


We left for Temerloh at 8 am. My boss driving skills made me nausea.. naushore ker kalau mabuk darat? *blur*

Singgah makan jap... time tu dah rasa lain macam... Sampai2 hospital jer, terus cari bilik air untuk mengeluarkan segala isi perut. Silap2 bukan aku melawat hospital, tapi orang datang melawat aku dekat hospital. Huhu..

Tadi before bertolak dah makan ubat gastrik. Selalu kalau travel memang aku makan ubat gastrik. Bukan sebab gastrik, tapi perut aku memnag problem. Kadang-kadang tengok mcaman drive tu bawak kereta gak. Bukan salah driver tu sebenarnya... heh.

Seram plak time masuk wad psikiatrik tadi... wad tu jer ada orang karaoke. Kuat pulak tu... Adala makcik tu datang dekat aku ngan ibu sambil kat tangan dia bawa air sambil senyum-senyum & puji-puji kitaorang. Supspen gila aku, mana la tahu kot2 dia simbah kitaorang dengan air tu... bukan-bukan jer aku nih ;D

Sunday 8 March 2009

My Beloved The Rock

Adik kata nak datang hari ni. Adik ni aku kenal dari dia form 3 lagi. Dulu kecik, sekarang pun masih kecik.. he he he...

Aku g tengok my beloved The Rock dengan adik. Cerita dia macam bosan juga... tapi takpe la demi kasih ku kepada The Rock. Yang paling aku suka tentang The rock ni senyuman dia. Aku ingatkan dia ni dah tua sangat, rupanya baru 36 tahun. Mmm... boleh lagi nih.. ;)

Balik2... adik nak kuar lagi g jumpa member. Tiba-tiba member yang nak ajak aku g kenduri khawin besok sms aku. Dia tanya, jadi tak aku nak ikut dia g Gemas *edit - ke Gemencih? * besok. Aku kata kalau dia takde bawak member, aku g la dengan dia. So, besok dia akan datang ambik aku la. Supspen juga, dahla tak pernah jumpa. Ok kot... dia ni member kawan skolah aku dulu. Yang kelakar, dia siap bagi no telefon member aku tu kot2 aku takut nak g ngan dia. Member tu pun g gak besok.

Tengah2 aku lena, member tu call pula. Kata dia ada member dia nak ikut last minute. Aku kata takpe lah, better dia g ngan member dia je. Nanti kekok pula, dahlah kitaorang kenal, nanti nak jawab apa pula dekat member dia kalau kena querie.

Friday 6 March 2009


Dekat jam 10 malam... adik sms aku ajak makan sate dekat depan. Dia kata nanti dia ambik ngan keta. Aik mamat ni nak g makan kat maner sampe nak collect aku ngan keta.. ha ha ha.

Dlm kol 1o aku tunggu dia kat depan... eh.. member dia yang come tu pun ada. Aku suka budak ni, nak kata comel sangat tak la pun, nak kata handsome pun tidak tapi dia come, macam adik adik.. aha.

Makan sate dekat bistro dengan sorang lagi housemate adik aku sambil tengok final Raja Lawak. Budak ni semua elok-elok perangai, tu yang aku berkenan tu dan terasa pula aku muda kembali ;) Habis makan, adik aku bising nak pergi... aku pun tak tahu mana budak ni nak pegi. Aku pun ikut saja... naik kat satu tempat ni... aaahh.. karaoke!

Aku tak pernah pula pegi karaoke sepanjang aku hidup ni.. ni la malam first. Karaoke dekat sini bersih, tak de binatang ayam macam dekat tempat aku dulu. Itu yang member aku yang ala-ala ustaz terasa dirinya tercemar. Aku gelak bagai nak rak dengar kawan tu mengadu.

Berbalik kisah aku. Budak-budak ni menyanyi macam tak ingat donia dah. Tapi budak yang come tu nyanyi tone suara dia sedap, macam penyanyi Indonesia. Dah la masa makan tadi dia bole tersedak. Bila dia perasan aku ternampak, boleh dia tutup mulut dengan muka yang merah. Budak ini... adik perempuan aku lagi macho tau!

Adik aku suara pun bole tahan juga, aku lupa nak puji. Ha ha ha.. Adik aku ni baik orangnya. Member aku kat ofis tu kata dia macam moody. Aku tak pula perasan lagi. Tapi member aku tu pun sejak kebelakangan ni asyik merajuk je.. ha ha ha.. Kenapa pula la. .

Thursday 5 March 2009

Trip to Seremban

Hari ni aku bertolak dari rumah lewat dari biasa. Train ke Seremban tiba lebih kurang jam 7 suku. Rasanya dah dekat 10 tahun aku tak menjejakkan kaki ke Seremban lepas tamat sekolah menengah. Seremban bagi aku masih sama walaupun banyak yang berubah. Tapi aku jauh lebih rindukan Batu Pahat..

Aku ke Seremban untuk meeting di Tampin. Nasib bos aku bagi aku pergi dengan member ni. Kebetulan dia duduk Seremban dan sesat adalah perkara yang paling menarik berlaku kepada kami hari ni. Tampin tak lah besar sangat, yang pelik tu kitaorang boleh sesat nak cari tempat meeting. Hu Hu...

Meeting start jam 10.30 tapi kitaorang sampai dalam jam 11 lebih... ha ha ha. Sampai-sampai, meeting pun dah nak habis. Habis meeting, singgah dekat gerai cendol. Pokcik kat kedai tu memang sangat suka sejarah. Bila orang bagitahu dia asal dari negeri mana, dia mulalah buka cerita sejarah negeri tu time zaman jipun... glemer ni pokcik tu... masuk tv... ha ha. Kat gerai tu yang bestnya, bayar singgit or 2 henggit... boleh tambah berapa banyak yang kita nak. Minum sampai muak..

Lepas makan cendol..singgah dekat Lukut lawat site. Besar gila AHU dia. Padanlah tak boleh nak gantung.. hu hu

Tuesday 24 February 2009

Hari ni joint meeting dekat Shah Alam. Bos aku invite, aku datang saja-saja la. Tak sangka la pula meeting hari ni pun cancel, bukan takat tu jek.. malah ader insiden hari ini dalam sejarah. Bos aku ngan member siap gelakkan aku kata aku ni bawok malang sebab ini second meeting aku yang cancel macam semalam. Bukan tu jer, siap canang dekat member team yang juga dari HQ tu...

Selama ni biasalah kalau sub dengan men kon ni gaduh.. Bos aku dulu memang terror bab ni.. (Ampun bos) Tapi kali ni memang sungguh 'hari ini dalam sejarah' la..

Monday 23 February 2009

Room data

I joined room data interaction this morning for  nurse college.. it is scheduled for three days but the consultant were not ready yet so they have to postpone the meeting until next week. Fuhhh! Lega..

It is quite interesting to joint room data. Each drawings showed detail location of each equipments and some is mandatory to follow. My team will only involve after design stage has finished. Currently, we attended meeting to share the project current status and offer advise when required. Normally we just go there and keep quiet... ha ha. Wait till our turn come...

Meeting ended around 12 pm.

Sunday 15 February 2009

Sunway Pyramid second day

Hari ni janji dengan housemate yang sorang plaks nak pegi tengok beg dekat Sunway Pyramid.. ha ha. Ni gara-gara kakak aku sorang tu la duk tayang-tayang beg baru dia.

Pegi dari pagi, balik da dekat-dekat nak malam. Aku apa lagi, rembat dua beg baru. Jangan mare! Dulu masa pegi tempat ni tak best pun... dekat sini la aku jumpa orang saiko. Eeeee... ngeriii

Saturday 14 February 2009

Sunway Pyramid

I went to Sunway Pyramid with my housemate. Tension betul kalau stuck dalam jam ni. I almost throw up dalam kereta tadi, sempena Valentines Day. My housemate la ni drive civic tapi kalah merempit... ha ha ha.

Sampai-sampai terus makan dekat Secret Recipe. Housemate aku nan seorang ni memang menang kalau bab makan. Sama macam yang seorang dekat ofis tu, yang tensi aku! Ha ha

Shopping tengok kasut offer sampai 70%.. wow!

Friday 13 February 2009

Dental Chair

My girl friend went to fire fighting course until today and left me bored to death! I went down to CKM for dental chair introduction from one of this contractor.

What a bore!

Luckily I still have those four boy friends. Tempat dorang nilah akuy mengadu domba sepanjang minggu ni. Pegi makan kena teman, pegi mana pun kena bawak. Ha ha. belum part tadi dorang duk risau aku nak makan dengan siapa pula tengahari ni.

Hari ni kelakar. My senior engineer ni non-muslim, so tengahari tu dia ajak la pegi makan. Baru nak naik lift, tiba-tiba nampak ada caterer tu sorong makanan untuk meeting. Tersentap jantung si kawan tu... hee yahh!

Lift tu penuh dengan orang, nak discuss pula tak ble so tunggu la sampai LG. Baru nak keluar, mamat tu kater jum naik atas balik. Hadoiii!

Naik la balik tingkat 26! tunggu sejam baru dapat makan. Tapi memang sangat berbaloiii! Sedarppp!!!

Sunday 8 February 2009


Mana adik aku ni... kata nak datang. Aku ni ramai adik.. ha ha. Adik yang ni pompuan... kecik jer tapi penguasa tu. Kata dia dia ada kursus induksi dekat Melaka.

Besok cuti MaulidurRasul. Mm... aku takde plan pula nak pegi mana2.

Sunday 1 February 2009

New House

I called the girl last night to confirm our meeting. I told her that i will come around 4.30 pm.

I finally met the girl and able to see the house. The room is quite small but nice. After a long discussion, I opted to enter the house starting today. He he..


Saturday 31 January 2009


I am still in house haunting mood. I called this girl on morning about her advertisement on the net. She sounds nice…

We went to Bandar Seri Permaisuri with my uncle’s friend. I accidentally laid my eyes on this condominium there. It was the one advertised on the net! The place was quite nice and totally facing the building that I will be living for the next few weeks I guess. I called the lady but we the reception was so poor till she cannot hear anything I said. I promised to call her back but since my aunt son already crying so loud and trying to push me out of the car, we went home. He was so mad at his dad for leaving him inside the car.

Friday 30 January 2009

Near the engine

Today is Friday already. Days passed by so quickly and we only noticed it at the end of the day. As for this morning, I woke up earlier than yesterday. I looked outside the window and it was very dark and differed from Labuan. At this time, I will still be sleeping and perhaps snoring.

Regardless of the fact that today is Friday, I wore shirts and slack. I was stationed at projects unit so hopefully I will be out of the office often. I was on the health work department, which is involved with health care projects. I find it quite interesting when my seniors talked about our involvement with “bilik mayat”. Eeriee…. They even joked that contractors sometimes will sleep inside the “peti mayat” during testing. Eeee..

Well, Cititel and midvalley used to be my favorite spot during my vacation to KL. Now that I will be in there 40 hours a week, I will have to have another favorite spot ;)

My friend and I had lunch with our senior. He was nice and he willingly taught us many things even though he knew that were still blur and trying to figure out things. I was working with contractor previously, now that I have to dig my engineering skill from deep under, I will have to work real hard to catch up with everything.

Thursday 29 January 2009

My 2nd day at floor 26...

I woke up at 5.25 am this morning, just like yesterday. It took me one hour to reach KL Sentral station from here. Our eating out last night caused me to end up with sleepy eyes at noon. We have meetings with all senior engineers. It was more to introduction to our job scope. If we were lucky enough, we will have a chance to visit manufacturer's factory overseas. Wow! Ha ha.. This must be included in my goal duh.Our boss asked us to present about fire fighting. I only knew about this yesterday. Ha ha.. This is our seniors time to show us why they were called seniors. I thought it was boring at first, but i have to admit that it is not after i heard about 'rumah mayat' and 'hospital berkulat'.. Eee.. Yeah..Welcome to engineers zone!

Wednesday 28 January 2009

My first train

Hari ni aku bangun seawal jam 5.22 pagi. Kalau di Labuan, aku akan kembali beradu beralaskan selimut tebal sesudah solat subuh. Berada di stesen komuter seawal jam 6.30 membuatkan aku terkenang kereta, rumah dan segala-galanya tentang Labuan. Tapi aku positif. Aku masih muda dan masih banyak yang belum aku lihat. Terkandas dalam kehidupan yang mudah membuatkan seseorang berhenti berusaha. Definisi kehidupan yang sukar ini juga amat sukar untuk di takrifkan.
6.35 pagi - Aku berada di dalam 'train'. Ramai insan-insan yg bangun seawal aku demi sesuap nasi. Bersyukurlah wahai kita kerana masih terbuka pintu rezeki.

Sunday 25 January 2009

Till meet again

Today is the last day I drive my car. Sobs

See you later dear. Till we meet again!

Friday 23 January 2009

Hujan turun sangat lebat saat ini. Kilat juga sabung menyabung. Guruh ada masanya bagai menyentap jantung. Tatkala ini aku berada di tengah laut. Air hujan juga memenuhi lantai dek, malah kedengaran suara kanak-kanak riang menjerit banjir. Aku? Aku tidak sempat memikirkan keadaan sendiri. Sedih atau gembira tidak dapat lagi aku bezakan. Badan terasa amat letih, minda pula tidak mampu berfikir. Aku menanti bilakah hari hidup ku kembali semudah semalam. Aku seolah-olah kapal terapung tanpa kemudi. Walaupun enjin masih ada tapi motornya gagal berfungsi seperti biasanya.
Today is Saturday. I was lucky to get the ticket last night. And the trip was adventurous, a little. I went to Pasar Tamu with my mother and end up buying nothing. I have no desire for food or anything at the moment.

I will be going back to Labuan tomorrow.

Thursday 22 January 2009

Tax day

I went to Kastam to pay my car tax. The procedure was so simple.

First, I have to go to “Bahagian Cukai Dalaman”to estimate the tax.

Second, I have to go to shipping agent to type a form for me and pay them 50 bucks.

Third, I have to go back to Kastam and bring along my original car card and letter to prove that I am moving from Labuan (The rate will be different if I pay the tax but still staying in Labuan) The officer will process the request and check my car. Once I pass the inspection, I can proceed with payment. I can request for discount also ;0

We went to Dorsett Regency Hotel for my farewell on Spanish night.

Wednesday 21 January 2009

The Last Goodbye

I met my boss and told him that today will be my last day. I cannot believe it either!

I did not visit the site to say good bye to all my konchos. Sobs!

My boss handed me red envelope. Sobs! I used to give him empty envelope during Chinese New Years and I did it every year, except last year ;) I also did the same to all my Chinese co-workers at site.. ha ha. I always have extra money during CNY.. ha ha haaa

Sunday 18 January 2009

Sogo is a No No!

My mother and I arrived at the airport around 8.45 which gave me enough time to pursue my "McMuffin" dream. Ha ha.. I was informed by this ticketing officer our flight will be leaving earlier than scheduled. Wo hooo.. Yeah.. 12.30 arrival..

We stayed at Cititel Express at Jalan Chow Kit. I have no idea how far the PWD from here. The hotel located exactly on the main road and next to Kamdar. We went straight to SOGO after check in but ended up buying nothing and I personally think that I don't like it there.

At Jalan TAR, we entered this shop which offered a price that was totally cheaper then what we can get anywhere in Labuan or Sabah. I wonder how much is the mark up price.. It is not the price that matter, for me uniqueness and quality must come together. I dont want to wear or have something that almost every body have it. I am not the follower I guess...

Friday 16 January 2009

Masih Mood Laksa Sagahwa

* Rebus udang & ayam + serbuk perisa ayam, cili dan asam keping.
* Goreng telur + daun parsley kering.
* Goreng ikan bilis.
*Rebus perencah laksa Sarawak & tapiskan sesudah masak.
* Masukkan santan serta air rebusan udang /ayam dan kerang.
* Tambah garam & serbuk perisa ayam serta sambal tumis.
* Masukkan lagi 2 sudu perencah laksa Sarawak.
* "Missing"- Taugeh

Kuah Siap!

Bahan segera - Santan, sambal tumis & perencah laksa Sarawak.

Thursday 15 January 2009

Hikayat Bihun

Mahu dikatakan perut ini lapar, tidak juga. Namun aku tidak tahu mengapa minda dan hati seolah-olah sehati mengatakan bahawa ia perlu makan. Aku jenguk ke dalam peti ais, hanya ada bebola daging dan sayur di sana. Lalu aku terkenang tengahari tadi aku ada membeli rempah laksa sarawak dan bihun, sayangnya santan dan bahan-bahan lain pula tiada.

Minda mula berfikir, pati ayam pasti membantu. Ku rebus bihun dan mula memotong bebola daging, cili dan batang sayur. Aku toskan bihun sesudah ia masak. Ku rebuskan air di dalam kuali lalu aku campakkan bahan yang sudah aku potong bersama asam keping. Aku tambahkan pati ayam namun hati masih belum puas. Ku koyakkan plastik rempah laksa lalu ku picitkan isinya kedalam kuali yang sedang mendidih airnya. Sedap juga rasanya, aku mengomel sendiri. Ku masukkan sayur dan sedikit tepung jagung.

6851 km

Syntium 800 SM 15W/50 - 4L @ 98.00
Oil filter @ 12.22
Gasket - Plug - Oil Drain @ 2.52
Radiator coolant @ 12.36 x 2
Eng treatment @ 48.00
Screen wash @ 5.20

Total : 190.60

Monday 12 January 2009


X-ray adalah antara yang ko kena buat kalau mo masuk kerja gomen. Alhamdulillah, urusan aku selesai hari ni. Kenapa aku publish gambar x-ray ni? entah laaaa

Sunday 11 January 2009

Friday 9 January 2009

Nice doctor

I decided to go home to settle my medical check-up. I already get verbal permission from my boss yesterday. At 7.50 am, i arrived at the ferry terminal. Notes - speedboat passengers will have to wait for Kk express to depart at 8.30.

I arrived at Beu Fot Hospital around 9.45. The nurse at the counter told us that i need an appointment before i can see the doctor. To be told that all slots for appointment were no longer available until 21 January adding more disappointment to me. They suggested i try my luck at KP. My dad tried his by asking the doctor personally. Left with no choice when all the nurses were ok with it,he agreed. I have my appointment after lunch. I came back around 2 pm and my number was 7018. The doctor was nice and steady,not like the other doctor i met at klinik kesihatan Labuan yesterday whom very good at talking but fail miserably at listening. I wonder how he communicate with senior citizens with such attitude. It was almost 4 pm when i finished. I looked outside, it was very dark. The rain started pouring heavily on the way home. With weather like this, i don't think i can make it to Labuan.

Thursday 8 January 2009

Cerita aku dan Che DeT

Aku ingin bercerita tentang seseorang. Tentang seorang lelaki yang aku kagumi bernama Mahathir.

Tun Mahathir menjadi perdana menteri pada tahun yang sama aku di lahirkan. Aku membesar dalam kepimpinan dan ideologi beliau. Bila ditanya tentang tokoh yang aku hormati, dari sekadar seorang kanak-kanak kecil yang belum mengerti apa itu politik, sehinggalah usia aku sekarang, aku pasti menyebut nama beliau walaupun sehingga saat ini aku masih belum sepenuhnya mengerti erti politik itu melainkan membayangkan ia suatu yang kotor.

Bagi aku Tun Mahathir adalah seorang pemikir yang memimpin, beliau bukan hanya sekadar seorang pemimpin. Menjadi pemimpin sesuatu yang boleh dipelajari dan diwarisi dari seseorang namun kepimpinan ada sesuatu ciri yang dimiliki oleh satu-satu individu itu sendiri.

Beliau juga adalah contoh seorang manusia yang punya keazaman dan keinginan yang sangat tinggi, yang tahu apa yang beliau mahu dalam hidup. Banyak yang kita dengar tentang beliau, malah adakalanya kisah negatif menutup segala yang beliau lakukan untuk Negara selama beliau memimpin. Beliau bukan sahaja seorang ketua Negara, jangan kita lupa yang beliau juga adalah seorang ketua keluarga. Amat sukar bagi beliau memuaskan hati semua pihak kerana beliau perlu lakukan apa yang beliau perlu lakukan. Walau tiada kamus dewan untuk aku rujuk di saat ini, membayangakn maksud perdana itu sahaja sudah memadai kita merujuk sesuatu yang amat besar.

Untuk aku, apa yang kita perlukan bukanlah seorang pemimpin yang 'baik'. Bagi aku juga, sesebuah Negara tidak memerlukan pemimpin yang sempurna kerana tidak pernah ada kesempurnaan dalam seorang manusia. Membandingkan sikap pemimpin di zaman para Nabi bezanya seolah beza di antara kedudukan huruf A dan Z, bukan huruf di antaranya.

Wednesday 7 January 2009


Baby, baby When we first met I never felt something so strong You were like my lover And my best friend All wrapped into one With a ribbon on it And all of a sudden You went and left I didn't know how to follow It's like a shot That spun me around And now my heart left I feel so empty and hollow
And I'll never give myself to another The way I gave it to you Don't even recognize The ways you hurt me Do you? It's gonna take a miracle to bring me back And you're the one to blame
And now I feel like, oh You're the reason Why I'm thinking I don't wanna smoke on These cigarettes no more I guess this is what I get For wishful thinking Should've never let you enter my door Next time you wanna go on and leave I should just let you go on and do it 'Cause now I'm using like I please It's like I checked into rehab Baby you're my disease It's like I checked into rehab Baby you're my disease I gotta check into rehab 'Cause baby you're my disease I gotta check into rehab 'Cause baby you're my disease
Ain't it crazy
When your love slams?
You'll do anything
For the one you love
'Cause anytime
That you needed me
I'd be there
It's like
You were my favorite drug
The only problem is
That you was using me
In a different way
That I was using you
But now that I know
That it's not meant to be
You gotta go
I gotta wean myself off of you

Rihanna - Rehab

Tuesday 6 January 2009

Monday 5 January 2009


I woke up at 4.18 am for sahur. I only ate kurma. I hate it when i have to go to the toilet every 30 minutes. My boss handed me a tender document. Remind me i have a site visit on Wednesday.


I am having this headache since last night. My CP invited me to a picnic with her family. I cannot go with a head like this. If you were a woman,this is what you have to deal with every month, sometimes :'( Mama....

Sunday 4 January 2009

Floating Restaurant Manja Rasa

Hari ni sesi menumpang kasih keluarga my Crime Partner, si kaka ai. Kali ni kitaorang p serang restoran terapun, Manja Rasa dekat Labuan Sport Complex. Oke ka food dia? oke laaa. Yang penting ngap perut kenyang...

Manja Rasa Restaurant
Labuan Sea Sport Complex
Call 087424935 for reservation
Adult - RM 20 nett
Children ( 8 to 3) - RM 10 nett

Friday 2 January 2009



It is 2009 and i am still here. Thank god for giving me the opportunity to be alive and for everything that came with it. As for this year, my new resolution will be not to have one at all. Every year I told myself that i want to be better,yet i am not the one judging it. I am not hoping for miracles. All i want is a simple peaceful life.

For those i was unable to forgive, it is only god who have the rights. For those i was unable to forget,it is only god who have my hearts.

Wednesday 31 December 2008

Those what remind me of my childhood

My sister thought me how to blow.. hahaha
One for you
Two for me

Tuesday 30 December 2008

Little Italy trip

Gree fetucinni
Meli clismas
Fetucinni with bolognese
Marinara Pizza
Visit their website @ http://www.littleitaly-kk.com/

Monday 29 December 2008

Crazy Cat

As I remembered, Sunday is always enjoyable. Here at my hometown, a feeling of welcomed “forced” me to open my eyes as early as 6 in the morning. I ended up watching cartoons while my friend spent time away with my mom.

Later, I sent my friend to bus terminal around 11 am. My sister insisted for a trip to KK, what else I can say.

We left home at 2 pm and arrived at 1 Borneo almost two hour later. We reached home at tuaran around 6.30 pm only to find out the home was chaotic all over the place like someone has broken into it. Cats poop everywhere proved that our first impression was totally wrong.

I think this cat went crazy as it was unable to find the way out. It took my sister an hour of cleaning to realize a kitty was hiding under the fridge. It did not end there. After 30 minutes of hard work trying to get the kitty out of its hiding place, she realized it was not only one but two of them. Ha ha ha. Not to mention my sister was not a cat person and she was so damn afraid of it.

Sunday 28 December 2008

I blog from ferry

Before I drove to office this morning, I was thinking about sending my car for its next 5000 km service and ride a bus home. However, it was about 100 meter from the service center when I suddenly change my mind. I called the ferry service provider and asked for available ticket for today which I already knew there is none.

When speaking about luck, today is really one of my luckiest days. I visited site and unintentionally mention to one of my koncho about my plan. He asked why not I told him earlier, took his phone out straight afterward. I heard he asked his friend to check with the ferry provider it there was any ticket left. Few minutes later, his friend called back and informed that they can save a place for me for their 7 pm trip. I called my friend shortly to ask if she wants to come with me and confirm after she said yes. So, here I am. I think we will reach home around 9.30 pm.

Major credits to my koncho Mr Abdullah.

Saturday 27 December 2008


Today is Friday. Realizing year end synonym with holidays, I went to bank and settle my loan repayment. I am thinking about going home tomorrow. I need a break to think about the SPA offer. It is agonizing!

Thursday 25 December 2008


Today is Christmas day. I woke up at 8 am this morning with dizzy head, probably caused by my eating out with my crime partners and good friend last night. My weight has increased due to changing in my eating habit lately.

My uncle once told me that I look “bloated” and accused broken heart as the main reason. Well, I could not agree with him. I simply view it like this, since I don’t have to budget for dating and wedding, I have lots to spend on myself. On these past few months, I spent on every thing that came across my mind freely without any worries unlike before. I am starting to like all this but I do save a little worries on my weight. Who doesn’t?

Wednesday 24 December 2008

The longest post

It is my habit to wake up early in the morning, up until few years ago. But this morning, I was up before the crack of dawn. It was all because of one letter.

I arrived at office around 10 am after visiting our work site. I pulled into the parking lot half expecting not to see my boss's car but it was already there indeed. Still have no idea how to tell him face to face about my resignation letter which I handed to management last week. With an empty mind and a heart that beats faster than usual, I climbed up the stairs, opened the door and headed to my table. I flashed an empty smile when my CrimePartner whispered the phrase “Boss dah tahu”.
I always knew that resigning from my current job would be the hardest thing for me.

There was a strange look on my boss face when I came in to report to him about the status of our current project. As I wanted to leave the room, he opened his mouth and said “Saya dengar you mau resign”. After a short conversation between us, I left the room. He told me it is hard for him if I were not here. I was afraid tears would come out for a second time in front of him. What he did not know, it is also hard for me after these four and a half years here.

We got a discussion with client on the afternoon, with presence of big boss. My boss asked me to be there, which I did attend only from outside the meeting room :) After the meeting ended, big boss called me to his room. I less expected that but he gave me advises and shared thoughts about the idea of working for the government.

I do aware about things that I might encounter as a government servant. I am not prejudice by any means but all I heard always reflect the negatives side. I worried about many things, the boss and the political environment that might exist at work place. I worried about the fact that I need to start over at a new place, alone. Maybe I worry too much, maybe there were good things awaited me ahead but I really don’t know what I should do right now
The situation might be different if my M-plan went throuh. Now I need to plan all over again and I do find it intricate this time. I already have all I ever asked for here, but somehow, I need to make the right decision for my future. Please help me God.

This morning, my boss called me to his room. Only today I have courage of asking him since when did he know and he told me he already knew since Monday actually. He did talk more than yesterday. He asked me do I have problems with my work or was there something that I was not satisfied with. I told him it was not that and that I have not decided to accept the offer up until now. I did fax my acceptance but the final decision will be on the day I report to duty.

Actually, I do not want to leave but I need to consider a lot of things which of course involve my future. I loved what I have here but would this be the right choice? If I choose to leave, would that be the best decision for me? My mind is in grey. I am having the time of my life and a lots had happened this year. I might looked happy and unaffected by my broken engagement but if truth be told, my heart was totally wrecked and was cut so deep, that I did not cry yet! I am not in denial as I was an optimist and did think carefully before I made my decision. Either one I choose, it still hurts me.

Ini hari trip ke Tiara lagi. Seperti biasa la, sesi menumpang kasih pada ini 2 laki bini. Kalau orang lain tumpang kasih laki orang, aku pula tumpang kasih bini di sekali dan anak dia juga. Hahahahaha..