Monday 7 September 2009

Menu baru


Dah kenyang.. baru lepas makan nasi tomato. Hari ni hari ketiga tukar menu.. semalam buka dengan roti jer sebab malas nak menapak pegi pasar yang dekat tuh. Nasiblah apartment depan umah aku tu bukak parking area dia tuk pasar ramadhan... tak ler aku pening nak carik makanan jauh2.

Pagi tadi patutnya janji ngan ibu nak teman dia buat site evaluation.. dah lawa2 sarung safety boot,bos panggil. Kater dia pengarah dah nak report.. alalaaaaa.... benchi i! So, terpaksalah cancel janji ngan ibu tuk bersungguh2 menyiapkan report yang tak siap2 tuh. Letih oi! Time aku tunjuk report tu dekat bos aku.. bos aku*silap2 pengarah nak yang lagi simple*.. pause.. *kalau macam tu suruh pengarah buat sendiri lah...* aku*hahahahah..

Housemate aku before subuh lagi dah keluar rumah.. hari ni dia nak pegi Hong Kong.. oh! Seronotnyerr la dia dapat pegi Disney land..

Perut dah kenyang nih.. mater sangatlah mengantuk.. keypad netbook ni plak keras semacamm.. degill nih! Blog sambil layan cerita kantonis.. lama sangat dah tak tengok cerita kantonis rupanya.. masih ader la juga tinggal sket2 skill mendengar cakap kantonis nih.. dari kecik memang minat sangat tengok cerita cina.. hari2 menghadap lah katakan.. tu yang my dad hangen ngan kitaorang.. hahahaha..

Oh.. nak setop lah semayang maghrib.. pastu nak tengok rookies before tidur.. lullaby okek! ops.. luper nak citer seswatu.. nantilah..

Sunday 6 September 2009


Yah.. pengganti...

I went to MidValley to find the replacement.. I was sad but the parting was unavoidable since he cannot perform anymore. All that left for me only memories.. at least he left me with something. Farewell my Vostro 1310.. I am not going to fix you.. rest in peace.

Yeah.. I went to Acer, Leonovo, Dell and Asus.. finally.. I bought this maroon buddy from Acer. I hope that he can accompany me as loyal as my previous Vostro. Lucky that the hard disc is still functioning.. at least this reduce my sadness since I have to say goodbye to two buddies.. Vostro and external hard disc buddy. Both died at the same time and left me alone. But my ext left me with functioning casing so that I can put my Vostro hard disc into it.

I lost my almost 3 years hard work which i kept inside that died hard disc. The saddest part, I lost all the newly downloaded movie. I was lucky not to transfer my Boys over flower and Meteor Garden into it. Hu hu...

If only I took care of you both to the max.. then you would never die and left....

Saturday 29 August 2009


Sorang-sorang melepak dekat ruang tamu subuh-subuh ni... rasa damai je. Pukul 5.30 tadi aku bangun, baru kelam kabut nak isyak.. oh! teruknya aku. Lepas tu sahur, then sampai sekarang aku masih tercongok dekat meja makan ni.. orang dekat masjid tu dah siap habis dah sembahyang jemaah.. aku juga yang belum menyubuh lagi.

Alamak... panggilan maut. Aku stop lah dulu sekejap...

Sambung balik...

Apa plan aku untuk hari ni... mmm... lepas ni... aku nak bermesra dengan keyboard aku.. dah lama tak main. Semalam main gitar.. sakit jari jemari i... dah lama tak main kan. Walau di mana aku berada, dua benda ni tak boleh tak der dalam rumah.. kena standby 24 hours.. haha...

Ada lagi dua, tv dengan dvd player.. so, kalau 4 benda ni tak der... tak sempurna hidup.. hawhawhaw. Dulu before pindah KL.. memang dah ada pun tapi bila dah pindah sini... aku terpaksa lah beli baru sebab malas nak angkut dari kampung. See.. betapa membazirnya aku.

Lepas tu.. nak tengok Rookies. Ini wajib... aku tak pernah la suka cerita sampai mampu nak tengok hari-hari. Yer.. aku memang tengok hari-hari.. kalau miss pun, dua or tiga hari paling lama. Dalam banyak-banyak cerita, aku paling suka cerita ni. Tiap kali tengok, tiap kali juga dapat goose bum padahal aku dah hafal pun jalan cerita dia. Even without subtittle pon aku dah boleh hafal kot dialog diorang.. haha. Aku tak sabar dah nak tunggu Rookies Sotsugyou ni release dvd.. Sah2 memang berkurun baru sampai Malaysia.. tapi aku tahu, mesti ada yang murah hati bagi link download kannn.. ;P

Mula-mula, aku tak mahu beli cerita ni sebab budak-budak dia semua tak comel. Tapi bukan salah diorang pon, dah mangga yang dorang adaptasi tu lukis watak2 yang memang tak comel. Aku terbeli hari tu pun sebab murah.. RM 36 ringgit ok! hehe.. At first, meluat tengok hero dia.. dah lah pendek dari yang lain, macam hampeh pula.. poyolah cerita nih.. cast pula tak comel... tapi lepas episode 1, semua yang negative tu ilang sama skali.. gone with the wind.

Barulah aku tahu betapa comelnya si hero inchik Aniya nih.. esp bila dia bercakap. There is something about his voice.. Dalam ramai-ramai jipun, "Baka" dia paling best sekali didengar. Baka ni means bodoh dalam jipun. Walaupon adalah juga part2 yang buat muka, tapi dorang tetap comelll.. hahaha... esp watak Wakana.. & Shinjo yang emsem.. & Mikoshiba yang suka sangat menangis.. belum tang cikgu dia yang poyo.. memang perfect lah cerita nih. Haihh... aku memang peminat tegarr lah!

Wednesday 26 August 2009

Nasi kerabu is the best

Tadi lepas buka puasa, pakailah baju siap-siap nak pegi kelas konon..dah angkat beg & kunci bilik, terjenguk dekat luar tingkap, hujan la pulak.. last2 cabut tudung ngan jaket. Rasa malas sangat nak pegi kelas malam ni.. tak tahu lah penyakit apa. End up, aku tengok Rookies.

Perut dah kenyang minum air. Semalam buka puasa ngan nasi kerabu, hari ni pun sama. Tak selera nak makan yang lain. Nasi kerabu ni cukup rasa, masin..manis..pedas.. masam sumer ader.. lengkap. Kalau time dekat LA dulu pun sama.. seminggu, kurang2 4 hari tu menu buka puasa mesti nasi kerabu. Sahur pula, mesti makan kurma 4 5 ulas.. ngan air kosong secawan dua. Sahur dengan tu jek.. nak makan benda lain memang tak masuk. Kalau makan kurma, memang energy last sampai ke petang. Dekat KL ni pun sama.. pukul 5.40 aku bangun sahur.. 5.50 mandi... pas subuh... dalam kol 6.10 minit tu aku dah start menapak keluar rumah. Betapa hebatnya aku... hahaa.. nak hidup.. terpaksalah.. baju, beg ngan barang2 nak pegi ofis semua dah aku ready kan before tidur.. kalau tak, sah kelam kabut besoknya.

Train dalam 6.23 train sampai.. tukar komuter plak... komuter biasa sampai dalam pukul 6.37.. kol 7 juga baru sampai ofis. Rumah aku bukannya jauh sangat pun dari ofis, tapi dah nama naik kenderaan awam kann... masa tu dah hilang untuk menunggu & berjalan kaki jek. Time balik kerja.. kalau nasib baik, sebelum 5 suku dah boleh sampai rumah.

Monday 24 August 2009

LA bukan lLos An Jeles

Hari ini masih tak boleh dijadikan hari pertama aku berpuasa di bulan posa tahun ni, mungkin besok agaknya. Aku pun sama macam orang puasa, tak menjamah sedikit makanan hatta seteguk air pun sampailah pukul enam tadi.. hahaha... ok lah tu... awal bukak puasa sejam dari orang puasa. Kalau dekat LA dulu.. kol 6 lebih aku dah berbuka.

Macam best pulak adress Labuan as LA... hahaha.. yo yo oh jek orang ingat Los an jeles...

Kepala aku macam nak pecah petang tadi. Turun LRT terus singgah dekat kedai mamak tapau mee goreng udang fevret aku. Sampai-sampai rumah, pakwe member aku tengah ada dalam rumah. Ops! dia sorang2 je ok.. Dia tengah betulkan komputer kat ruang tamu nih. Nasib la juga aku dapat housemate yang tak le suka-suki jek biar jantan masuk dalam rumah. Tau lah dekat KL nih.. KL KL juga... aku tetap aku juga.. so what!

Aku masuk bilik.. kunci ok!! hahaha... dia pon buka pintu depan.. dalam pada aku melayan boypren2 Rookies aku dekat tv sambil pasang kuat-kuat hengga bergegar pintu bilik dibuatnya.. sempat pula aku terfikir yang bukan-buakn.. bak nya orang datang tangkap kitaorang macamana... tak rela aku! hahahaha... Tangkaplah kalau beranik.. Nasib tadi aku tak fikir kalau dia ketuk bilik aku.. hahaha..

Hari ni entah apa yang aku buat dekat ofis.. eh! ada.. aku settle claim. Bengang aku dekat orang yang claim ni.. aku dah berapa kali cakap hantar claim tu biar proper, tak lah aku potong sana, potong sini.. haaa... korang juga yang rugi. Aku senang jer, ambil pen dan potong mana angka yang aku tak berkenan tapi yang rugi sheapa? bukan aku! hahaha.. bukan salah aku.. aku dah cakap TOLONG.. tolong tu manader makna lain selain daripada tolong kann!

Bos aku selalu pesan, kalau orang claim.. tengok betul-betul. Jangan sebab sikit jer dah potong claim dia.. kesian dorang kerja penat-penat, kita senang-senang jer potong.. insaf aku sekejap. Tapi bos aku ni dalam pada baik hati.. nak approve claim orang yang dia pesan suruh aku jangan suka suki potong tu bukannya senang. Kena query bukan calang-calang, soalan-soalan dia pula kategori soalan maut.. haa! Letih la aku nak menjawab time tu.. teringat hari tu aku kena tanya.. awak dah check ke sendiri berapa banyak manhole ada dalam drawing.. itu baru manhole.. baknya dia suruh aku kira berapa panjang ducting or paip yang ada, tak ke aku menganga.. boleh tu boleh lah kalau aku sekadar jaga satu projek ni je. Kitaorang dekat sini masing-masing pun faham... kata berkhidmat untuk rakyat kann.. dah nasib kitaorang..

Bila aku nak gaji? Oh!!!!!

Saturday 22 August 2009

Hari pertama puasa

Internet connection dekat rumah ni yang gila atau laptop aku yang dah gila... aku pun tak tahu. Tak dapat ler aku nak menjalankan aktiviti donlod hujung minggu. Rugi aku bayar megaupload premium bulan ni! Haihhh

Hari ni hari pertama puasa bagi semua umat islam.. tapi malangnya hari ni bukan hari pertama aku... mungkin besok ataupun lusa. Tak sangka dah puasa... terasa macam baru sangat lagi sambut hari raya yang lepas. Kalau dikira, lagi sebulan genap setahun dah aku putus ngan inchik ex.. wah! macam baru semalam jek.. hahah.. orang bergembira di hari raya, aku plak menyambut ngan putus "tunang".. sedih & kelakar at the same time. Aku ni tak normal ker atau terlebih sangat aura positif? aku sendirik pon kompius... hahah

Aku tengah tengok rancangan masakan chinese dekat tv 7 nih. Malaysian chinese.. kelakar gila minah yang host rancangan nih. Aku suka tengok rancangan2 yang dia host tapi tak tahu nama dia until now. Memang bersepah lah minah ni.. bising gila tapi kelakar. Suka hati dia je nak marah makcik jual sayur dekat pasar sebab makcik tuh jual harga mahal kata dia. Ada one time tuh, chief tu nak beli sayur yang imported pastu dia paksa chief tu beli yang local. Tapi bila tahu yang imported tu lebih murah, dia suruh chief tu beli yang import punya plak.. hahaha..

Thursday 20 August 2009


Walaupun memang badan aku tak berapa sihat kebelakangan ini, tapi yang lebih sakit sebenarnya adalah minda aku. Sebab tu badan aku terasa lemah sangat.

Orang kata kerja gomen senang & relax tapi aku rasa aku pula sebaliknya. Letih! Sinonim dengan "Saya yang menurut perintah"... Dah nama pun berkhidmat untuk rakyat.. Perkara pertama yang orang nampak pasal gomen ni senang, rilex, rasuah dan seangkatan dengannya. Semualah negatif... yang diorang tak tahu... sengsaranya.. Gaji pon bukan lah besar sangat kalau nak dibanding dengan tanggungjawab. Orangnya yang cuma beberapa jer, tapi benda alah yang nak di tengoknyer berkerat2. Aku ni sekadar orang bawahan, bayangkan berapa banyak yang bos aku kena monitor.

Dalam kes lain pula, sebagai orang bawahan macam kitaorang ni, kalau dapat bos kayu memang sengsara. Semua kena decide sendiri dan bos sekadar postman tukang pas surat. Oh! Tolong lah

Tapi aku tak salahkan orang2 yang kater pegawai kerajaan ni malas.. or makan gaji buta... or yang seangkatan dengannya. Sebab, buat macamana pun... semua tu bergantung pada individu. Tahap pendidikan juga ada kesan terhadap cara pemikiran & mentaliti individu... kadang2, belajar tinggi pun... tak de beza dengan yang tahap pendidikannya lebih rendah.. so, semuanya atas individu itu sendiri. Kalau yang aku tengok dekat tempat aku nih, geng2 teknikal ni kebanyakkannya memang eager nak majukan diri..

Tuesday 18 August 2009

I watched them again

I watched Rookies last night, yes dear... again and again! I just couldn't help it. I saw on the net this review wrote that Rookies has many good looking actor in the drama/ movie. I could not agree with it. But I myself is unable to resist from mumbling that this Shirota Yuu is so damn good looking. Sorry that I don't like him from Hanazakari No kimitachi e days, yea.. blame me. After watching Rookies several times, and watching him sing the Haruka song and played guitar in you tube.. and his funny dance also on you tube.. and.. and.. and.. I have to admit, he is so damn handsome! Sorry ears!

Speaking about Hanazakari No Kimitachi e drama, I still could not believe how that drama made me say that I don't like the lead actor which is my boyfriend Mr Oguri. I blamed the drama!

I watched the making of Rookies Sotsugyo.. Even without subtitles, I still want to watch everything that related to Rookies. Then only I found out that Aniya @ Ichihara Hayato similarity to Mikoshiba are their ability to cry.. hahahaa.. tears baby! But he is still cute.. See.. this one is real tears at the end of filming..

Here are the other cast during their press conference or what.. I am not sure.. Where is Wakana????!!!! I want him with is blonde hair look

New faces on the movie.. But this Yusuke Yamamoto guy, I envied his sexy mouth for so long.. I think I knew some of these Rookies guys from Water Boys day..

Monday 17 August 2009

Sampah, perempuan dan bahasa

Kenapa ada perempuan yang tak bersihkan dapur lepas masak? Aku cukup hairan kalau jumpa orang yang macam ni. Aku takla masuk kategori pembersih kelas A.. apa lagi kategori rajin. Tapi setahu aku, lepas masak aku pasti akan make sure yang dapur dan peralatan memasak aku dah dibersihkan, barulah aku rasa selesa nak menikmati makanan.
Sama macam sampah... aku cukup alergik sampah basah ni. Sebab tu aku selalu separate sampah aku. Kalau ada sampah basah, aku akan make sure sampah tu akan berada di tong sampah secepat yang boleh sebab aku geli nak bersihkan ulat-ulat. Ewwwweeee!! Macamana la orang boleh tunggu sampai sampah tu berbau dan berulat baru nak pegi buang.
Citer pasal pompuan ni, aku ni plak mmg alergik ngan pompuan yg konon2 very the pompuan ni. Golongan ni leceh dan kadang2 mengarut je lebih. Nampak je lembut tapi mulut macam apa, belum kira mengumpat dan bertermpayan. Biar tak lemah lembut, yang penting tahu hormat orang. Ya, aku amat ambil kesah dengan pengunaan bahasa. Aku memang jenis yang pantang dengar orang cakap kasar-kasar dan guna bahasa yang ntah haper haper macam budak sekarang nih. Lagi satu yang buat lawak kuning.. tolonglah simpan cerita atas katil dan imaginasi korang tu untuk diri sendiri. Orang bagitau aku, ko belum kawin sebab tu kau tak tahu. Nak jer aku jawab, ko apa tahu! tak pernah belajar agama ke sampai tak tahu batas-batas perbualan? Aku tak lah baik macam malaikat subuh, tapi sekurang-kurangnya gunalah kepala otak tu dalam setiap perbuatan dan perkataan.

Sunday 16 August 2009

Jay Chou, Lee Hom or Show Lo

I am loving Jay Chou. He is a great musician. I didn't consider his voice as superb but his music sure is. I love how he is synonim with producing-great-songs. It is not just the singing,but the song itself. Even though i am unable to understand what he is singing, i felt in love with his music. I sometimes tried to sing it without knowing the meaning and whether or not i sang it correctly. All i know is.. I loved how the song sound especially those traditional Chinese instruments and modern music fusion. I admired this guy so much! Nothing else to say...

I tried to listen to Wang Lee Hom, not just his song but his voice also causing my ear to ache.. sorry brother, I know you have a long list of awards. As for non-Chinese listener like me, all my ears need is a beautiful music like Chou's style which I don't get from you. But, among these three he is the hao kan one.. vely the emsemm!

I considered Show Lo/ Alan Luo as the one who has a nice soothing voice but I am not fond of his songs and music style which is worse than brother Hom.. haiyaaa... Please sing more song like Ai Zhuan Jiao bro.. I love your voice.. The best chinese male voice I have ever heard so far. But as an actor, I give him all thumbs up... said if i got 100, i will give them all. I think his most recognized feature was his smile, his tears... aaahhh! everthing about him lah, no need to say much.

Saturday 15 August 2009

They Came

I went to see my crime partner and her family today. They arrived yesterday.. actually I planned to see them last night but I left her daughter's Tom&Jerry cd at home (pirate okeee!!) .. but due to rain, I promised to see them today.

I got many gifts from them. No wonder my heart still attached to LA.. It is not just the people there, but also the place itself. I just like to be there... Here in KL.. i don't feel like home.. The people are different in so many ways.. zhende qi guai!

I pass through Sogo on my way to meet them.. I think i have mention this so many time.. but wo zhende bu xihuan Sogo! I have no idea why I don't like Sogo.. Mafan ni le! Hahaha..Now I am at home.. watching Rookies.. oh!! I still love them..

Friday 14 August 2009

Phone and I

Lately my phone and i seems to be 'not-very-fond' of each other that it became my-not-so-important stuff. Dont bother to ask me why i did not pick up the phone or forgot to reply smses. For those who doesnt have boyfriend like me will understand how i guess.. Haha.. Actually I only use my phone to access required info on-the-go and rarely us it on call or sms.. Since i did not combine my dgdata with postpaid,i will have to carry two different phones which is very inconvenient to do all the time.

Speaking about my phone.. my sister called me and preached.. she is younger than me but she is like an old auntie... hahaha... full with advices and opinion which i dont need... hahaha.. I am the type of people who took slow paces.. but I always know which path to take and there are no regret words existed in my life-dictionary. I am not being so cocky and full with myself.. it is just nothing is wrong if one is confident.

People said so many thing for so many reasons. Some did it because there were lot of things that they were unsatisfied with in their own life and use preaching to others as a reverse psychology.. some just full of themselves... While some,is because they felt responsible as an adult.. as for me.. no matter how old i will be getting.. I hope i will never change and become one annoying old woman.

Tuesday 11 August 2009

SE and Nokia

Comparing Sony Ericsson to Nokia... I prefer SE.. I previously used K300, W300i, K550i, W580 and W760i and,yes dear..i am none other than 'pengguna tegar' SE.. but this year, I bought Nokia 5800.. the thing i liked most about SE is their user friendly phone and fresh design..

For Nokia 5800... i like its large screen and matured design.. songs downloading are easier... the camera is really good that it is able to sharp-capture fast movement on its video function.. I also able to watch all type of compressed movie on my phone... as a touch screen phone, Nokia 5800 didn't have keypad.. kinda annoying. Browsing the internet sometimes can be annoying but is considered ok... using SE Java phone and Bolt browser, i can update my face book without having to do it on facebook mobile mode.. I can easily play face book games during my commuter and LRT trip.. which my main pointing is at their face book friendly features.. Yes dear, i can do none with my Nokia phone without getting annoyed.

Both SE walkman series and Nokia music express series are music-enhanced mobile phone.. for loud speaker, i prefer Nokia but for earphone, comparing SE to Nokia is no use because SE walkman & earphone ergonomic design is still the best! Go Sony Ericsson Go!

Monday 10 August 2009

How many manhole?

I came to see my boss about monthly project report that i need to submit to construction manager this month.. my boss asked me, *are you confident the report given by consultant is accurate? .. causing me to think twice.. huahuahua..

After almost 30 minutes spending my time inside his room.. I rushed out and asked ayah to go with me to site.. luckily he have some free time and offer to drive me to site.. I rushed back to my boss office to ask for permission.. he just laugh and asked me why did not i bring Daus along and use his big body to scare the consultant and contractor... hahaha..

I asked my contractor to count how many manholes they have at each block and laugh at them at the end of my visist.. i jokingly told them, this is what happen when you only have one service to look at. I am just me.. funny and not so serious. Dealing with people's emotion is zhen de bu rong yi!.. not easy.. I dont have to pretend to be someone else to gain respect. I am not a straight person, I easily consider people difficulties if they consider mine :)

Thursday 6 August 2009

Period memang menyakitkan

Tahukah lelaki betapa sakitnya seorang perempuan itu di kala period datang. Masa sebelum dan tengah period adalah masa yang kritikal. Selain sakit perut yang sememangnya sangat sakit, pelbagai lagi sakit lain yang mengiringi kedatangan period seperti sakit kepala yang amat sangat, pening, muntah-muntah, suhu badan yang tinggi dan emosi yang terganggu disebabkan hormon serta perasaan tidak selesa. Malah, seluruh badan terasa sakit sekiranya disentuh.

Setiap bulan mengalami situasi sebegini, sememangnya para wanita sangat tabah. Belum lagi sakit ketika melahirkan. Apakah hak seorang lelaki mengatakan bahawa mereka dan perempuan seri? Seorang perempuan yang bekerja, memikul tanggungjawab di tempat kerja sama seperti lelaki malahan kadang-kadang lebih hebat lagi serta perlu mengurus rumah tangga. Menjaga kebajikan anak-anak dan si suami, memastikan makan dan pakaian terjaga serta kebersihan dan keselesaan tempat sekeluarga berlindung setiap hari. Perlu juga menyara dan melindungi keluarga. Di manakah hak lelaki mengatakan bahawa mereka dan kaum perempuan perlu memikul tanggungjawab yang sama padahal hakikatnya kehidupan adalah berat sebelah?

Tidak dinafikan masih ada lelaki yang benar-benar jantan tetapi untuk mencari golongan ini pada zaman kita aku umpamakan seperti mencari butir padi di dalam beras. Kasihan sungguh kaum hawa namun yang paling kasihan adalah mereka yang tidak mampu mengasihani dan menghormati diri sendiri. Masih bertahan di belakang seorang lelaki yang tidak layak di panggil lelaki kerana takut menghadapi kehidupan sendirian. Takut menjadi bahan bualan dan mulut orang.

Wednesday 5 August 2009

Wo wang le..

I attended two meeting this evening.. first meeting started at 3 and the second started at 4.45 pm and ended 10 minutes to 6 pm.. I arrived at home at 6.30 pm.. I took bath, pray Asar and did my laundry. What a long tiring day... I sat in front of television while having a cup of coffee around 7.20 pm.. then my housemate came back.. we have a chat.. it is during azan that she suddenly asked me.. eh! dont u have a class tonight?

Aiyaaaaa.. wo wang le! I almost miss my class tonight. Thanks to my housemate that remind me about it... Laoshi asked us to download Jacky Cheung Hao Jiu Bu Jian song last week.. in english it means Long Time No See... the song is kinda ok.. why she did not ask me to find Jay Chou song... that would be easy for a fan like me.. ehemm ehemm.. but his song sure are difficult to translate of course!

Tuesday 4 August 2009

Pro ject hea d ac he

Ibu and I attended technical meeting at site office. I dragged her along because my boss was unable to attend it... owh! what a headache this project. The building construction has reached level 5 but mechanical services not anywhere to be seen except sanitary. No cold water, no air-cond duct and no fire fighting installations which are suppose to start at this stage. Not to mention they have 16 services all together for mechanical only..

Luckily they did not submit any progress claim this month. I have not yet do site evaluation and currently thinking about skipping this month report.. huahuahua

Monday 3 August 2009


I am fasting today.. If i were at LA.. break fasting time will be around 6.30 and can sometimes be at 6.05 during fasting month.. Huhuhu...

I finished my evaluation work this morning.. meeting minutes checked already.. tomorrow and the next day will be "my day of meeting"... driver booking - check.. but i still have few things to do...

Sunday 2 August 2009

Qi Guai...

I am not feeling well since Friday.. 奇怪 neh.. owh.. this words pronounced qi guai which means weird in English.. see.. these word are combination of tree+can and heart+ also+earth.. so damn complicated rite? they laugh like this in chinese 呵呵.. which means hehe.. i saw this in a book neh!

I am staying at home.. as usual, as usual I don't enjoy going out during weekend because it is my only day of rest. Who to blame that my office located inside a shopping mall.. not just one, but two shopping malls!.. enjoying weekend environment? nope! panass adalah.. then.. sesaks lagi.. H1N1 lagi.. aihh.. this what makes me miss LA even more.

I think i am unable to live with people neh.. muhuhaha..

Friday 31 July 2009

Golongan kaki

Tengah aku melepak-lepak senang hati depan tv, aku tertonton cerita yang berkisar tentang kehidupan lelaki dan perempuan. Perempuan yang baik hanya untuk lelaki yang baik, begitu juga lelaki yang baik hanya untuk perempuan yang baik.. itu yang biasa aku dengar. Tapi sekarang ni rasanya lebih ramai golongan yang tak baik ni, yang liar dan dah tak punya kesopanan dan kesusilaan macam yang tertulis dalam rukun negara.. ya, aku tahu memang tak berkaitan dengan rukun negara. Belum jenis yang lupa nak cermin diri sendiri dan mecam-macam jenis...

Tapi yang paling aku alergik ialah golongan kaki. Tuhan bagi manusia kaki untuk berjalan tapi dalam zaman sekarang ni, wujud pula golongan yang dipanggil "golongan kaki" ni. Golongan ini terdiri daripada kaki pukul, kaki minum, kaki judi, kaki perempuan, kaki kikis, kaki dadah, kaki dera dan pelbagai jenis kaki lagi...

Walaubagaimana pun, yang paling aku nak highlight pasal story kaki ni adalah pasal kaki aku yang dah bermuscle kot sebab hari-hari berjalan turun naik tangga yang banyak gila dekat lrt stesen tuh... hahahaha

Thursday 30 July 2009

10 things about commuter trip..

Stranded at commuter station for 20 minutes to almost one hour is normal
Upgrading pushing skill is a must for any trip
Good inertia and body balance is mandatory during standing when nothing is there to hold on to except other peoples body
Leg’s strength needed to be upgraded for sprinting and chasing the train purpose

The sound of children crying is not annoying comparing to women who bring their infant to board the train. Please do them good by asking them to use taxi or other public transport
Changing train due to train breakdown could happen anytime
 Lost due to lack of signage at commuter station is rare compare to LRT user
Prepare to cover your ear from the annoying sound of express train passing through commuter station during your waiting time
Large bag is useful for covering your body, especially woman. Man can use pouch.
You are not so lucky to escape bad smell from arm pit, body, hair and whatsoevahetc.. uwwekkk!!

Wednesday 29 July 2009

Mandarin class

My life has been so damn busy lately.. I rarely update my blog and have 'little' time to spend on YM and Facebook.. It's not that they restricted ym and facebook at my office.... There were lots of things to handle.. but I am glad and happy with my life.. that is more important.

Ibu and I.. we were not into shopping lately.. We will go to MPH during lunch time to survey languages books. It started with watching Japanese movie few months ago.. currently Ibu wants to learn Japanese so bad and provoke my long buried dream of studying mandarin inside. So now, I attend a mandarin class every Wednesday night. Today is my third class since i missed one class last week.

Wo de laoshi concentrate more on conversation rather than writing. I took my own initiative to learn the writing. Yes.. i was able to write about 50 - 70 characters until today while some, i am able to identify the characters and the meaning but unable to say the words in mandarin. I am bit slow i guess but Chinese characters are not something that is easy for Malay to understand. They don't have abc like English. Some of their characters are combination of two words and it needed brain to define the meaning such as electric + conversation = telephone, people + tree = resting.. nah! see

I totally disagree with peoples who think that learning other languages such as English and Mandarin means that we look up too high at them.. some even make an example about Japanese people who succeed without having to learn and understand English. I think peoples with this kind of thinking is pathetic, you know! Learning is a non stop process, it doesn't count what kind of knowledge you learn.. it is all about the knowledge itself.

Monday 27 July 2009

Seluar Dalam

Ya... tajuk hari ni memang agak sensored tapi tak berkaitan langsung dengan perkara-perkara berkod biru mahupun kuning.

Tengah aku berjalan lenggang lenggok, mata aku tertumpu pada bontot seorang gadis yang sedang berjalan lagi lenggang dari aku. Bukan kerana bontotnya yang menarik mahupun tertarik kau memang debom tapi kerana garis seluar dalamnya yang amat ketara dan kelihatan hodoh pada pandangan mata aku. Aku lantas bertanya pada diri sendiri, apakah aku juga kelihatan seperti ini.

Ya... memang sangat hodoh. Kepada kaum wanita seperti aku, sila pastikan baju anda cukup panjang atau pilih seluar dalam yang tak menyebabkan anda terberada dalam golongan yang mencemarkan pemandangan.

Saturday 25 July 2009

My 2nd boyfriend

I loved Crows Zero and the main reason of course because there was my Shun Oguri.. I'll list down my reasons ;p

i) My hero is here.. though he did not look handsomely him here (????) but he nailed it!! ..he came to conquer Sizuran because he hate his yakuza dad at the first place. His father promised him, if he were able to conquer Sizuran, he will make him his successor. He met one of this Yakuza guy, a rival of his father, Ken Katagiri and they became friend. The guy told him it takes more then strength to concquer the place, so my bf asked him to teach him how. This guy cared so much about Genji and he even took the bullet for him after he refused to follow his boss order to kill Genji... but he did not die because maybe his boss loved him too... hahah.. I love the relationship between this two characters.. Ken also saved Genji's Yakuza father on Crows Zero 2.

A lot of interesting scene happened during his way to recruit and form his GPS team.. the first leader joined his team was Makise, an ugly and weak when it comes to girl, but he has his own character and followers. Makise was a leader of 3 C and there was Izaki, leader for 3D.

Due to Izaki's respect to Makise, Izakia and his followers finally joint GPS after beating my bf Genji (Oguri) .. he asked Makise why in the first place he wanted to follow this Genji. Makise replied that there were no reason to explain.. before Izaki left.. he asked Makise to tell Genji that he will teach him to throw a darts tomorrow which means he agreed to be Genji's ally.. yeahhh..

ii) I met him here.. ..his Serizawa character was soooo damnn interesting. He potrayed as the leader of Suzuran.. yet he was funny and he even played chicken with the policemen.. my first impression, he did not look like a leader at all but he is actually.. he is charismatic! I actually think he was a good leader and the strongest comparing to genji, but i finally conclude that Genji's weakness was his strength actually. Not to mention this Takayuki guy looked so damn cool and hot too neh... he cared a lot about his best friend, Tokio.. which happen to be Genji's old buddy.

Tokio was ill and needed a surgery.. he lied about his illness to Serizawa but Serizawa happened to eavesdropping the conversation between Tokio and the doctor. Tokio chances on the surgery was only at 30%..

iii) I love the soundtrack.. esp the INTO THE BATTLEFIELD track which they used at the beginning of their fight.. makes me want to kick some ass too.. haha

iv) I love the scene where my bf cried because the only girls on the movie said he was a total ass.. hahaha..

v) Here is also one interesting scene when Genji gone wild because Izaki got beaten by Serizawa's guy. Makise dissapopinted on Genji's behaviour and finally told him that he did not want to follow this kind of Genji. Genji got totally upset i guess and throw himself at the pool.. hahaha... he even came to Ken for shoulder to cry on because of this..

vi) They gathered some of my Rookies team here.. like Wakana/ Izaki :: Hiratsuka/ Tokio :: Enatsu/???? :: Karate boy/???? ::

vii) The movie was... so damnnnnn good. LEt's Kick SoME aSS!!!!!

Tuesday 21 July 2009


I went to Malacca for design course today... Yeahh... I am coming!!
I am still unable to move my ass from watching this cartoon on tv 2 at the moment..
I guess I will have to miss my class tomorrow.. uh uh!
I checked on the schedule, our course will also be held at night...
guess there will not be a relaxing time for us T_T

Friday 17 July 2009

Inilah view dari ofis aku daily. Kalau orang p MV shopping, orang JKR adalah antara orang yang p MidValley demi sesuap nasi. Tapi kalau dah namanya di MV, bersuap2 nasi la kot sebab tempat makan banyak dan semua mahalll!

Saturday 4 July 2009

Sunday 28 June 2009

DVD days

Ahad pun tiba... Hari Ahad skarang dah jadi hari menonton dvd.. Eh! Rasanya kebelakangan ni hari2 pun hari menontön dvd.

Dari smalam tengok cerita Mei Chan Butler.. Cerita ini amat BEST! Kalau la aku ada sorang butler emsem mcm Rihito nih.. Muhuhaha! Butler dorang memang la emsem! Citer ni citer fiksyen.. tak heran la kalau cerita dia agak mengarut. Tapi hero dia memang chantik & heroin dia pula.. boleh la tahan.

Saturday 20 June 2009

Yamada Taro Monogatari

This is a drama about a smart, athletic and adorable young guy adapted from Japanese manga by Ai Morinaga. Peoples at his school kept rumoring that he came from a very wealthy family while the fact that he unintentionally hide was, his poor family. The main character in the drama played by two members of Japanese boy band Arashi, Ninomiya Kazunari as Yamada Taro and Sakurai Sho as Mimura Takuya, his best friend.

This is a story about family. I rated this drama as avarage but i like all Taro siblings.. they were all kawaii!!

Friday 19 June 2009

Nobuta Wo Produce

... Shuji Kiritani (Kazuya Kamenashi) is a very popular high school boy who is close to Mariko Uehara (Erika Toda), the most popular girl in school, but whom he does not actually love. Akira Kusano (Tomohisa Yamashita), his classmate, does not really have any friends - something that is attributed to the fact that he cannot read the atmosphere well. One day, a very shy girl, Nobuko Kotani (Maki Horikita) transfers to their school and is instantly picked on by a group of girls for her shyness. As a testimony to their youth, Shuji and Akira team up and decide to "produce" her, to make her popular. They nickname her "Nobuta"
The various episodes deal with the pair's attempts at making Kotani popular by making her more appealing. Amidst this, a mysterious person insidiously attempts to waylay all of Kiritani and Kusano's efforts. Fortunately, the trio always manages pulls through with ingenuity.
Kiritani has to cope with his loss of popularity after he is caught out lying about Uehara and does not assist when a classmate is beaten up. Despite this, with the knowledge that his two true friends, Kusano and Kotani, will always be there for him, Kiritani gets over it. There is also the revelation of Aoi, Kotani's first friend besides Shuji and Akira, as the mysterious antagonist of the story. In the final episode, Kiritani discovers that he and his family must move out of Tokyo because of his father's job. Kusano follows Kiritani to his new hometown and surprises him by showing up at his new school. Kotani is left alone in Tokyo, but she has overcome her shyness, and is finally able to smile. She also becomes popular among the other students, and is no longer bullied. The end of the drama sees all three characters being able to "live wherever [they] are", having learned the meaning of friendship and love.

This is a story about friendship, based on a book. There is something about this drama that made me attached to it from the beginning. Maybe because of a slower story line or maybe i just like the story the way it is. The guy who played Kiritani Shuuji in the drama was Kamenashi Kazuya from a Japanese boy band KAT-TUN. I started liking this boy since Gokusen 2. I am just a bit annoyed by the Kusano Akira character played by actor Yamashita Tomohisa. But I cannot blame him since he purposely has to portray as an annoying person for that drama and it worked on me. They became real friend at the end and I loved it.

Thursday 18 June 2009

Roasted chicken.

I spent my whole day at construction sites at Shah Alam and Cheras today. What a tiring day and I even looked like roasted chicken, but the feeling was so good. I really missed my previous work. Working on site always gave me a refreshing day. It is still something that i am unable to explain, up until today.

My friend said to me there was a kind of sad feelings in her to see all those labor who worked so hard for a spoon of rice. That is the feeling that i always carry in my heart every time i saw them. Being paid daily basis is different from being paid monthly. If one were unable to work for a day, the gaining for that they will be nothing... I used to see peoples who worked 8 hours per day getting paid RM 10, for that 8 hours. It saddened me.... It made me realize how lucky i am to be at my position.

Working for a big organization is not as easy as what i always imagine before. There were lots of things, lots of procedures but lack of unity and standardizing on the system. Communication played a very important role above all and as clearly known to myself, i am so damn bad in communicating with others!

Sunday 14 June 2009

Sun is the Day

Hari ni dah ahad.. sepanjang minggu menghabiskan masa memutar dvd sememangnya sedikit meletihkan. Sepanjang dua minggu kebelakangan ini aktiviti untuk masa lapang sangat padat. Terasa gian untuk memetik gitar dan menekan kekunci keyboard. Terasa rindu untuk menulis di dalam blog. Terasa tidak mahu terikat dengan permainan video game. Terasa mahu tidur sepuas-puasnya. Juga terasa ingin bercinta. Owh! Sungguh melodramatik pabila diri terlibat dalam aktiviti menonton cerita cinta.

Friday 12 June 2009

Sawada and Yankumi

I watched Hana Yori Dango starting last night. It was hard for me to accept the first season but I started to like it at second season. I am not a fan of Mao Inoue and I think Matsumoto Jun looked ugly in that drama. He looked so much better and handsome back at Gokusen day. But I am not blaming his hair because they were just trying to make him resembled the Domiyuji portrayed in the manga. Maybe I should blame the lightining or filming technique? O?? For Mao Inoue, it is no doubt that she is cute but she is “not enough” for Domiyuji character.

I started watching it after finishing Gokusen 2. I think Gokusen 2 is not bad either but I prefer Gokusen 1. I like the fact that I can relate to Sawada and Yankumi’s character. For a young boy, it is not a surprise if they tend to adore adults. As for Sawasa Shin, he can be considered as a loner and all he has were his friends and there was Yankumi, who is always supporting him and his friends. I am touched also if I were him. If you blend with the drama, you will see clearly that Sawada has feelings for Yankumi. What I like about the drama is that they did not exploit Sawada's feeling which can cross the limits of teacher-student relationship. I love they put a limit there and I loved it when Sawada confessed about it to the other three guys who also have feelings for Yankumi at the end of the show.

I read the manga which on the 2008 SP, Yankumi returned Sawada’s feelings after he saved her. He even told Yankumi the reason he was behaving good during his school days only because he has feelings for Yankumi, which of course Yankumi rejected it at first. Both Nakama Yuki and Matsumoto Jun did a great job translating the manga into drama. Matsumoto Jun acting was really good in there. His character was portraying a loner young boy with a cold expression on his face while Nakama Yuki played a clumsy and funny person and both did not over doing it. If only Nakama Yuki fighting-body-language was a bit sharp, I think I will appreciate it more. I hope they film the Gokusen manga SP 2008 and bring back these two together.

Tuesday 9 June 2009

Arwah Laptop

Goodbye my laptop T_T U die so sudden

Thursday 4 June 2009

Ini adalah antara gambar kenangan masa aku tecit time kitaorang duk Ukey.. comey kan aku.. tecittt je

Aku duk sini dalam 2 tahun cam tu kot. Masa ni bapak aku sambung degree dia dekat University Of Hull, East Yorkshire, England.

Wednesday 3 June 2009

Annoyed tak bertempat

Hari ni banyak aktiviti. Nak kata sibuk sangat, tak lah juga.. tapi dari pagi ada je hal. Dalam banyak2 hal yang aku suka buat kat opis ni yekla eksen dekat 2nd boss aku. Ha ha ha... kenapa aku begini.

Tadi aku eksen pasal aku nak g jumpa menteri besok... kuikuikui... lawak la encik ni. Aku ni jenis poyo... kadang benda yang orang lain rasa annoying pun bagi aku still tadak hal punya. Dari skolah aku memang macam ni.. even the world around aku succumb pown aku still steady... eksen laaagiii... kuikuikui.. Eksen adalah satu benda yang annoying tapi aku suka buat orang annoyed. Sepa suruh orang tu banyak sangat aura negatif kann.. tengok macam aku.. ko nak eksen, eksen la.. tadak hal punya. Paling koman buat tebal taik telinga aku jek dengar.. bukan mendatangkan rugi pon ko nak eksen..

Tengahari aku ngan ibu teman member dari state ni shopping barang baby. Tadi kitaorang ader discussion ngan contractor. Nasib aku ada boss yang steady! Aku kalau diberi pilihan nak pindah dari HQ dalam masa 2 3 tahun ni.. aku fikir 40 kali kot. Often dengar duduk state ngan kader macam best jek.. tak macam kuli2 batak kat Hq ni.. tapi aku sangat bother dengan experience & skill yang bakal aku kumpul kalau aku dekat HQ ni. Haaa... things macam ni baru seswaii nak annoyed.. Ini sekadar orang eksen pon kecoh!

Aku sangat annoyed kalau aku takder keje.
Aku sangat annoyed kalau keja aku cuma itu itu je hari2.
Aku sangat annoyed kalau aku kena tanya aku tak dapat jawab hal teknikal nih.

Aku tak suka cabaran banyak sangat tapi...

Aku sangat annoyed kalau hidup aku tak mencabar.
Aku sangat annoyed kalau kena bayar gaji buta.
Aku sangat annoyed kalau tak seterrer senior aku dekat opis nih.
Aku sangat annoyed kalau aku tak capai tahap macam boss aku sekarang ni.

Citer pasal boss aku. Tadi Zul panggil aku, boss nak jumpa. Rupernya boss aku ni dapat email & dia tak reti nak jawab.. haaa.. kalau cengini ayah aku yang umur 57 tahun tu lagi terrer.. ha ha. Berbalik kisah boss aku. Dia pass aku mouse, suh aku tolong reply.. Aku"ncik.. sy nak keyboard baru bley taip" Boss aku"laa.. (sambil tergelak) ko duduk sini" dia bangkit dari kerusi dia. Fuh! Aku"berdebar saya duduk kerusi ncik nih" Boss aku gelak. Kebetulan tengah aku menaip tu, ibu lalu. Aku tak tahan bila boss aku panggil ibu suh tengok aku duduk tempat dia.. ha ha ha... Kalau senior aku nampak ni, sure satu bangunan opis ni kecoh.. kekekekekek..

Aku sangat suka duduk HQ ni! Itulah kesimpulan post aku hari ni... muhuhaha

Tuesday 2 June 2009

Tulah ngan Boss

Semalam aku tido lewat dari biasa.. Aktuali aku dah set da pon jam before i go sleeping2.. mcm biasa la aku set pukul 5.50 pagi.. alih2 pagi ni aku bangun kol 6.32 pagi.. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.... sepa la yang jahat ni!

Kol 6.32 pagi kalau ikut aku dah celepak celepok dah menapak pegi lrt stesen... kelam kabut aku mandi... nak mc aku terkenang plak aku ader meeting pagi & petang.. lagipon tak der hari aku nak duk umah hari2 biasa ni. Kol 6.45 aku kuar umah... terrer tak terrer aku. Mandi cam kobau.. pakai baju cam charlie chaplin... aku memang terrer bab mencepatkan diri.. no hal punya!

Balik2 toleh belakang sambil menapak tengok ada tak teksi... kitaiii!! tak der satu teksi pon lalu.. boleh plak pagi2 cam ni tak de teksi. Hampehh! AKu turun nak g komuter.. macam jauh giler... tak ble jadik nih... aku patah balik.. tengok jam 5 minit lagi kol 7. Aku tak silap train dari BTS bertolak jam 6.57 pagi.. sure tak sempat kalau. Pastu aku turun g lrt.. kot2 kat situ ada teksi. Haremmm takder.. Jam dah kol 7 .05 minit... tak ble jadik ni.. aku jalan direct sampai stesen komuter SS.. sepanjang beberapa minit aku berjalan tu ponn tak der juga teksi yang lalu.. Adehh.. malang sungguh nasib gwe..

Sambil menghunus payung, aku berjalan melepasi kawasan anjing2 melepak.. dalam hati dah set dah... kalau anjing2 ni buat aper2... tak pukul, aku cabut langkah seribus. Ha ha... akhirnya dalam kol 7.15 aku tersembul dekat stesen komuter SS. First time nih aku sampai sini... selalu aku naik lrt pg BTS, then baru tukar train.

Stesen ni sunyi kalau pagi... takut sket la. Lagipun kedudukan dia quite ke dalam & isolated. Kol 7.30 sharp aku sampai stesen komuter midvalley... punch card aku 7.40 ler pagi ni... lewat 10 minit gara2 aku ketulahan ngan boss semalam... cash aku kena! huhu

Ibu ngan senior aku cuti.. ayah plak g kursus... tinggal ler beberapa kerat kitaorang dekat opit tu.. Pagi patut aku ada meeting ngan orang state... tp bos aku sendiri je kot yang pegi. Lagi pon takder pekdah pon aku ada... buat tebal taik telinga jer dengar. Petang aku g meeting kat tingkat aku. Alamakk... mamat ni emsem la pula.. kuikuikui! Dah ler balik tadi aku berdua2an ngan dia dalam lift.. dia kater tak pernah nampak aku before nih.. aku yang besar ni dia tak nampak.. hesh! haha... memang ler... da dulu ini bukan projek aku.. Paly la ni!!! Eiiii!!

Petang aku balik lewat sebab meeting tu habis dalam jam 5. Tu pon aku cabut before chairwoman close d meeting. Aku naik teshi.. adehh... sampai umah terus basuh baju... masak air.. minum air... mandi air.. & semua la aktiviti yang melibatkan air.. Second day aku ni... badan cergas, perut pon da tak sakit tapi aku rasa mcm tak stabil... cam nak jatuh pon ader time jalan.. patut aku jatuh time dekat lift tadi.. bule gak mamat tu tulung angkat aku... hahaha

Monday 1 June 2009

Aku boss

Hari ni patutnya kitaorang pegi N9.. bos pon da tanya2 awal2 pagi lagi...kitaorang tak pegi ker room to room punya audit. Aku kata lah tunggu 2nd boss punya arahan.. Tapi ibu lagi selamba, bos tanya dia "tak pegi ker?", boleh dia tanya en tu balik... "en tak pegi ker?"... kekekekek.

Pagi sebok update report.. petang plak buat report punch card. Punyalah dulu aku keje dekat 5 tahun tak guna punch card pon.. punch kalao nak kira ot jek time ada shutdown.. aku saja eksen2 bagitau boss 2nd aku yg dulu aku tak pernah punch card pownnn... mesti inchik tu berbulu.. hihihi... pastu aku selamba tanya dia.. kenapa dia lambat 3 kali bulan lepas... muhuhaha... suka suki jek aku nih, mcm aku plak bos.

Adik aku bulan ni jer da 5 kali lewat... 2 tak kira lagi yang org lain tolong punch. Aku pun tak faham budak ni. As long ketidakberdisiplinan dia tak menganggu keje aku... aku tak bother sangat. Lantak dia la nak malas ker, malis ke... yang penting tak ganggu hidup aku. Kalau ikut aku nak tulis jek dalam report aku, tapi aku tanak ler menyusahkan satu unit g punch card kat tempat pengarah. Skema skema juga, tapi jangan ler sampai menyusahkan orang kannn...

Aku dari dulu cukup tak minat budak2 lelaki yang tak der disiplin nih. Yang keje memanjang mc.. padahal malam tengok bola la... main game la... repair keta lah... dahlah tu... kalau time keje, konon bizi padahal tah haper di buatnya ntah masa keje selain bertenet, berborak & main henpon. Org lain pon ber'hibur'juga time keje, tapi keje tetap jalan. Aku memang tak admire lah lelaki2 yang jenis macam ni. Tak alive langsung!

Hari ni aku first day... sakitnye perut aku. Dulu kalau boss lama aku, kalau dia nampak muka aku cam mayats & ala2 tak hengen nak layan dia... mesti dia taw aku hujung bulan & suh aku duduk jek. Bos kat cni aku belum geng..hehe. Kalau dekat swasta boleh la kawan2 ngan bos, gomen ni ada "protokol'' yang telah di set dalam minda dorang, oleh diri sendiri.. tak der saper pon suruh sebenarnye. Mentality issue ni memang aku aware sangat dari dulu. What to do...

So far... aku suka kerja aku sekarang. Nak banding dulu, beban kerja aku sekarang lebih banyak. Responsibility lagi besar. Even kitaorang bukan doktor yang menyelamatkan nyawa orang, tapi kitaorang responsible tuk pastikan doktor2 & pekerja kesihatan ni mendapat fasiliti2 yang sepatutnya, yang berkualiti serta selamat untuk digunakan. Korang ingat doktor tu test ker equipment2 dorang tu... dorang pakai jek.. kitaorang yang test.. haaaa... kan da emo... kuikuikui!

Petang aku naik komuter balik umah... uishh... da lama giler aku tak naik komuter kalau time balik keje... asal sampai jer tangga depan Jaya Jusco tu, aku mesti turun bawah g teksi. Kalau straight, naik komuter.. tapi tangga tu memang berhantu lah beberapa minggu kebelakangan ni... aku mesti nak turun jek... ha ha ha.. Masa aku memang banyak... yang nipis poket aku la. Kalau komuter ni sharp, beza dalam setengah jam jek aku sampai umah. Naik teksi, dalam kol 5 aku dah sampai umah... naik komuter & lrt.. kira2 kol 5.30 la...

Aku pening kepala sekarang nih... macam berpusing jek aku rasa... ni gara2 darah yang nak kena buang g drain lah ni... kadang2 rasa macam nak demam... perut rasa kembung... jerawat jangan kata lah... badan panas.. perut sakit.. cubalah org2 lelaki ni merasa benda nih... tau lah macamana sengsaranya jadi pompuan ni. Sapa tak moody kalau tak selesa.. kannnnn.. time2 ni aku ble kuar taichi kalau ada yang cari pasal..